New Missionaries
27/01/2020 12:13Last night was our AGM (Annual General Meeting) and I want to thank the Lord for His goodness to our church this past year. Last year we took on our second missionary family, Calin family in Romania. Our first missionary family many years ago was the Kelly family in Ireland. Last night we voted to adopt the Olmsteads in Northern Scotland to our missionary family. So, praise God we are seeing our church missions ministry grow. Please pray for our church as we take a small step of faith in our missionary giving.
Good group for prayer
26/01/2020 12:54God gave us a good group for prayer before the service this morning. We enjoy having a preservice prayer time from 9:40-9:55. Three of our men made it this morning which was blessing. The message this morning was on Soul Fatness. It's interesting how many Bible texts speak about having a fat soul. It was a topical message where we went through several different passages of Scripture.
We're thankful for our church and appreciate your prayers for our family and ministry. Please keep praying.
Article in Paper
25/01/2020 10:11Please pray for an article that came out in our county paper, The Midlothian Advertiser, this past week. About twice a year I have an opportunity to contribute. I wrote this article as I studied the doctrine of anthropology in the Bible for a church doctrinal study. If man would only learn and believe what God says about mankind, the could by faith experience the abundant life in Jesus Christ.
Outreach in Livingston
22/01/2020 15:31Pastor Don Dillman and I put out flyers this morning over in his neck of the woods. The Dillmans only live about 15 minutes from us on the East side of Edinburgh (assuming traffic is really good.) We live on the South side of Edinburgh. Their church is a further 20 minutes away from our area. We had three short conversations today. Two of the three were very negative with older people who are staunch unbelievers. The one elderly lady said, "I don't believe anything it (the Bible) says." I told Don it is sad to be offering people something more valuable then a gold brick and to have them turn it down. Someday that conversation will be replayed if she never turns to the Saviour who died for her. I hope it haunts her in life and not in eternity.
Flyers with Timmy
21/01/2020 11:43A man in our church helped put out flyers today. It was fun to fellowship together and get the Gospel out in our area. We put out between 3 and 4 hundred flyers. God gave me two short conversations with people. It's always difficult this time of year to get extended conversations. I look forward to when it is warmer and people are out working in their flower gardens. Thanks for praying for our outreach.
A Faithful Group
19/01/2020 13:05I'm very thankful that God has given us a very faithful group of people. The ones who were absent have illness. Lord willing, we will see them back with us soon. We enjoyed our time together this morning. I enjoyed singing a trio with my oldest two children. My message this morning was, "God is FOR You" from Deuteronomy 5:22-33. The point of my message was, "Be for God, for God is for you." video link
We're excited about some upcoming events this week. Thursday night at 6:00 PM we have some missionaries to Scotland with us, Danny and Su Olmstead. It's a great opportunity for us to have a missions emphasis evening. Brother Danny is from Canada and his wife, Su, is from Australia. They are dear friends and and we look forward to their ministry with us this Thursday.
Next Sunday evening is our AGM (Annual General Meeting) and we are looking forward to that evening as well. Thank you for praying for these upcoming events.
Outreach Update
18/01/2020 12:32God gave us some fine opportunities to speak with people this morning. We have had a lot of rain and wind over the last month. Thankfully, this morning was sunny and windy. We were able to do some flats with inside stairwells for a good amount of time which was a blessing. A man in our church went with me for his first time. God gave us an excellent opportunity to speak with a very nice young lady. My wife and our son, Logan, also had two good opportunities.
One Wednesday Don Dillman and I also put out several hundred Gospel flyers. Please pray that God will give us fruit for our evangelistic labours. Thank you for praying for divine appointments. God's hand was obvious this morning.
Back from Ireland
15/01/2020 14:35God blessed and gave us a great time of prayer yesterday in Ireland. For those unaware with budget airlines in Europe, I was able to fly there and back for 34 pounds. I left yesterday morning around 8 AM and was back at 9 PM.
Brother Les Hill met me at the airport in Dublin and we enjoyed meeting in prayer with 8 other misisonary men at his church. We spent about an hour and a half in prayer before and then after lunch. As you know from updates below, the church in Lucan lost a precious little girl this past week. The funeral for Ashley is on Saturday. Please pray for the Bombita family and for Pastor Hill as he preaches the funeral.
God gave me a wonderful divine appointment on the flight back. A young Irish lady was seated next to me. God gave us a great conversation with an open Bible on my phone looking at many verses. We spoke about God's Word for the entire flight which was about an hour. Please pray for her to come to FAITH in Jesus.
The calm before the storm.
13/01/2020 12:45Storm Brendan is churning it's way towards Ireland and the United Kingdom. Thankfully, this morning the weather was pretty good and I was able to get out with Gospel flyers. The homes I did today have not received literature from us before. Please pray that God will bless His Word that was distributed and that people will have open hearts.
I recorded the message at The Trust (assisted living facility) yesterday afternoon. I was preaching a short Gospel message, Receiving Jesus, which I wanted to make available online. The message is from the story of Martha receiving Jesus into her house.
Please pray for God's blessing on our sermon audio and video. We have a church webpage, sermon audio page as well as a facebook page where these are uploaded.
Prayer Request update:
12/01/2020 21:25I had sent out a special prayer request last night for a family from Pastor Les Hill's church in Ireland who had a car accident. Les, just sent out this update. I know they would appreciate your continued prayers. "Dear all, In deep sadness I need to inform you that Ashley has gone home to be with her Lord. Her gain is our loss, and particularly her mother, Rowena's, who is understandably, completely devastated. Please pray for the rest of the family. God is still good, and He is still upon the throne. His ways are higher than our ways, and we'll understand it all someday."