Grandpa Roth
23/06/2020 19:5114th Sunday in Lockdown
21/06/2020 10:10Happy Father's Day!!!!! to all of you fathers. Praise God for the family structure which He has given.
Thank you for praying for my grandpa. He is not doing well with the cancer. However, God gave he and my grandma a great day yesterday as they celebrated 70 years of marriage. Many of your were praying for that day and your prayers are much appreciated.
We are entering the serious countdown stage before our departure. The Andersons arrive here (Lord willing) two weeks from today. Please pray for God's great blessing upon their travels and our own.
We're thankful that God has pretty well set our calendar. We currently have 23 meetings scheduled for our 3 month furlough.
It does not look like the church is going to be in the building before we depart. However, we know God will give wisdom for this transition regardless. (Prayer appreciated.)
Katie has put up a fun link to a great story of a godly young lady for her SS lesson this morning. We visited Wales and a museum that shared the story of this little girl. The video is very good and your kids would be blessed to see it. Here is a Vimeo link.
God helped me get another episode of The Journey recorded. There are now 6 episodes in the discipleship series of the journey. Please pray that God will promote the Youtube page among unbelievers.
I preached a message on "Approaching God" from Leviticus 16, the Day of Atonement. Leviticus 16 is a good study on how God takes away our sin through the work of the Lord Jesus.
Thank you for praying for our church and our family.
Getting ready for furlough
16/06/2020 21:18The Lord is helping us tick things off our "to do" list for furlough. Katie has just ordered our prayer cards. We'll make sure we get these off to all of our supporters.
I enjoyed an extra ministry opportunity as I got to preach for a church in Peterbourgh, England. They are doing some special services at their midweek with guest preachers. It was recorded today for the service tomorrow. We also enjoyed a zoom meeting with about 20 other ministries in Africa, the United Kingdom and Ireland. All of these ministries have Brother Steve Anderson as their field director with BWM.
The Andersons are excited about being our furlough replacements. This will be their 21st furlough replacement! Please pray for them as they arrive here on 5 July.
Here is the picture which we took for our prayer card.
By the way, tomorrow marks 20 years of marriage for Katie and I. I want to thank the Lord for his goodness to us. We've seen Him meet our needs over and over again. We're getting to see His hand right now as we adjust to His plan for our furlough. Thanks for praying.
The calendar is coming together
14/06/2020 09:26Thank you for praying for our family as we ajdust our schedule from a 6 month to a 3 month. God has helped us make some very difficult but needed to decisions which have included cancelations. The changes have helped us build good family time into our calendar while still getting by as many supporting churches as possible. We're also able to get by Christian colleges while we pray about God's will for our children. We still have meetings to get settled, but the schedule is coming along nicely.
Please continue to pray for our church to be back meeting at the community centre. This is our 13th Sunday since the government put restrictions in place. It would be ideal to have the church meeting again before our departure.
We continue with our online ministries. Here are some links if you'd like to see them.
Katie's SS class from the Creation Story (Facebook link)
Sunday AM message - True Confession from Exodus 9.
Season 2 of the Journey - The Journey WITH Jesus (Discipleship) (Youtube channel link.)
episode 1 - Finding a Church (sermonaudio link)
episode 2 - Believer's Baptism (sermonaudio link)
episode 3 - Jesus is God (uploading this morning to Sermon Audio, facebook and our youtube channel)
Thank you for your prayers. God's hand has been evident and we thank you for your participation in the work God is doing here in Scotland.
Furlough Plans
07/06/2020 10:06Well, we continue to not be allowed to meet as a church. Lord willing, we will soon here that we can assemble. This is our 12 Sunday since the lockdown began. Although I'm thankful for how God has led in online evangelism, we greatly desire to be congregating again.
We have a definite departure date now for furlough. The Andersons are scheduled to arrive the beginning of next month. We are scheduled to depart a few day after their arrival. Your prayers are appreciated as we have some decisions to make regarding our furlough schedule.
Katie's SS lesson in online on facebook.
My Sunday morning message is, "Be a Good Fig" from Jeremiah 24. God has an object lesson for Jeremiah from the 2 baskets of figs left as an offering at the gate of the temple.
I also recorded another Journey episode, "Born Twice." (Youtube link)
Please pray as we switch focus with the journey from "journey to Jesus" to "journey with Jesus." My desire is to do some discipleship videos for any who have followed along and have trusted in Jesus.
Thank you for your prayers.
The Journey Channel
06/06/2020 11:42Katie worked hard this past week uploading and editing The Journey onto a new channel on Youtube. Our desire is to make these videos available to churches or individuals as an evangelistic tool. The channel does not have our details, but is simply a place where people can be directed to hear the Gospel.
We've put at the end of each video a statement which says, "Questions: Please contact your journey helper or" The idea is that a church or individual can put out literature with their contact details as the "journey helper."
If you or your church desire to use it, you don't need to contact us for permission. However, if you have questions about how to use it, please let me know. Some ideas....
1) It can be linked to church or individual webpages.
2) It can be posted to facebook. It can be boosted as an add on facebook with your church.
3) Videos can be downloaded and posted without credits.
Please pray for God's blessing on this project. If one church or individual benefits by having another evangelistic tool, it's all worth the effort. If enough people access these videos it could become a good evangelistic tool just on Youtube for people searching for truth.
I would appreciate your continued prayers as we develop these videos and tools.
the journey
01/06/2020 15:20Today has been a project day. I had thought about trying to get into Edinburgh to pass out flyers. Our lockdown has just eased a little bit, but I'm uncertain what response from people and police I will receive. Rather than hand out flyers today, I wrote a flyer and Katie designed a logo for the flyer.
The flyer is an invitation to view, "the journey" by QR code or by looking up our church on facebook or Sermonaudio. We've ordered 5,000 flyers and look forward to getting them out in our area. We continue to see our following increase on facebook. Right now we have 279 followers. We are also seeing good activity on our boosted posts that show up in people's facebook feed.
Please pray for God's continued blessing and guidance on this evangelistic push. We're very thankful for His grace and guidance in this effort.
Scotland has summer this year
31/05/2020 10:15There are some summers in Scotland where you wonder if you had a summer or not. This is definitely not one of those. We've crossed the 70 degree fahrenheit marker a couple times this week. It's been beautiful.
We're also just starting to see a bit of relief from the lockdown regulations as we entered phase one this past week of our relaxation of the rules. That being the case, we've enjoyed walking a couple times a few miles away from our home. Yesterday God gave us a divine appointment with a young man named Ross. Please pray for his salvation.
God continues to help us with the ministries online.
Here are some links for you.
Katie's Sunday School Lesson. (facebook link)
Episode 13 in the Journey - Open the Door (facebook link - but, it will also be on sermon audio.)
Lesson 2 in Hebrews. (Hebrews 1)
We appreciate your prayers for Scotland, our family and ministry.
encouraged :)
27/05/2020 10:10There have been some blessings in the Covid-19 pandemic. One is that we have had a couple of fellowship meetings over zoom. Yesterday Pastor Don Clough hosted a fellowship meeting and it was a refreshing blessing. We now know some ministry families in England which we would likely never have met.
Thank you for your prayers for the young lady in our community that had Covid-19. I saw her on Monday and she is now completely recovered. We have a medical prayer request for one of the missionaries our church in Scotland supports. Stefan and Sandra Calin (and kids) serve the Lord in Romania. Sandra had kidney failure in January and is on dialysis. Yesterday she suffered an aneurism and is in hospital. Please pray for the Calin (procounced - Kah - leen) family.
God continues to bless our online ministry. We now have 265 followers on our Facebook page. Many of these are in Scotland. Please pray for the power of God to bring lasting fruit from this sowing. I recorded the 12th segment of The Journey this morning. I entitled it, "The Lost Found" and shared the story of the prodigal son.
If anyone wants to use these videos please use them without giving any acknowledgment to our ministry. Please use them as if they are from your church. (Some may have reference to the UK, but many do not.) If you need my help in getting a video without branding just let me know. If there is interest I will upload them to a platform where you can download them.
10th Sunday in lockdown
24/05/2020 15:33The Lord gave us a good week. We were able to get a project done this week and replace the flooring in our school room. The rest of the week was normal lockdown experience with good prayer meetings, study time and recording of messages.
We continue to pray about furlough, but don't see any leading in that regard yet. Another prayer update is for my grandpa who has gone onto hospice care. He is a believer and has been faithful to the Lord. My grandparents are celebrating 70 years of marriage this summer. I appreciate your prayers for them.
My message today from the book of Titus was, "Attractive Christianity." The NT ties good doctrine and good practice together as essential to Biblical Christianity. It's funny in light of that how many people say, "The preaching is good. But,..." God help us to keep good doctrine and good practice.
Katie's lesson today was a review lesson and game time. The game played in her lesson is a great teaching tool. The kid's love it.
The Lord helped me to get three more segment for the Journey done this week. I will put facebook links below. They are also on our church sermon audio page. I very much appreciate your prayers for this endeavour.
Scotland may begin to relax the lockdown this coming Thursday in phase one. It seems phase two may allow us to begin meeting as churches. We have an hourly rented facility and must also have permission to get into the buidling. Thank you for your prayers.