
Loanhead Finished

16/12/2020 11:28

Yesterday, Tommy and I tried to finish up the last remaining section of Loanhead. Unfortunatey Tommy's blood sugar went goofy and we had to get that sorted. He was fine after we got him something to eat. This morning I was back out doing flyers and able to get "the journey" flyer through every home in Loanhead. I think it probably just over 3,000 mail slots. Please pray for people who will respond and seek after the Lord. "If ye seek me, ye shall find me, if ye search with all your heart." 

I'll probably take about a two week break from putting out flyers now. I'll be focusing on our holiday ministries and also taking some down time with my family. Thank you for your prayers for the effectiveness of our evangelism.

prayer updates....

12/12/2020 13:46

Thank you for praying for Terri Gleason. The surgery was successful and they removed 90 percent of the tumour. Terri is recovering well and may be allowed home today. This will be her first time home since being taken into Accident and Emergency before Thanksgiving. The children are either back in Scotland already or returning soon. 

Pastor and Mrs. Dillman have also returned to Scotland following his father's funeral. Don said that it went well and that God helped him to give the eulogy. They are currently enduring their travel quarantine.

The Lord gave us a good midweek service. We're studying the book of Hebrews. We finished chapter 6 as we looked at Securities of our Salvation.

It's amazing that Christmas is just around the corner. Next Sunday evening our church kids are going to do a small presentation. Christmas Eve we have a Carol Sing. We appreciate your prayers as we get ready for these special events.


08/12/2020 11:10

I have been able to get out both mornings so far this week. Yesterday morning I was collecting a Christmas present for one of our kids on the other side of Edinburgh. So, I decided to put out a couple hundred flyers in that area. It ended up being an area that I had gone through before.

Today, Tommy (a man in our church) and I, put out flyers for a couple of hours in Loanhead. Almost all of Loanhead has now received the Journey flyer. I have two more areas yet to do and then it is finished.

I enjoyed seeing an older friend of mine this morning. Please pray for God to work in his life and for his wife's health. She had a heart attack a few months ago. I gave him the literature about the journey and he's going to try to find it online. However, he says that he's not very good with technology. I hope that he can find it or that his son can help him.

Thanks for praying for our outreach.  Onward, forward....

Prayer updates - Terri Gleason has surgery scheduled tomorrow for her brain tumour. She and Jon are very grateful for your prayers. Jon told the doctor that thousands of people around the globe will be praying for him.

Snow, flooding, sunshine....

06/12/2020 21:39

Scotland really is a place that sees four seasons in one day. We enjoyed a bit of winter this week that lasted for about 10 hours. There was a few inches of accumulation on Friday morning with heavy rain forecast. So, I took the boys sledging (sledding) on the golf course by our home and then they went to school. It was mostly gone that evening.

Today was a refeshingly sunny day. Most of our days have been dark and overcast and it was a blessing to have the sunshine.

God gave us a some blessings today. A baby in our church underwent a successful surgery to help her feeding. Please pray for her to gain weight and to thrive post op. The parents are thrilled that the doctors identified the problem yesterday and that it was addressed quickly. It's been an ongoing problem for a few weeks.

Our children were very faithful in their attendance tidat. The young girl who got saved a few weeks ago is very clear that she has truly gotten saved and wants to be baptized. Katie and I are collecting (picking up) kids from 3 villages to attend church.

We were blessed to observe the Lord's Supper this evening. Like many of you we have gone to the covid communion cups i their own little packets. Praise God we can observe the Lord's table.

We tried tonight to livestream the service and it was nearly successful. Unfortunately it didn't back up the video (my error no doubt) to my sd card. So, I have no video or audio of our service other than what is on our Facebook page. I preached on, "There is Hope" from Luke 4. Please pray for our church as we work through these technical issues.

God's good. Thanks for your prayers.


Prayer Updates

01/12/2020 11:15

Thank you for praying for our friends who are going through different trials. Here is an update....

1) The Dillmans are currently flying to the USA and Don's father's funeral is tomorrow. Please pray for Don as he gives the eulogy at the funeral.

2) Jon Gleason has let everyone know that Terri's health is deteriorating very quickly. Two weeks ago they were going on brisk two mile walks. Yesterday she fell four times. The kids are coming back. Please pray that they are allowed to see their mom despite the covid restrictions. 

I was able to get out this morning and yesterday morning to put out flyers. The Lord encouraged me today as I had a very good divine appointment. Please pray that this mother will visit our church. I'd love to see she and her older son attend our ministry.

I was also encouraged as a young man said, "Hey, I've talked to you before." He remembered several years ago speaking with me on one of our area walking paths. Since we talked and he remembered me, I'm sure we talked about the Lord. Please pray that God will work in his heart. It seems that he has his own family now and I'd love to see a young family reached with the Gospel.

God's good. He's working in our area. Please pray for fruit that will remain.


Our Sunday and two prayer requests

30/11/2020 09:36

We had a good Sunday yesterday. Our attendance on Zoom was pretty good in in the morning. Sunday night was interesting as our oldest person in the congregation was in their early 20's. :) It felt a bit like a youth ministry night, but I preached a message on GIVING BY GRACE from 2 Corinthians 8:1-9. I told them that I'd rather preach to young people than old people (no offence) as young people have their whole life in front of them. Please pray that our young people would learn to grace give as it will be one of the greatest sources of blessing (spiritually and financially) to their lives.

I have two really big prayer requests for good friends who are ministering in Scotland.

1) Don and Chris Dillman are heading to the States to attend Don's father's funeral. Please pray for Don as he preaches the funeral on 2 December.

2) Jon and Terri Gleason - who have served the Lord here as Tent Makers for 26 years, have a major medical prayer request. Terri went into the emergency room on Tuesday night. On Thursday they diagnosed a brain tumor. The Gleasons still have one of their 6 children at home. Please pray for God's intervention, provision and amazing grace for them. The Gleasons had just resigned their church ministry to head back to the States to care for Terri's parents. Please pray for wisdom for all the decisions before them.

Happy Thanksgiving.... tomorrow :)

25/11/2020 11:43

God has helped us to accomplish much this week in anticipation of a little down time to celebrate Thanksgiving. I put out flyers Monday morning and this morning. The weather has been much more agreeable this week in the AM when I'm out with flyers. Yesterday Katie was able to help a family affected by the fire. They were able to get back into their flat and collect some of their things. Please pray for these families as they lost many things as well as their homes.

For our midweek service tomorrow night, I'm going to switch from our study of Hebrews to a message on praising God. Sadly, our normal Thanksgiving Praise service can't happen over zoom. But, I'm looking forward to God's blessing on our time together. 

We wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Praise God for His great goodness to all of us!

A great Lord's day

22/11/2020 21:43

We enjoyed a great Lord's day and saw good attendance on Zoom and at church this evening. It was a blessing to have a couple ladies out this evening whom we had not seen in a while. We also had a first time child come with her older sister who used to attend frequently. Both are planning to return next Sunday. 

Covid restrictions did impact our attendance tonight. However, we praise the Lord that we are not in a full lockdown.

I preached this evening a message entitled, Total Triumph, (Audio link as Video is still processing online) from the story of a battle between Israel and Judah as recorded in 2 Chronicles 13. It's a great picture of believers standing with God against an ungodly world who is God forsaken. It was a simple two point message. 1. Get off the side of unbelief. 2. Get on the side of faith.

The Lord gave us a good meetings today. Thank you for praying.

weather, weather and more weather

18/11/2020 11:58

It's Scotland, so windy and wet is generally to be expected. Of our 4 Sunday in person services since our return, 3 have been rain events as we load and unload. It has definitely been wet and windy this week. I was able to put flyers out on Monday in my home area. Yesterday morning I was rained out. I was able to get out this morning for just over an hour before getting rained out. (I love weather and so Scotland weather does not disappoint me.)

God did give me a wonderful divine appointment this morning. I was able to speak with an older woman and share the Gospel with her. The encouragement came when I remembered a conversation I had this past year at the same house with her adult son. Please pray for God's blessing on His Word at that address. He is obviously at work there.

Thanks for praying for God's working in our area.

Sunday School and Church

16/11/2020 10:55

God gave us an exciting night as we had two visitors last night. Please pray for the man who attended who is a good friend of our church treasurer. He recently found out that he has terminal cancer. A couple weeks ago he prayed to ask Jesus into his heart. Please pray for his health physically and growth spiritually. Please pray for grace for his wife and their family as well.

Our church children did much better last night in being under control. This is an answer to prayer as we want them to be able to have fun and learn the Bible. Please pray for them as several need to be saved.

I enjoyed preaching a message last night on "God's House" from 2 Chronicles 7:1-11. That text is what happened after Solomon dedicated the temple. It is what we desire God to do  in our church. ie - His manifest presence, His glory to be seen, our hearts to be stirred, our service to be given, a place well congregated and a place of refreshment. 

Thank you for praying for God's work in our church and ministry area.

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