Another Open Door
05/03/2021 09:28We're thankful that God is opening ministry opportunities during lockdown. Our church supports three missionaries. One of which is the Layton Kelly family in Ireland. Layton runs his church RU (Reformers Unanimous) program. God has also allowed him to establish New Hope Residential Centre. New Hope is a men's home. They can house about 20 men. Over the years I've enjoyed getting to know several residents of the home at a men's retreat in Ireland.
Lately God put on my heart to offer to speak to the men if Layton had an opportunity. I expected a one off opportunity or maybe occasional. However, Layton offered a weekly opportunity and I'm confident that God would have me to do that. I'm going to be speaking to the men at 11 AM on Mondays. (I also have an extra opportunity in a few minutes to preach to them today.) Your prayers for God's blessing are apprecaited.
God gave us a good midweek service last night. I have really enjoyed our study of Hebrews. I think last night was lesson 25. The focus was on "Why Jesus Came."
Yesterday morning live session of The Journey was on Foundational God. We need a strong ROCK upon which to build our lives. Jesus is our ROCK. Thanks for praying.
The Journey Continues
03/03/2021 21:17Thank you for your continued prayers for our online evangelism. Some of my evangelism time is taken up in these extra ministry opportunities which I trust are effective in getting out the Gospel. Yesterday morning my Live Stream was,"Luminescent God," (sermon audio link) speaking about God's intrinsic light. "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all."
I'm doing two of these a week. The second one this week is tomorrow morning at 09:30 GMT. Please pray for wisdom as we consider advertising The Journey more broadly in the UK on Facebook. We want to prepare the right material for that advert and chose the right target location, plan, etc. Your prayers are appreciated.
Katie is also persuing a project with the help of our church ladies. She is assembling small gift bags to hand to women to be encouragement to them. They will also include an invitation to a woman's meeting on Zoom. Please pray for God's guidance and for His blessing upon this outreach.
Into Edinburgh
01/03/2021 13:47It was a lovely morning to get out and about in Edinburgh. God gave me several great divine appointments and one that was unique.
The Unique one first (although it wasn't first) was as I handed a woman a flyer who was sitting facing almost away from me as I walked up beside her park bench. I said, "May I hand you a wee flyer....of course I can!" It was Karen who attends our church. I had the privilige of knocking on her door three years ago. Leading her to the Lord at our church soon after that and also baptizing her. :) She was speaking to a co-worker and I hope she had a good conversation after I saw them.
The first good opportunity was with a man, William, who has hurt his life with drugs. We spoke for about 10 minutes while he waited for the bus. He was very interested in The Journey and I believe he will look at some of the videos.
The second opportunity was a young man, Josh, who works at the Train Station in Edinburgh. It was his day off and he was enjoying the sunshine. He was also open and said he would check out the videos.
Another opportunity was with a Catholic man, Stephen, who is definitely trusting in His goodness for salvation and believes all religions are good.
I witnessed to a Muslim man, Akim, who struggled with English. He said he loved Jesus more than his mother, but does not believe Jesus is God.
One very interesting opportunity was with a man, Ian, who lost his mum one year ago today. 4 years ago 3 of his brothers were killed in a car accident. I told him that God is showing him his love by having me speak with him on the anniversary of his mum's passing. (There is no doubt that God did that.)
I spoke with 3 young people. The boy was in the middle. He cursed God and tore up the track. The girls said they would look at the videos.
I spoke with 3 construction workers. One man mocked and I said, "Sometimes God has to brake us in life, but He will do it if necessary to save us from eternity in Hell."
That's a summary of God grace guiding this morning and giving many divine appointments. Please pray for the power of God to work in these lives. You never know what fruit will grow. Someone who just took a flyer from my hand may be the one in whom God does the greatest work.
Live Stream Learning Curve
28/02/2021 21:48We have wanted to live stream our service. You may remember that we tried and failed a few months ago at our church location. (wifi issues) The Lord put on my heart to live stream during our Zoom service. Tonight we were livestreaming on Facebook. We hope to multicast soon to a new church Youtube page, Sermon Audio and Facebook. Your prayers for wisdom are appreciated as that attempt was unsuccesful this evening.
God gave us a good Lord's day. It seems that we are not going to be allowed to meet together until April. However, there is a court case in early March that could rule in the favour of churches. Please pray that this will be the result of that case.
I preached tonight from 2 Thessalonians 1 on Devoloping Our Faith. (Sermon Audio link) God wants us to go from infant faith to steadfast faith. Thank you for praying for our ministry.
Pray for John
25/02/2021 11:09God encouraged me yesterday with a comment from an atheist. He watched all of Invisible God (Youtube) and then took the time to comment. You may think it would discourage me. But, I'm reminded of a man in God's Word of whom the Bible can say, "He now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed." (Apostle Paul) Please pray for John's salvation. I'll share his comment below.
If you'd like to help us to reach a larger audience. Please visit The Journey page on Youtube and/or share the link. (You can copy and paste the URL into facebook posts and email messages etc. to promote it. The more hits we get on Youtube the better our results in the search engine. In other words, it will be more easily found and appear more readily.
Please pray with us that God will help us reach as large an audience as possible for His glory. The segment this morning was entitled, Loving God. (Youtube)
Thank you for your prayers as we take some steps of faith to get out the Gospel. Below are John's Comment. If you look on the Youtube channel, you will see my response to his comment.
"Is it possible to perceive God when he can not be seen? .........No.
Most people that do not believe in God do not believe in aliens as you claim.
We can feel and mesaure wind. We can make wind. Aircraft fly because of wind. The analogy 'we can't see wind therfore God" does not work.
Ditto for gravity.
Anecdotal evidence (God workde in my life) is not evidence.
God did not cure your son, the Doctors did. (How about giivng them the credit instead of your God?)
So God let all your dads family die in a crash but your God fixed your dads back? (nice one God)
My friend, this is nonsense, but I do respect your right to believe in your God.
You have a nice way of speaking and I enjoyed your video.
John (A very happy atheist) :)"
More of The Journey
24/02/2021 10:56God put on my heart to get back to doing short videos during lockdown. That project began yesterday. This time I'm livestreaming on facebook. This is definitely a faith step and your prayers are much appreciated.
Season One of The Journey was "The Journey To Jesus." (For those needing salvation, it was 15 Gospel segments.) Season 2 was the Journey With Jesus. (For those who got saved, it was 10 discipleship lessons.) Season 3 which will hopefully encourage believers and help unbelievers to faith is "The Journey About God." (For those needing a solid rock in a time of great change.)
We are using The Journey, on our church webpage. If you'd like to see how we are doing that, please click this link. We welcome you to do the same.
To make that possible the Journey is on Youtube. Any church or individual can use the videos from there as a Gospel resource. (If you are interested, please do so without any acknowledgment.) Here is the link to The Journey, Youtube Channel.
Season 3 of The Journey, "The Journey About God." Episode 1, Invisible God was recorded live on Facebook yesterday. Lord willing, I will live stream these segments every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 AM our time.
Thank you for your prayers. God is opening some doors of Gospel ministry.
Sunny day outreach....
22/02/2021 15:44I had not planned on doing evangelism today. However, when my phone weather alert went off for tomorrow and Wednesday, I decided I had better get out this afternoon. (Tomorrow through Wednesday will be a storm with 50-60 plus MPH winds.) So, this was the day the Lord had made for outreach and I finished another static caravan park. (Mobile home park.)
God gave me three good divine appointments and some other brief chats. The first was with a lady who after saying that she did not go to church said, "But, I went yesterday (online)." A friend had invited her. Please pray as I was able to go through the Gospel with her and did invite her to email me for zoom links to our services.
The second good conversation was with a man sitting in his doorway. He used to attend Church of Scotland. But he does not know for sure that he'll go to Heaven and didn't want to talk about it. I shared the Gospel briefly with him and told him about Mac's decision to get saved this past week.
The third was with a woman who is from England. She thinks Jesus died in vain. I said, "But, I am going to heaven and do you think it wasn't worth it for Jesus to save me?" I told her that it is vain for him to have died for people who will go to Hell. She doesn't like life because of how wicked it is. I told her that someone who enters into eternity without Jesus will spend eternity with Satan. I hope she'll think on our conversation and that she'll be born again.
I probably put out 200 flyers or so. Please pray for God to water the seed that was sown in our community.
Lockdown Ministry
21/02/2021 21:23It's amazing that Zoom church can become normal. We're thankful for the grace God has given to continue ministry online, but we long to be out of lockdown. We are part of the United Kingdom, but they allow each of the 4 nations to set their own lockdown rules. In England churches have been able to meet during this lockdown. In Scotland they have not been allowed to meet. Even in England, one church meeting in a car park was fined 10,000 pounds because they were not gathering at a place of worship.
God gave us a good day. All the services were well attended by those who are able to join online. I preached a message tonight from one question found in Nehemiah 6, "Should such a man as I _________________?" It's a great question to ask ourselves when Satan suggests a course of action to us.
Tomorrow and Tuesday evening a sister ministry in England is hosting a service for minister's families. Please pray for God to do a great work in our hearts and in our fellowship time. Our family is going to minister in music tomorrow night. If you'd like to hear what we are going to sing, it's at the beginning of our service from tonight. (Here Is Love)
One other thing - after our study in Hebrews on Thursday night, Mac (6) went up to his bed and prayed to be saved. I had shared my testimony at the end of the service and shared what to pray to get saved. I spoke with him afterwards and prayed with him again. We have been praying for his salvation and thank the Lord that all of our children have professed faith in Christ.
divine appointments
17/02/2021 11:19I can't wait until I can get into Edinburgh on a nice sunny day and have great evangelistic opportunities. However, for a pretty cold day, God gave me several divine appointments.
One man I met works at the static caravan site. (Mobile homes) I've witnessed to some of the other employees over the years ad he said, "Oh, ______ told me about you." He didn't say it in a bad way - so I took it in a good way. I first witnessed to the other man 9 years ago or so. This man is an atheist, but said, "Don't get me wrong. I still pray at times." It turns out his sister in law, Paula (32) has just been put into an induced coma. She gave birth two days ago and got a bad infection. Will you please pray for her healing? I hope to hear an update from him. I asked to pray for her and we took off our hats and asked God's healing for her.
The second man was an older gentleman who attends the Church of Scotland but doesn't know if he is going to Heaven. I went through a summary of the Gospel with Him. Hopefully his sister (used to be a teacher) can use the QR code and they can watch some of The Journey.
The third opportunity was with Jimmy. I've witnessed to him several times over the years. He reminds me of my grandpa Shore. Jimmy does not have any family and is probably in his mid 80's. I gave him a John and Romans. Please pray for his salvation.
I spoke also very briefly with a man who said he was agnostic.
God's good to give these opportunities and I praise Him for opening these doors in answer to prayer. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.
Roslin Completed
16/02/2021 13:36The Lord helped me finish up the village of Roslin as I got out doing flyers today and yesterday. Both days were excellent weather. It's a blessing to put out flyers when the weather is more agreeable. I didn't have any divine appointments, but I'm thankful that the Gospel has gone into a lot of homes. Please pray for people to take advantage of the opportunity God has extended to them of finding His Son.
God blessed our men's prayer time today. It's a blessing to seek the Lord together. The men want to continue these prayer times until the government eases the lockdown. There is nothing definite on the table yet although the covid numbers are quickly falling. Thanks for praying for God's blessing on these prayer times.