2 Baptised
23/05/2021 20:31God blessed us with good enough weather for our outdoor baptism this evening. We knew rain was coming but God held it off. Stacy and Lewis testified through baptism of their receiving of Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We are excited about what God is doing in this family. Please pray for grace and wisdom as they grow in the Lord.
It was a special night. Amanda Baker, a missionary friend of ours from Peterborough, is here for a few days. Our family enjoyed ministering in music with her this evening. She also sang a solo in our service.
I preached a message on Acts 9, Before and After. We looked at Paul's actions and testimony before and after his conversion. In the baptismal service I preached on how Saul of Tarsus was converted. Thank you for praying for our church. God's hand has been evident.
No word yet....
22/05/2021 18:06We are still waiting to hear back about the offer. Meanwhile, our family enjoyed a wonderful holiday up in the Highlands near the Isle of Skye. We got out on the island while we were up there.
Here is some photographic evidence of the great time God gave us away.
No decision yet on property.
20/05/2021 16:56We submitted a cash offer on the property today at noon. As of 5PM here, we have not received any word from the seller. They did let our solicitor know that they will seek to have a decision within five working days. I said to my family, "It's like asking a girl to marry you and her having 5 business days to get back to you." You want an answer now, but you have to wait.
God's hand has been very clear in getting us to this point. We anticipate His continued leading. Since God's in control, we can wait with patience. I will update this blog as soon as we hear back from them. Thank you for continuing to pray as the seller (bank) makes their decision.
14/05/2021 21:41If this is confusing, please read previous posts.
We want to praise the Lord that He has provided a significant enough gift to our building fund that we will be able to make an offer this Thursday. While this is thrilling and we stand in awe of God’s provision, we need that money to be in our account by this coming Wednesday. (By Thursday we need to show proof of funding as we make an offer.)
prayer request:
1) Pray that the funds can be transferred in time.
2) Pray that we make the right offer. (It’s bidding between us and other interested parties.)
3) Pray that the bank favours us regardless of whether we are the highest bidder or not.
Thanks for your prayers.
Important prayer request (update)
14/05/2021 19:08I thought I'd share an email I just sent to the church. It will provide the update on the witnessing opportunity prayer request.
Dear Church family,
important prayer request
14/05/2021 15:02Well.... there are unexpected things in life and this is one of them.
We were just notified by the seller of the bank property that they have set a closing date of THIS Thursday on this property. I've asked if there is any possibility they can move it one week to give us a bit more time.
A closing date means that we have to have an offer put in and show that we have the funds to cover the offer. (Meanwhile our famiy is heading on holiday (vacation) up in the Highlands and won't be back by this Thursday.)
God is not surprised. I'm praying about what to do. Please pray with us. If they can't move the date, I'll be sending out an email update to our prayer supporters letting them know of our plans.
God's good. Every day. All the time. We'll see what He wants to do about this property. Thanks for praying.
PS. I have an evangelistic Bible study at 3:30 our time and would appreciate your prayers for that as well.
New Flyer Going Out
11/05/2021 11:39This morning Tommy and I starting putting the new Gospel flyer out in Loanhead. It was a beautiful morning to get out. We enjoyed good fellowship and some short opporunities to share the Gospel. We also caught up with several people whom I know in the community.
Interestingly, I found out that the miner's community centre (our church location for 10 years) will likely never be available to us again. The committee is considering making it into office space. That is just further confirmation of God's leading with regard to purchasing the bank property. Please continue to pray for God's provision, blessing and guidance.
Last Saturday God gave a great opportunity to speak with a man who grew up in a muslim home. He said he would email me a few questions. Please pray that he will follow through. I'd love to see Him get saved. Thanks for your prayers for divine appointments.
Great Lord's day....
10/05/2021 14:09Our attendance was better yesterday and the Lord gave us good services. Lewis is very excited about his salvation. We are making plans to baptise him in two weeks time. Please pray for God's blessing that night as we fulfil that ordinance.
Our family is looking forward to getting away on holiday in the near future. We're going to spend a week up in the Highlands. Thankfully restrictions have lifted just in time to allow us this privilige. Who knows how many more times we will get away with all the kids at home? God knows.
I preached last night on Jethro's advice to Moses - Avoiding Ministry Burn Out. I appreciate our church family and their desire to get more involved in our church. Please pray that God will help myself and Katie to do well delegating responsabilities.
God has given tangible evidence that His hand is directing us in the pursuit of the bank property. Our church will be taking a love offering for the building on 30 May. Please pray for God's provision and for wisdom to see this all happen in God's perfect timing.
Moving forward in pursuit of bank property
08/05/2021 09:42Please pray for God's provision for the bank building. We have taken a step of faith to move forward as we seek to acquire this property. The following letter was sent out by our sending church pastor, Pastor Dan Stertz.
Special Letter!
May 7, 2021
Dear Shore Family Supporters,
As the pastor of their sending church, I am writing on behalf of the Shore Family and their ministry in Scotland. You should have just received their most recent prayer letter indicating the possibility of obtaining a building for their ministry. It was also exciting to see that they have chartered officially as a church! The reason I am writing is about the building.
The building for sale is a former bank building. The location is central and the layout would readily serve their needs. Right now, as you probably know, they cannot meet on Sunday mornings because the rented facility is not available, so they are meeting at night. Additionally, it is located out of town.
The cost of the building will depend on an accepted offer. The expected need to purchase is about $350,000 in US dollars. That is not a lot in terms buying a commercial building in most places in the US, or even for a house for that matter in many places!
The church in Loanhead has some funds saved; however, it is not in the position to get a loan (it’s a new church). For the Shores to get a personal loan to buy the building would make it a “business class” building which results in very high monthly taxes in Scotland.
What’s the bottom line? First, PRAY, of course! Brother Shore has been seeking the Lord’s will on this and is willing to personally sacrifice from his own funds to see this happen, if God should allow this to happen. Second, GIVE! I am committing our own ministry here to do something—at least take an offering. Our church is not large, but it is the giving of many small gifts that God often uses to supply abundantly!
As I close, I cite from the passage in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 where Paul reminded this church of a commitment to give to a need some time before his writing this letter. He was reminding them in case they came for the gift and found out the church had forgotten or not followed through. In his reminder he gave a great blessing of what happens when we give to needs.
2Cor 9:12 For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God;
Notice that the need is met, but God is also glorified because believers receiving the gift will be praising God with “many thanksgivings” for having met their need.
If you should decide to give to this need, please send it to their
"building fund" at Baptist World Mission as noted below. We believe the Lord is in this and trust He will supply the need. However, should the gifts given be insufficient for this property, this money would only always go towards obtaining a property for Free Baptist Church.Thank you.
Serving the Savior,
Daniel W. Stertz
Pastor Cell: (608) 346-0838
Bible Baptist Church
546 4th Street N, Hudson, WI 54016
Label Gifts: “Ben Shore, Building Fund”
The angels are singing again....
06/05/2021 16:07Thank you for praying for the Bible study. Lewis has trusted Christ as His Saviour and has planned to be baptised soon. Please pray him as he starts his new walk with God.
If you want to see a glorious comment from Lewis on our facebook page - please check out the feed from our Hebrews Bible study this evening. It was a livefeed with a title of "faith."