
The fog has lifted...finallly!

08/09/2024 13:37

After 3.5 days of fog, it has lifted. That is not to say that the sun is shining, this is Scotland after all. :) The weather this week was somewhat prohibitive of outward activities. However, Wednesday was beautiful and Pastor Dillman and I were able to do some evangelism in his area. God gave me a good witnessing opportunity with a young man named, Liam. Please pray for Him to seek after the truth. He seemed open.

Tuesday was a day of prayer in Blair Atholl. It was great to spend the day with some fellow ministers praying together in the morning and into the afternoon.

Yesterday, we enjoyed knocking on doors. It was good to get out and God gave several good opportunities to speak with people.

Wednesday night was a blessing as we studied the second part of the story of moving the ark into Jerusalem. David learned the lesson about God's holiness and adjusted accordingly. It was a profitable time in God's Word.

Our attendance was down today as many people let us know they would be unable to make it. However, God still gave us a good morning and it was a joy to be together in God's house. My message was entitled, "You and I" from Philippians 1. I was preaching on how important we are (the church) to one another. 

There are several good things going on in our church family. Thank you for praying for God's enablement for our church. We covet your prayers.


Unusual Wednesday and Sunday blessings

01/09/2024 13:31

The story from Wednesday continued that evening. It was great to have a good number of our church family out for our midweek. That's a praise of itself. But, yet another man who heard the street preaching atttended and after the service trusted Jesus as His Saviour. Please pray for Daniel as he heads back to Portugal that He would remain steadfast in following the Lord.

The woman who trusted Christ after the street preaching attended the services this morning. Please pray for God's continued working in her life as well. Our attendance was decent, but the spirit in our church right now is excellent. There seems to be a real hunger in several to hear and obey God's Word. Please pray for that to continue and grow.

I preached this morning on Samuel's formula for a victorious Christian life. (Fear God, Serve God, Obey God.) If someone does those three things they will not stop following the LORD. It was good to inspect those things in our life this morning to see if we are in danger of departing. 

Thank you for praying for our church and evangelism. God is working and we acknowledge His hand in answer to your prayers.

evangelism this week

28/08/2024 15:02

Our weather has been very "rainbowy" for the past week. A lot of smaller showers, heavy at times, with sun in between. God has helped in dodging those showers to allow evangelism on all three weekdays so far this week. On Monday and Tuesday literature was put out in Bilston a little village connected to Loanhead. The flyer were currently putting out announced all of our activities of this past month, so it is a bit dated. However, it also invited people to our regular meetings and shares the Gospel. We're going to keep putting them out until we run out.

Today God allowed me to get into Edinburgh to preach. I ended up preaching further down Princes St. than ever before. Although there weren't as many people, it was quieter and several people were sitting outside who heard the preaching. (Thank you Starbucks for providing congregational seating.) God gave some very specific encouragement today. A believer messaged us on Facebook while he was listening to the preaching and says he hopes to bring his family to visit the church though he attends elsewhere. Another believer sat near me for almost the entire hour and fifteen minutes of preaching. We prayed together at the end. He was also there to speak with an individual who needed salvation. That person trusted Christ and is planning to attend our church this evening. Praise God!

Please continue to pray for the power of God in our evangelism. We are seeing God's hand in many different ways and we appreciate your prayers which avail much! 

The pic was sent to me by the man who messaged on facebook.

Evangelistic Meetings and Sunday

25/08/2024 15:10

My apologies for not keeping our page up to date. I will try to do better now going forward. God gave us great meetings with Evangelist John Van Gelderen. Brother John is now in Dublin, Ireland. His ministry of God's Word was refreshing as was our time together in fellowship. Three of his messages are on our sermon audio page and facebook page. Our church was encouraged. A young lady trusted Christ as her Saviour. A woman was encouraged to come after wanting to come for several months. Praise God!

We had some extra ministry opportunities this week as we did street evangelism on Monday and put out flyers in the village of Skirling on Wednesday. 

Our attendance was good this morning as we had a first time visitor and a couple return visitors as well as many of our church family. It's fun to see God's work growing and going forward. Please pray that we will continue to see God adding to our church and that we will see people trusting Christ as their Saviour.

I preached this morning from Isaiah 50, a prophetic messianic text. Interestingly, the Lord shares His confidence as He faced the cross. "He is near that justifieth..." 

Our schedule is now open for the next several weeks and we are thankful that God not only brought us through the busy-ness, but that He blessed each ministry opportunity. Thank you for praying for each of these events.

The dust is settling...

12/08/2024 09:19

We have just come through some very busy times, but they have been good times as well. The Sunday following our building dedication we went to Germany. We returned to a week of Holiday Bible Club. That brought us to this past week and men's camp up in Northern Scotland. We have one more event in a row and that is evangelistic meetings with Evangelist John Van Gelderen beginning this coming Sunday.

You may wonder why we scheduled things this way. Well - we don't plan the date for family camp in Germany or men's camp. We also try to take NBT and Evangelists when they can come. We desire to particpate in all of these events and don't want to easily turn any of them down if we can make them work. God has allowed us to do that. 

Men's camp was a great blessing. There was around 25 men and boys present for camp this year from 5 or 6 churches. Camp started on Thursday and ran into Saturday morning. We had 4 preaching sessions during that time and I had the privilige of preaching on Saturday. We had three activities; hiking around Cullen, Scotland where we stayed, go-karting, and a bonfire down by the North Sea. (Cullen is a harbor village in the North of Scotland.)

The Lord gave us a great time at camp and blessed us with a good Sunday as well. I continue to be burdened for God to build all our services, but know that He will do so in His timing. Please pray with us about it. I preached a message on Luke 17, Feasting With and Following Jesus. "All things are now ready - come!" (Our audio is going to improve dramatically in the near future. We are not yet using our sound system and technology. We have some bugs to work out beforehand. So, until then, there is a bit of an echo.)

Please pray for God's grace and blessing upon our meeting with Brother John. Thank you for upholding our ministry in prayer.



04/08/2024 13:46

The Lord gave us a good start to our Lord's Day with a first time adult visitor and two children returning who have been away from a couple of years. All of these contacts were a result of our HBC. Praise the Lord and thank you for praying! 

I preached this morning on, "Personal Evangelism" from Paul's example in Athens found in Acts 17. Our next ministry opportunity begins on Thursday of this week as we head to men's camp in Northern Scotland. I have the privilige of leading the singing and of preaching on Saturday. We appreciate your prayers for God to do a good work in all of our hearts.

Also, two weeks from today begins our evangelistic meetings with Evangelist John Van Gelderen. Please pray for God's grace to prepare us for the work which He intends to do in those 4 days of meetings. 

Thank you as always for your prayers which are much appreciated and which avail much!

HBC Update

02/08/2024 21:38

God blessed our week of Holiday Bible Club. Joe and James (NBT evangelists) did an excellent job working with our church kids. We saw God's hand in many different ways. The weather was outstanding and we are very thankful for God's grace in giving us such a good weather week. 

We saw 5 teenagers come into our church and we were able to share the Gospel with them. We had several new children in our HBC as well. That was a blessing.

God allowed us to reach someone while recruiting children whom I believe will visit our church this Sunday. We also had a mother and daughter indicate they will attend after hearing the street preaching on Tuesday.

The awards ceremony (parent and pizza night) went well this evening. Most of our kids and parents were out although some we hoped would attend were absent. Please pray for grace as we follow up on those who visited.

God's good. We truly thank Him for all He did in hearts and lives this week. We also thank you for all your prayers during this very busy week.


Back at it....

28/07/2024 15:58

Sorry for the radio silence. We have just returned from spending a week in Germany with our BWM missionary family. It was great to connect with friends who are ministering in Germany, Italy, Poland, Belarus and elsewhere. It's always a refreshing time and we come back strengthened. Amanda Baker from England traveled with us as we drove from Scotland to near Stuttgart Germany. Evangelist Paul Crow preached and many other's participated in ministry as well.

Our family left immediately after the Sunday AM service last Sunday and arrived there on Monday evening. We began our journey back around noon on Friday and got home around supper time on Saturday. God blessed our travels.

Our NBT evangelists also arrived here yesterday afternoon. Please pray for Joe and James as they minister in our Holiday Bible Club this week. We are hosting children in the morning (mon-fri) and teens in the evening (Tues- Thurs). 

There have been many good things going on with viistors attending and just a good spirit in our church. I preached this morning a message I had preached before on David's overcoming crisis and going on to conquest. Last Sunday I preached on Caleb being all in for God.

Your prayers for our ministry are much appreciated. Next week is men's camp in Northern Scotland. 8 days after that ends we beging evangelistic meetings with Evangelist John Van Gelderen. God's timing is best. He has put these events together. Please pray for grace and strength.

Building Dedication

13/07/2024 15:07

God blessed our building dedication today. We had a good turnout, good fellowship, good time of sharing in God's Word, good teaching for the children, plenty of helpers, etc. Praise the Lord. Thank you for praying for this day.

Although our sending church pastor was unable to attend. He was able to participate by way of video. I preached the first session after sharing the testimony of how God has led our church thus far and Pastor Craig Ledbetter preached the final session. When he was finished we all came to the front and had a special prayer time as we dedicated the property to be used for God's glory.

Tomorrow is our grand opening service and we have invited our community to attend and are providing a bbq in the afternoon and an open house. Please pray that God will bless this effort and that His hand will be evident.

I will share more photos soon, but here is one I took when the video was being played.


Exciting times!

07/07/2024 13:50

We are less than a week away from dedicating our property to the Lord and having our grand opening. Tonight we start rearranging the church into what it was meant to be in the mind of God. We praise Him for His clear leading in every decision we have made. 

Wednesday will be our first meeting in the sanctuary as we test the sound, video, livestream, etc. We'll have a special prayer and praise time. Saturday is our dedication and Sunday is our grand opening. Thank you for your prayers.

We had a special morning with really good attendance and a newleywed Christian couple joining us. It was great to get to know them as they have only recently moved into our area. They got our leaflet at a mechanics shop where I have been allowed to leave our leafletts. I can't wait to share with my mechanic that someone came because of that.

I preached on, "Great Gospel Clothing," on matching the Gospel with our lives instead of clashing with it. We had a good service and enjoyed our study of Acts in SS. 

Please continue to pray as we go through this week. The doors need to be hung. The pulpit needs to be finished. There is painting, decorating, etc. and we just need God to guide us through it all. Our biggest prayer is for God to be glorified next weekend. Please lift that request up to God's throne.

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