
door to door....

07/08/2021 12:06

Katie and I do door to door on Saturday AM's. Today there was a misty rain, so we did some blocks of flats (apartments) near us. Nobody was home at most of the first dozen properties. However, God gave us two good opportunities to share the Gospel in the end. Please pray for the man and woman at those two doors.

Our kids are traveling this weekend and we appreciate your prayers for them. Camp ends today. They have had a great summer.

Crossing a finish line....

05/08/2021 09:55

We hit a milestone last night as we concluded our study of the book of Hebrews. The biggest things that stand out to me from this stuy are...

1) Our incredible privilige as priests to enter into the very presence of God through Jesus Christ and intercede for ourselves and others.

2) The power of faith as seen in the history of what that faith has accomplished. (Hebrews 11)

If you are interested, the full series is on our sermon audio page - Hebrews Series. (The series is complete except for one message where we had technical difficulties.)

Yesterday I went into Ednburhg again. I don't know if it is becauseo f the pandemic, or the weather.... I haven't done street evangelism in Edinburgh as much since the pandemic began. Ideally you want good weather as peopple will be out enjoying the sunshine. When I'm down there, I pass out literature, but I primarily want to seek divine appointments.

God gave me a couple of good opportunities yesterday. I witnessed to Iian by a statue of David Livingstone. Ian is an atheist. However, he asked some great question and I believe the Lord was working in his heart. Through a broken marriage because of sin, he see's the destructive nature of sin. He said, "You can't ever go back and fix it." He's in his mid 50's. I told him that he has potentially 40 years left to live for God.

I also enjoyed speaking to some older construction workers. They were kind and as I briefly shared the Gospel, they seemed receptive. Please pray for God to awaken these hearts. Many other people took flyers.

The most interesting thing that happened was a man who "went off" cursing a dog. He was working out and had his shirt off. With the dog were two elderly women. Thankfully, my only involvement was saying to the ladies, "I think it would be wise to move to another bench." The man had thankfully stormed off. I do pray for safety whenever I'm in the city. (The horse is prepared against the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord.)

Flyers in Biggar

03/08/2021 14:09

We started to put flyers out in the village of Biggar today. This village is about 30 miles from us. Logan helped me. I guess I should be used to it as a dad, but my oldest boys are passing me in height. (I thought I'd say that before you thought about it after seeing the pic below.)

Please pray for God to do a good work in Biggar. We've prayed for this village in particular for the past 10 years. If God gives us an open door in the future, we'd like to plant a Baptist church in this village. I've put flyers out there many times.

Sunday and Monday

02/08/2021 13:48

God gave us a great Lord's day. We had a visiting family last night from down in the Borders. They drove about an hour to come to church. They are believers and it was fun to get to know them. In Sunday School we enjoyed watching a video about Eric Liddel (Torchlighters video). Another family that was on their way to church (visitors) sadly was in an accident. Praise God - God protected them. Lord willing we'll see them on another night.

Our attendance was good, thank you for praying. A couple of people still could not make it do to health issues. However, most of our people were present. Our HBC gained back a mum and child from different families. Praise the Lord! I preached on Jesus Fixes Lives from the story of the paralytic man in John 5:1-15.

Update on some prayer requests: Our visiting lady who was to be baptised has decided not to go forward. She's concerned that when winter comes she won't be able to make it to church. She was driving half an hour to come. Please pray that she'll continue to grow as a believer and find a church closer to her home.

Also, Tommy (who I spoke with a few weeks ago in front of the mall in Livingstone) did visit the Dillman's church and brought a woman with him. Please pray for wisdom for Pastor Dillman as they seek to disciple him. He's asking about baptism.

Today I went into Edinburgh and did street evangelism. Highlights - spoke with a man who said he believes in God but he is a homosexual. I had a great conversation with him although he doesn't believe in the God who gave us the Word of God. Please pray that God will awaken his heart. Similarly, I witnessed to an older woman who doesn't believe a loving God would send men to Hell. I emphasized to her what that loving God did to keep men from going to Hell. Please pray that she will agree with God. Another man, Mark, declined the flyer. I asked him a question and we entered into a conversation which lasted at least 10 minutes. In the end he took the flyer. Please pray that God will direct him. He's open....agnostic.

God's good. It's a joy and privilige to serve Him. Please pray for the power of God to break through in our church (revival) and evangelism (spiritual awakening).

Finish line....

30/07/2021 13:46

It was a great week of HBC for our church. I think we had 14 kids total without counting our 2 younger children (unable to attend due to chicken pox.) We had 5 visitors in total with some perhaps able to at least visit this Sunday. Please pray that they will come.

The Lord blessed us with very good weather for every day and the spirit of the kids was great. A boy who attends our church said this morning, "I'm excited for today, but sad that it is the last day." (That was encouraging.)

Thank you for praying. We had an adult visitor today as well which was an extra blessing. Praise the Lord!

Day 1 and Day 2 Update

28/07/2021 16:07

The Lord gave us a good start to our HBC and we are half way done. We had 11 children on Monday with 4 visitors. One child was a first time visitor who received a flyer. Two other children are from another church. One other visiting child is related to people in our church. Today we had 10 children. We are thankful for each one that God has given to us.

God has blessed our weather both days. It is much more fun to be able to go outside for snacktime and game time! We have enjoyed our time with the children. Thank you for praying for this week.

Here we go....

27/07/2021 08:07

It's Holiday Bible Club time! We are able to get going on our HBC this morning. We are having a four day club this year. It's already interesting as our two youngest came down with chicken pox. So, sadly for them they aren't able to attend. Thankfully, they are doing well despite their itchiness. We're excited about what the Lord is going to do this week and appreciate your prayers.

God gave us a good Sunday. We had great attendance for our AM zoom service. We had good attendance that evening as well. Our treasurer, Tommy, was unable to attend as he and his wife are in mandatory isolation. Their son-in-law has covid and they were in close contact with him. Lord willing, Tommy will be able to help with the last day of our HBC.

I preached a message on prayer entitled, "Ringing Heaven's Bell." The text was a prayer of David in Psalm 86. There was a really good spirit Sunday night. Margaret, our new attendee, is going to follow the Lord in believer's baptism. She's excited and is going to have the friend that led her to the Lord with her on that night. Please pray for good weather on 8 August.

Thank you for your prayers. We'll let you know how things get on this week.


20/07/2021 11:37

Tommy helped me finish Loanhead today. We put out around 450 Gospel flyers. God gave two great divine appointments. One was with an elderly man who lost his wife two years ago. The other was with a young lady who lives in the village where our church is meeting. Please pray that God will work in these two hearts as well as in the many hearts of those who received the Gospel flyers. Thank you for praying for our evangelism.

Kay Lee and Benson are into a day camp week at the Bill Rice Ranch. Last week Benson enjoyed being a camper for the week. Unfortunately he had a significant knee injury (tore his MCL) this past Wednesday. He said everyone heard the crack of whatever took place. His knee has been popping out of joint since then occasionaly. Your prayer is appreciated for his healing and for God's blessing on this week of camp. (They are both loving their summer of ministry at the Bill Rice Ranch.)

Attendance up.... :)

18/07/2021 20:21

We still didn't have everyone in church, but we had most everyone there and that was a blessing. I would imagine that it would be unusual for any church to have all their members on any one Sunday. Thank you for praying for our attendance.

Our visitor is going to keep coming. She wants to follow the Lord in believer's baptism. Please pray for courage for her. We're excited that God has brought her our way. 

We added two members to our church this evening. Lewis and Stacy were baptized last month. They are excited to be a part of our church and we are very thankful for their being a part of our churrch.

I enjoyed preaching a message on, "Trouble Free Living" from John 14. (Currently uploading to Sermon Audio) That text is a blessing. It teaches that you will have trouble in life. But, you don't have to BE TROUBLED in life. Your soul can be floating on still water despite you body being in the storms of life. My heart was encouraged through this text and I believe it was an encouragement to our church as well.

Thank you for praying for our day. God gave us a great meeting.


more outreach

14/07/2021 12:59

It's an incredibly beautiful week here. Don and I put out flyers this morning in Loanhead. God gave us a really good divine appointment with a young man who is 18. I asked him if he believes in God. He said that he didn't until his gran passed away. He said that he went through a very difficult time and through that came to believe in God. Please pray for him to come to a knowledge of saving faith. I'd love a future opportunity to speak with him.

God gave some encouragement at a very interesting moment. I was watching a man read the flyer we had put through his door. He looked accross a car park at me, crumpled it up and put it in his recycling bin. As that happened a young man doing a home repair was taking a stick of wood out of his van. We spoke with him and he said, "You spoke to me about ten years ago." I said, "Wow, you must have been a child back then." He's maybe in his early twenties. He wouldn't remember meeting me before if God hadn't written something in his heart. Please pray for his salvation. 

Update from last week at Don's. Tommy contacted Don by text. Please pray for Tommy to visit the Dillman's church.

God's good to encourage us when we need it. Evangelism works and will be fruitful in God's timing. Please pray for God to help us to continue to sow in faith.

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