
potential changes

30/08/2021 08:31

God blessed us with a good Sunday. Our attendance was down, however, we had a sweet spirit in our time together and were encouraged in the Lord. I enjoyed preaching a message on finding the will of God and doing it - Buy The Land, Jeremiah 32.

Our church may be on that brink of having all services in one location and NOT on zoom. (Can I hear and, "Amen?") :) God has been good to give us grace to be on zoom. Our church family has endured, but as you would imagine, zoom is not ideal. We are very excited about this potential and should know very soon if this is certain.

Our church is also praying for a 17 seat minibus (van). Our family has collected peopel for 11 years with our vehicles. However, our bigger vehicle has been full lately and we'd like to increase our capacity to bring people to church. Please pray with us about this. Manual vehicles are by far the most common. We'd like to get an automatic as it would allow for us to have more drivers available. It really is like looking for a needle in a haystack. So, please pray for God's provision and wisdom. 

No more information is currently available about the property. I'm still waiting to hear back from the owner to see what price they are seeking on the property. Thank you for your prayers for all of the above. We often see the answers to your intercession and praise God for your impact at Free Baptist Church in Scotland.


land contact made

26/08/2021 09:34

We were successful this morning in making contact with the group which owns the land of interest. Our prayer has been that we would at least get in touch with them and find out if they have any interest in selling us this property. Your prayers are appreciated as we wait to see what God will do in this instance. 

Yesterday Don and I were back out in Biggar putting out flyers. I should finish distributing flyers there the next time I go. We appreciate your prayers for fruit from our labours.

updated : I sent the following update to our church.

Dear Church Family,

I was able to get in touch with the owner of the property at the top of the Glencorse Golf Course.

He was very kind and they are open to selling it. He asked me what price and I said that I was thinking £150K. (They bought it in 2016 for £119K.) He said that we'd probably have to increase that significantly. I asked him if they could please come up with a price and I would see what we could do.

Please pray that if God wants us to get the property, He would help us....

1) To have favour in the eyes of the sellers (committee.)

2) To get exactly the price of His chosing.

3) To see Him provide the finances we need to purchase the land and build.

God is able. He is working. He has heard our prayers (last night included) and He is leading,

Pastor Ben

Dear Church family,
I was able to get in touch with the owner of the property at the top of the Glencorse Golf Course. 
He was very kind and they are open to selling it. He asked me what price and I said that I was thinking £150K. (They bough it in 2016 for 119K.) He said that we'd probably have to increase that significantly. I asked him if they could please come up with a price and I would see what we could do.
Please pray that if God wants us to get the property He would help us....
1) To have favour in the eyes of a the sellers (committee).
2) To get exactly the price of his choosing.
3) To see Him provide the finances we need to purchase the land and build.
God is able. He is working. He has heard our prayers (last night included) and He is leading.
Pastor Ben

Biggar Outreach

24/08/2021 11:50

Tommy has gone with me the last two mornings to Biggar. We've put out several hundred Gospel flyers and had one good witnessing opportunity each day.

Yesterday, Willie (85) was out working in his front garden. He's a keen 85 year old and the Lord allowed me to share the Gospel with him. He has attended the church of Scotland for 70 odd years, but doesn't think about eternity. He "just takes one day at a time and will find out when he get's there." He was a bit antagonistic but listened and said, "Do you think then that I can get saved?" I liked the question and hope it is answered experientially. I said "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." It's sad to think of a man going to church for a lifetime and not being confronted with his need to be born again. (John 3)

Today it was a similar opportunity. An older woman was working in her front garden. She said, "Are you a Jehovah's witness? Mormon?" I said, "No, now that you've mentioned two cults... I am a Baptist." She seemed open, but when it came to TRUTH she is in a difficult position. She wants to say out of the same mouth - the Bible is true because it comes from God and false because it comes through man.  She wants to disagree with the Bible where she believes she is right, and agree with the Bible where she doesn't have difficulty. Please pray that her eyes will be opened to her rejection of God's truth. How can someone have Christ, The Living Word, (the Truth) as her Saviour when she rejects the written Word of God? I don't believe it is possible and sadly Satan has taken over the ground of, "Inspiriation and Absolute Truth" in Scotland. Please pray for the power of God to work in these and other's hearts as we lay a foundation of, "Thus saith the Lord."

First time visitor

22/08/2021 22:00

A student of a local Bible college visited tonight. He's getting ready to go back to school and this year he is going to stay on campus. It was great to meet him and we are looking forward to getting to know him better.

Our attendance was very good this evening. We had a "Back to School" Sunday as the kids went back to school this past Wednesday. Katie had fun back to school little gifts to go with her SS lesson. We gave everybody (adults included) a bag of goodies.

I preached a message for our young people on succeeding in school. It was a topical message from several different passage of young people who made good decisions for the Lord.

"Satanic" Cat?

21/08/2021 12:10

It's not unusual in door to door to find that Satan has a number of devices. The interesting one this morning was a cat who followed us and went into two people's homes.

God's hand was very evident in one divine appointment this morning. Please pray for this man. I was able to open my Bible and share the Gospel with Him. He was so interested that he didn't notice the cat entering his house. I saw it, but thought it was his cat. He put the cat out the back door and continued the conversation. The cat got in again and this time he left it until we finished. (I will follow up on this conversation as he is very interested. Please pray.)

Katie and I had other shorter opportunities and trust that they were not in vain and that God can use something that was said to awaken hearts.

Thank you for praying for our door to door ministry on Saturdays.

Day of prayer and outreach

18/08/2021 18:18

God blessed our day of prayer yesterday. We have 5 men who meet about every 3 months to spend a couple hours in the morning and in the afternoon in prayer. I believe that God has greatly used this prayer time in our lives and our ministry. Thanks for praying for this time. God's blessing was evident.

Today I met Don at his house and we put flyers out in his area. We had one divine appointment with a scientologist. He compared the Bible with online blogs. I said to Don that is like equating Shakespeare with comic strips.  Please pray that he will stop believing in aliens and put his faith in Jesus Christ. I had one interesting response from a woman today who said, "I don't believe Jesus existed." I've heard people say they don't believe in God, but normally people don't deny the historicity of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for God's blessing on Don's ministry in Livingston. Tommy (previous posts) is still attending Don't church with a friend.

Biggar and the boys

16/08/2021 13:48

My 4 oldest boys helped me today as I put out flyers in Biggar. This village is about 35 minutes from our current church location and is in a lovely rural area. The boys helped me put out around 4-5 hundred flyers. God gave me one divine appointment with a lady in front of a Dentist Office. She said she had received the flyer at her house and that she would read it when she got back. Please pray that she will read 3 John and realize that, "She must be born again."

I'm looking forward to what God is going to do tomorrow as the ministers get together for prayer. There should be 5 of us there. Your prayer for that time is much appreciated.

Solid Sunday

15/08/2021 20:29

God blessed us with a good solid Sunday. I believe our church family was encouraged and we enjoyed good fellowship today. We had a first time visitor tonight who came with a family who drives an hour to church. She's planning on coming again next Sunday.

I enjoyed preaching tonight on a revival passage, Ezekiel 36, a message I entitled, "I Will Do It." (currently uploading) Interestingly, God said he would do it. However, the condition was that they earnestly seek Him to do what He had promised to do. The main purpose of what God would do would be to glorify Himself. But, he would do that IN His people and THROUGH His people. Our prayer is that God would do that in our church.

Tuesday is a minister's day of prayer up in Blair Atholl. Your prayers for God's blessing upon that day are much appreciated. Thank you for praying for our family and ministry.

PS. We had 3 good opportunities knocking on doors on Saturday and one great opportunity. Please pray for Martin to visit our church or do a Bible study.

False alarm...

11/08/2021 15:52

It was supposed to rain later this morning. So, Don and I went East instead of South to do evangelism. It has not yet rained here yet, so it is either very delayed or it dissipated.

I'm starting to go to more distant villages again with Gospel flyers. This morning Don and I did the little village of North Middleton (about 20 minutes away.) We didn't have any very obvious divine appointments. However, we enjoyed fellowshipping and getting the Gospel out. 

We also stopped to look at a large piece of land that is for sale in our area. We continue to investigate any potential properties. There is no green light yet in any direction. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Tonight our church is going to have a midweek prayer service that is focused on this need. Please pray for God to reveal His plan at just the right time. Thanks for praying.

Journeys Complete

10/08/2021 11:27

Benson and Kay Lee have safely arrived at their destinations. Thank you for praying for them. Benson had barely enough time after a flight delay to catch his flight, but he made it! :) 

It's good to have Benson back and we're excited for Kay Lee as she gets to begin soon at Ambassador. She has a week with family before starting work training at Ambassador next week. God's good. Thanks for praying.

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