snow, snow, snow....and wind
07/12/2021 13:18Storm Barra has arrived and it's not very nice outside just now. I was able to get out with flyers yesterday afternoon. I was rained out in the morning. For those of you who remember my F. D. T. (Flyer Distribution Tool) - interestingly, it was ripped through a mail slot yesterday by a D.O.G. That is the reason I use an FDT as it puts the flyer nicely through the mail slot bristles and protects your hand. Thankfully my hand wasn't ripped through the mail slot. The lady was very nice and gave me back my small cheese board (civilian terminology.) The dog ran to the window immediately after obtaining my paddle and growled menacingly at me. I'm just thankful that I was holding the F.D.T. with a quick release grip so that the little guy still had all of his teeth. :) (Just in case anyone thinks that there isn't excitement in putting out Gospel flyers.)
I had one good short conversation with a teenager yesterday. Today Tommy was my partner as we got out before the storm and distributed flyers. God allowed us a to meet an older woman who may want to attend our carol sing service. I'm going to follow up and see if we can collect her for that service.
Thank you for praying for our outreach.
Visitors :)
05/12/2021 21:57God blessed us with a good day despite the unexpected. The unexpected was that the heat in the conference room was off when we arrived. It has a cement floor and it does not heat up quickly. We moved Sunday School to the cafe and "endured" colder than normal temps in the AM service. It made for an interesting change of pace and we made some memories.
Tonight a pleasant surprise was having two young ladies join us for the evening service. They are sisters who are students. One of them is located near us. We enjoyed fellowshipping with them for a little bit after the service.
I preached this morning on "Being Stout for God" from Habakuk 3:13-18. Our study on the Life of David in Sunday School is also being uploaded weekly to sermon audio.
God gave us some good follow up appointments with two mothers yesterday. We are praying that their children will want to come to church. Both mothers indicated they would bring them if they want to come.
Thanks for praying for our church. God gave us an encouraging day.
PS. Our day of pray in Blair Atholl has been put back one week to the 14th. Storm Barra is arriving on Tuesday with up to 70mph winds and snow.
Land Enquiry Response
01/12/2021 22:33Thank you for your prayers regarding our land enquiry. Here is what I just shared with our church family. Your continued prayers are much appreciated as we wait on the Lord for His perfect will.
Good evening church family,
· Existing vacant church or community buildings.
· Sites within existing town centres.
· Detached houses with large gardens situated within existing settlement boundaries. Some houses may have potential for conversion, alternatively you could consider demolishing the house and erecting a replacement building.
· Sites within allocated housing sites that have been identified for community or commercial uses. "
Only God can....
29/11/2021 11:40Sometimes as I do evangelism God does something that you have to step back and say, "GOD DID THAT." I'm sure we should say it more often than we do, but there are times where it is SO CLEARLY of God that even unbelievers have to admit it.
Today was a divine appointment like that. It really began about a month ago as I bumped into our former postman. I've seen him 3 times since then and I hadn't seen him much at all in the last 4 years since moving out of the area.
Last week as Don and I did flyers, we saw him and I surprised myself by calling him by name. Today as I saw him, I confirmed his name as he walked past me and he stopped for a wee chat. Tommy from my church was with me. Tommy lives about 7 miles away on the East side of Edinburgh. (We were putting out flyers in Loanhead this morning.)
I invited the postman to our Carol Sing on Christmas Eve and gave him him our new church flyer. Tommy said, "The most important thing is knowing Jesus. Do you know Jesus?" He said that he did and was walking away (about 40 feet from us) when Tommy said very loudly to me, "Ask him if he kens (knows) Tommy Woods." The postman kind of jerked and said, "Who?" Tommy replied and and the postman said, "Ai, I ken Tommy Woods." Tommy said, "You are looking at him." As he walked toward us Tommy said to him, "I thought I recognized my brother-in-law."
This man and Tommy were, "Best Mates" for several years and then the man started dating Tommy's sister. They were married, had children, and then divorced. Tommy had not seen this man in over 20 years. Tommy was able this morning to challenge this man to find Jesus.
This is a specific answer to our prayers as we often pray for Tommy's unsaved family. Some of you will remember that a couple years ago Tommy and I witnessed to a woman whom God revealed was Tommy's first cousin. (Their dad's were brothers.) They did not know each other and God revealed their relationship through our conversation. OUR GOD IS GREAT AND ABLE TO DO ALL THINGS.
(This will be long, but here is another story from this morning.)
Tommy gave a flyer to a workman who said, "Give one to the guy in the truck." Tommy passed that info. onto me and I tried to hand the flyer to the driver of the truck who had another man with him in the cab. He refused it and said, "I am a heathen." I said, "You know where heathen go when they die?" He said, "In the ground." (It became clear that his mate wanted him to get "evangelized.") So, I took advantage of the opportunity and gave him a 15 second sermon. I said, "There is a verse in the Bible you should know. The Bible says, 'And whosoever is not found in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire.' God doesn't want you to go there. Jesus died so that you don't have to go there. Without Jesus you will go there. There is your sermon for the day, I hope that it stays with you the rest of the week." Please pray for God's grace to awaken those men's hearts.
Winter is here....brrrr
28/11/2021 20:42We had heavy snow falling this morning as we got up. It was beautiful and was a great reminder of the power of God to cover and cleanse our sin.
Our faithful attendees were all out this morning. We enjoyed studying the LIfe of David in Sunday School. I preached this morning on "the poor wise man" from Ecclesiastes 9. He is a great picture of Christ's ability to deliver our city.
Tonight we continued our study of Proverbs. We continue to pray for God to build up our "riders" on the bus. We have 4 we collected today.
God's good. Thank you for your prayers for our family and ministry.
Happy Thanksgiving Times
27/11/2021 15:26God blessed our Thanksgiving service on Wednesday PM. It was fun to share testimonies and praise the Lord for His grace this past year.
Our family also enjoyed having missionary Amanda Baker and a friend of hers with us for a few days. We had some fun outings like visiting the Edinburgh Christmas Market on Thanksgiving night. We also enjoyed some needed down time.
Last night we had the first named storm of the season, Storm Anwer and it was a good storm. (I enjoy weather.) The boys said a tree was down over in the woods near us and there are a lot of small branches down. God's creation is powerful!
Update on my recent witnessing opportunity and planned Bible study. Unfortunately the young man backed out saying he had other responsibilities he had to attend to on that day. I continue to pray for him and hope that someday we will see him come to Christ.
good attendance :)
21/11/2021 14:26We had encouraging attendance this morning as most of our church family were there. It was good to see everyone in their place after illness and aches and pains. It was a beautiful COLD autumn day and the sunshine was very wecoming.
I preached this morning on "spiritual power tools" for building God's church from Zechariah 4. I'm glad that the Lord put this study on my heart as it was good for me to dig into Zechariah's vision. This is the passage where God says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit." Praise God for the golden oil which makes it possible for the church to burn brightly. The temple builders were encouraged by Zechariah's message and we as church builders should be encouraged as well.
I'm having technical difficulties finding the (please skip this part if you are not a "techie" person.) DCIM files on my SD card. Lord willing, we will figure this out and get those recordings uploaded to sermon audio. However, our service was recorded on our Facebook page. Please pray for wisdom as to how to access these files. I've just started a study of the life of David and lesson 2 is also on that SD card.
Thank you for praying for our ministry. God encouraged us this morning.
16/11/2021 12:00God has given some good outreach opportunities this week. Yesterday and today I put out our new church location flyer. Yesterday I had several divine appointments. A couple months ago I shared a story of meeting up with some young men who evangelist Jonathan Washer and I witnessed to several years ago. I met one of those young men again yesterday. Please pray that God will break through in these men's lives. He is going to get together for a Bible study with me later this week. We spoke for 20 minutes.
Today Tommy and I put out flyers and I had a great opportunity to witness to a man who had a lot of questions. He's an atheist. However, he stopped working on his Christmas lights and spoke for at least 20 minutes. He had a lot of questions that weren't easy questions. Please pray that God will penetrate his heart with His truth. I have no doubt that our conversation was of the Lord. Thank you for praying for these outreach opportunities.
This afternoon I am meeting with a Christian man from another good church. He's retired, but used to be a project manager in our area. He's going to look at the land of interest with me. I know that his insight will be very helpful as we continue to seek God's leading regarding this property.
We appreciate your prayers. Thank you for taking FBC and our family to the Lord.
Autumn Colours
14/11/2021 14:45The colours right now in our area are lovely. We are enjoying a beautiful autumn.
God gave us an enjoyable morning in church. We started a new study for our adult teen Sunday School. We went to 1 Samuel and are doing a study of the life of David. The message this morning was from Deuteronomy 10 as God again wrote his law in tablets of stone. We looked at respecting God and His law. Interestingly all of the blessing of life hinges on our submission to God and his law. God's law is for our good and God's desire for us to respect Him and HIs law is for our good.
God gave Katie and I some good conversations and witnessing opportunities yesterday as we knocked on doors. Thank you for praying for divine appointments.
We appreciate your continued prayers for God to give the increase in his timing. We continue to sow in faith. Thank you for praying for our ministry.
Outreach this week...minibus...
10/11/2021 13:08Tommy and I went out yesterday morning in Loanhead. God gave us a divine appointment with a young woman who used to attend our church with her mum. I hope we'll see her visit at our new location. We also enjoyed visiting with an elderly man who has not been back to our church since covid.
Today I was in Livingston with Pastor Dillman and a man from his church. We didn't have any witnessing opportunities but we were able to get out several hundred flyers.
Yesterday was an exciting day as we received our new church vehicle. It is a 2012, diesl, semi-automatic, Renault Master (GMC), 17 seat, with 88k miles on it. We're excited and looking forward to using this tool for the Lord. Thank you for your prayers. It was a very difficult search and it is obvious that God has provided for our need.