
Throwing out a lifeline.

02/02/2022 12:13

I was able to get out Monday and today (Wednesday) doing flyers. I must be getting whimpy as yesterday was too windy to get out. We had wind speeds close to 50mph most of the day. Thankfully the winds were away today.

God gave me a great divine appointment on Monday. A man had just finished unloading a lot of construction equipment from his truck just as I passed by. Gary is from an hour and a half away on the North West side of Glasgow.

Our conversation was definitely of the Lord and I said that to him. God's timing was perfect as he was just done with his work and able to rest a few minutes as we chatted. He said, "Yes and it has come at a turning point in my life." Gary has turned his life around a bit. He gave me a fist bump as we parted and promised to email me. I had asked him to do that so that I could send him some church details from his area.

Well, praise the Lord, he kept his word and emailed me yesterday. He said, "Thanks for speaking with me but I've ben Catholic for almost 40 years and don't think I can stray form it."

This morning I sent him a lengthy email :) which included details to a missionary friends ministry in Glasgow. Please pray that God would work a miracle of His grace in Gary's life and bring him to saving faith. 

Meanwhile, I put out between 3-4 hundred flyers in these two days and I'd appreciate you praying for God to bring forth lasting fruit from my labours. Thanks for your prayers.

The day our fence blew over....

30/01/2022 13:06

Yesterday was extremely windy. 100 meters from our home is a row of pines that line a golf course. 7 of them ended up in the road making it impassible. (I love weather and so it was an exciting day for me.) I said to my family the night before that the fence between us and the neighbour was going to go.... and it did. I don't claim any prophetic abilities :) but it did come true.

Meanwhile, that was yesterday. Today there is another named storm and it is going to arrive about the time of our evening service. So, this could be an interesting night. It's not too unusual.... it is Scotland. We get high winds frequently and we are definitely into that weather pattern just now.

God gave us a interesting week. I put flyers out with Tommy on Tuesday and with Don Dillman in Livingston on Wednesday. The "most" interesting part of the week was Katie exiting church Wednesday night and stepping into a pothole. Thankfully her ankle was sprained and not broken. She is on the mend and getting around pretty well now. We are realizing that we need to be even "more thankful" for our health.

We had a good morning despite low attendance. I enjoyed preaching on Psalm 141, "My Prayer." (currently uploading) David needed God's help and he knew how to get it.

Next Sunday, I get to fill in for the Dillmans in the afternoon and would appreciate your prayers for God to give us a good Lord's day. Thank you for keeping up with what is going on her and for praying for our ministry.


New Look :)

24/01/2022 11:36

Joy - but no joy :)

23/01/2022 13:04

Praise the Lord we had a good service today. One family made a heroic effort to be with us today. They had illness this past week plus a tootheache  that took them to Accident and Emmergency between 2 and 5 this morning.  We were thankful that they were with us. Please pray for God to releave the tooth infection. She has an emergency dentist appointment this afternon.

None of our visitors came, but the Lord met with us and we enjoyed a wonderful morning in the Lord's house. Please continue to pray for God to build our church spiritually and numerically.

I preached a message this morning on Felix, "In Danger of Hell." It was a sobering look at Felix who likely went to Hell as we considered, "You are in danger of Hell if..."

God's good. We're excited about what He is doing. With regard to our family, God provided a new to us vehicle yesterday and we're grateful for his provision. For the guys out there who care, it's a 2015 Renault Scenic Xmod, Diesel with 70k miles. We bought it for a very good price.

If you need some encouragement facing giants in the will of God, please listen in to our SS lesson this morning from the Life of David. It will be uploaded soon and I'll add a link to this thread. (Here is the link.)

Unusual door to door....

22/01/2022 12:06

God blessed Katie and I with great door to door visits this morning. The area we are going through is military family housing. We would love to see  God open the door to minister to these soldier's and their families. We had 3 adults at 3 different homes tell us that they may visit the church tomorrow. We have had people tell us this before, but each of these appeared to show genuine interest. So, plesae pray. :)

Property of Interest update

19/01/2022 09:15

Thank you for praying about our building need. I'll share below what I just sent to our church family. Please keep praying in faith for God's provision.

"Last night was an interesting night. We received good news on the property and then "bad" news. After a wait of about 4 weeks I finally heard from the planning department and it was positive. I was working on some things last night and looking again at the property and it said, "Under Offer."
I confirmed this with the estate agent this morning and barring the property falling through, it is not the property God has for us.
We've been praying for an open or closed door. I'm not upset at the planning department for taking so long to get back to us. God is over all of that. We will know His will as we need to know it. It will be easy to know when God sends us the open door on a property.
James 3:17  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy."
Last night was an interesting night. We received good news on the property and then "bad" news. After a wait of about 4 weeks I finally heard from the planning department and it was positive. I was working on some things last night and looking again at the property and it said, "Under Offer."
I confirmed this with the estate agent this morning and barring the property falling through, it is not the property God has for us.
We've been praying for an open or closed door. I'm not upset at the planning department for taking so long to get back to us. God is over all of that. We will know His will as we need to know it. It will be easy to know when God sends us the open door on a property.
James 3:17  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

Sunday and Monday

17/01/2022 11:31

God gave us a good Sunday. Our attendance continues to be impacted by health. However, God gave us a really good day for those who were able to be there. I preached yesterday morning on, "Follow Jesus" from Exodus 23:20-33. Israel had Jesus (preincarnate) guiding them through the wilderness. 

For anyone who was following our Sunday School lessons on the Life of David, I apologise for missing uploading the last two lessons. We forgot to record last week. This week we recorded and I deleted it before saving it to my computer. So, Lord willing, we will get that recorded again. We're kind of rusty after our covid break.

I enjoyed getting out with two flyers this morning in a large village not far from our church. I had one brief witnessing opportunity.

I have not yet heard back from the planning department regarding the suitability of the property we have found. Lord willing, they will get back to me soon. Thank you for your prayers.

2022 Door to Door has Begun

15/01/2022 12:35

God blessed our door to door this morning. Logan was my partner as Katie is still not quite recovered from covid symptoms. We had 3 really good divine appointments. I'd like to request your prayers for one man in particular. He's a soldier who struggles with  PTSD. I told him that I was going to pray for Him regarding that. In particular I said that I would pray this week that God would show Him that He is helping Him.

All of these opportunities this morning were about 15-20 minutes standing in a doorway with outside temps of 40 degrees fahrenheit. So, God was working. We appreciate your prayers for our evangelism.

I had a friend from our community ask me this week, "Do you really think that I could go to Heaven?" I said, "Abosolutely! But, you'd have to come to God confessing that you have lived your whole life in ignorance of Him and turn to follow after Jesus." Please pray that God will also work in this man's heart.

I'll briefly share one other opportunity. Friday I stopped by a sign maker's place of business to organise signage for our minibus. Outside was about a half dozen teenage boys and a young woman with a child. I offered them all tracts and most took them. The woman asked for one after some of the boys laughed at God. It was a great "street preaching" opportunity of banter with some young men. This woman said, "Have you heard of _________?" (I can't remember the name she mentioned.) She said, "He was a junkie who almost died and then found God." God must be working in her life for her to be aware of this story. Please pray that she will find Christ.

Livingston outreach

12/01/2022 12:58

I enjoyed catching up with the Dillmans as I helped Don put out Gospel tracts around their church area in Livingston. The Lord gave us one really good divine appointment with two teenage boys who were walking past. They let me pray with them at the conclusion of our conversation and shook our hands before walking away. Please pray that the seed sown will take root in their hearts.

Great outreach weather....

11/01/2022 13:19

High pressure has taken control of things for a little while, which means settled weather. It was a fine morning to get out with Tommy to do outreach. This was our first formal outreach of 2022 and it felt good to get out with flyers. We put out an evangelistic flyer and an information flyer. We didn't have any divine appointments (to our eyes) but we enjoyed fellowship and ministry. Please pray for Tommy as he often struggles with his blood sugar on our outings. He did ok this morning but could have been better.

Our family continues to improve in our health. Thank you for praying.

I forgot to update you on Kay Lee. God worked out some things, as only He can, to get her onto her flights. She also missed her final flight in Chicago, but it only led to just over an hour delay. She is safely back at Ambassaor Baptist College and is excited about the new school year. Thank you for praying for her travels. We're very thankful she was able to be here over her break.

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