
"good" morning

03/04/2022 14:33

God blessed us with a very good morning. The spirit in our church right now is very special. When I get done preaching around 12:15, our church stays and visits for half an hour. It's really good for our people and refreshing to watch. 

We continue to see God bring people out to church. One of our families from HBC (Holiday Bible Club) visited this morning. That was really neat to have them present. Also, a man who visited while my family was absent, was back with us. It was great to have him there with his girlfriend who has been attending.

My message this morning was from Nehemiah 9, "Be Mindful." I challenged our church to be mindful of Who God is to us. He is the fountain of every blessing in life. To turn your back on Him is to walk away from your Saviour, Provider, Guide and Revealer of truth.

God is so very good to us and we thank you for your prayers. Please pray for God's protection as we go through this season of growth and blessing. I'm reminded of what Paul said, "A great door and effectual is open unto me and there are many adversaries." Thanks for praying.

a busy week

02/04/2022 13:23

There has been a lot going on this week. We enjoyed a youth activity on Tuesday night with Daniel, a young man in our church, preaching at it. We had a good midweek service with our visitors present and enjoying their time with us. We put out a lot more flyers in Penicuik as Tommy went with me on Tuesday and Brother Dillman on Wednesday. We again viewed the church property which is for sale. This time we had a specialist in these types of buildings with us. Monday is the deadline for offers. Please continue to pray for God's guidance. We are seeing His hand and will share with you what He does this next week.

Meanwhile, my wife and I had a terific divine appointment this morning. I don't know that I've ever spoken with someone for over 40 minutes at their door before. This man was very appreciative and said that this was the most informed presentation he had heard before and that it had given him a lot to think about. I know God was in it. Please pray for fruit that will remain.

More visitors and outreach

28/03/2022 13:24

God encouraged us again with a new couple visiting the church last night.  (They are also riding our bus.) Please pray for God to do a great work in their lives.

This morning I headed into Edinburgh to do evangelism as it was a perfect day for "street" evangelism. I had several good divine appointments. The first was with a man waiting to take bus down into the borders. The second was with a young man who's life is really fractured by sin. He wants deliverance. We read the story of the demoniac of Gedarra and I showed him how God put the man in his "right mind." Only God's power can deliver him from the "demons" in his life.

After that I witnessed to a former teacher who is Catholic. She's trusting in goodness overcoming the badness in her life. We had a good wee chat. The next opportunity was with two girls from Serbia. They are here on holiday (vacation.) I apologized for taking their time, but one said, "No, thank you, I'm thinking about things I didn't know."

Another young lady reminded me of my daughter. I went out of my way to go to where she was seated and spoke with her. As it turned out she is the same age as Kay Lee and has a similar name, Holly. We had a great wee chat and I hope she'll find Jesus as her Saviour. 

(Several of these were given a Gospel of John and Romans.) The last conversation this morning was with a former police officer who is now an insurance investigator. He well understood man's need to know the law and observe it. He also understand justice is not absolving someone from punishment. Please pray for all of these individuals to be convicted and that God would bless each flyers which was handed out. It was a good morning.

PS. I almost forgot about two Christian young men (mid 20's) from Tucson, AZ (I did my internship there in 1998 with Dr. Ed Nelson.) They had their Bible's out and were getting ready to have their devotions. If they are not in a good church, please pray that they will visit Bethel Baptist. I'm sure that it was a divine appointment. I met one other believer (young lady) from Chicago. She had been saved for a year.

A refreshing Sunday

27/03/2022 15:20

God blessed us with a wonderfully refreshing Sunday. Today is Mother's Day in Scotland. It was fun to honour our mothers. Katie had a tea cup with some goodies in it for the ladies. A man in our church also provided a lot of flowers through his work so that everyone left with many bouquets.

What has been very encouraging of late is to see our attendance increasing and everyone enjoying good fellowship before and after services. So, praise the Lord!

I preached this morning, Part 2 of a message from last week on, "You and God's Harvest." Today we focuse on going in faith to work in the Harvest.

We continue to pray about the church property. This Friday we have a contractor inspecting the building. We must then decide whether or not to make an offer. Monday, 4 April, is the deadline.

Thank you for your prayers. 

beautiful weather!

23/03/2022 13:17

It's been gorgeous. I am enjoying doing outreach in short sleeves. It is 55 out right now. 

The Lord blessed Tommy and I as we got out yesterday in Penicuik. We put out a couple hundred flyers and I had one divine appointment. This man was working on masonry - repointing a stone wall. He knows that someone designed the wall and I encouraged him to look around and see God's design. It was a good chat.

Today I was over in Livingston with Don putting out flyers.  I had a few short divine appointments. A liberal church of Scotland man spoke with me. A woman who attends a Baptist church but who didn't know the Gospel was another one. The last one was a man in his mid 30's who actually had a Bible app on his phone. He was proud to show it to me. We encouraged him to set up a Bible study with Don.

One other opportunity was with a workman who had seen Don and his church people handing out literature at the local mall. Don wasn't with me as I spoke with this man. However, this man spoke well of Don's friendliness. I encouraged him to stop and talk to Don and ask Don to convince him that there is a God. (Obviously only God can really do that - but that would be a good start.)

Thanks for praying for our evangelism.

Viewed another property

21/03/2022 13:20

Well, my normal evangelism routine was set aside this morning to allow us to view a church property (1860) in our area which is for sale. Please pray for wisdom for us as we continue to wait on the Lord. As with the other church buidling, it is beautiful.  Thank you for your prayers.

Joyful Sunday

20/03/2022 13:28

It has been a very encouraging Sunday. A young man whom we baptised a few years ago was back with us today. It was great to catch up with him.  Our visiting lady is over for lunch today. She was laughing because my office is "the studio" for "The Journey" videos. She's watched some of these and so she said it is like, "Wow - that is where they were recorded." :)

I enjoyed preaching a message on soul winning from Luke 10:1-2, "You and the Harvest." If you haven't recently been stirred up about evangelism and I encourage you to consider this text. God help us to earnestly pray the Lord of the Harvest and participate in His harvest field. (This sermon is currently uploading on sermon audio but is already uploaded on our facebook page.)

Thank you for praying for our ministry. God is giving us a wonderful day.

Windy but not wet and wet but not windy.

16/03/2022 13:02

Yesterday was windy but not wet. I ventured into Edinburgh to do evangelism in the heart of the city, Princess St. Gardens. God gave me three really good divine appointments. The best was with Enna who is from Switzerland. She asked some insightful questions regarding God's truth. The Lord blessed our conversation and we spoke for at least 20 minutes. I offered to help her find a church in Switzerland if she was interested. She said, "My friend is a baptist." She didn't know what to call it, but as it turned out she was at her friend's baptism which took place in a river. Please pray for God to bring this young lady to faith.

The second divine appointment was with a young man and woman (both 21 years old) from Ipswitch England. Katie and I took a group of teens from Michigan on a mission trip to Ipswitch back in 2004. I had a good heart to heart with these young people and the young man thanked me.

The third opportunity was with a young man (27) named Iian. His mum passed away last year. He moved down to Edinburgh to get away from his home area in the Highlands. He's now sleeping rough and pan handling. I invited him to church on Sunday and over for lunch afterwards. I hope he takes me up on it.

Today was wet but not windy. Don Dillman and I got a bit damp as we put out flyers in a steady light rain for close to two hours. We were able to get a large area completed. Penicuik is a large village. I have previously left this village untouched as there is a good Baptist church in the village. However, after speaking with the pastor there, he welcomed us to reach out into the community.

Flyers in Penicuik

14/03/2022 11:42

It felt good to get back at it this morning as I put out Gospel flyers in a large village near our church. God gave me a divine appointment with a young man who has just completed his masters in Edinburgh. He moved very recently out to our area and has not yet found a church. He's away to London until Thursday but said that he will visit our church after he returns. Also, for those praying for riders for our minibus, I believe he may take our offer to pick him up.

We had a good service last night. Our new family have some young friends who were supposed to visit last night. They didn't come. Please pray that they will soon visit the church.

God's good. We're seeing His hand at work in answer to your prayers. Please continue to pray for divine appointments.

A great holiday (vacation)

13/03/2022 14:46

If you are often on this page, you've noticed that we haven't updated in a little while. The silence was because ouf family was on holiday (vacation) in the North of Scotland. Because we have a young preacher in our church, we were able to be gone for a week from last Saturday. We had a great holiday and saw the beauty of God's creation. I'll put a couple pics below.

Meanwhile, a couple visited our church in our absence. Thankfully the woman was able to return this Sunday and is planning on coming next Sunday. The man is currently staying in Manchester, England. So, praise the Lord.

I enjoyed preaching a message, "Obedience Necessary" from 1 Kings 17, God's provision for Elijah through the hand of the widow woman of Zarapheth. Interestingly, the impossible command of God to her to feed the prophet, was just what she needed to do to see God provide for her needs.

We are much refreshed from our time away. Thanking God for His goodness and thank you for your prayers.

John O'Groats is the Northern most tip of Mainland Scotland, Great Britain.

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