
outreach update....

18/08/2022 18:04

It's been a good outreach week. Tommy went into Edinburgh with me on Tuesday. We stopped at the shop and bought him the same umbrella (see previous post) as the rain continued into Tuesday. We both had one good witnessing opportunity.

On Wednesday Don Dillman came my way and we put out the, "Open Letter" flyer in Loanhead and Liberton (outskirts of Edinburgh next to Loanhead.) 

Today, I put out the flyer again in Liberton for a short while this afternoong. 

Our prayer meeting went well last night. We celebrated the 21st b-day of a young man, Cameron, who attends our church. It was fun to suprise him with a Costco Cake (for all of us) and present him with a study Bible. Please pray for God's grace for Cameron.

Last night I preached lesson 3 in our study of 1 Peter. We looked at 1 Peter 1:6-7 focusing on what to remember in times of trial.

Into Edinburgh....

15/08/2022 13:28

I did something today that I don't ever remember doing before in Scotland. I bought an umbrella. :) It was raining this morning, but I really wanted to get out and do some evangelism in Edinburgh. And so, I stopped and bought an umbrella. Thankfully, I only needed to be under it for about 30 minutes and then the rest of the time was just light rain. I put out the, "Open Letter" flyer.

God gave me three good divine appointments. The first is with a young lady who lives in Edinburgh. I hope she will visit the church. She is intrigued that we do not believe in evolution. (For those who don't know,.... God doesn't belive in evolution either. I'm thinking about writing a flyer entitled 10 reasons NOT to believe in evolution and if I do that is going to be reason number 1.)

The second conversation was with a man from England who was singing in a choir that was performing in Edinburgh. (It's festival season right now in Edinburgh and there are 1,000's of venues.) We had a good chat. Please pray for Richard to get saved.

The last opportunity was with a young man from London. He's 26 and is envious of people of faith. My first question for him was, "Are you willing to let God be God?" Most people do not want God to be God, but want to put themselves in HIs place. We had a good conversation as well. Please pray for Will.

There were other smalls chats and many Gospel flyers received by people from all over who are here for the festival. It was also encouraging to see  a street preacher down on Princess St. I stopped and spoke with some of the men that were with him. They were from several churches, but I believe they came over from Glasgow as their literature had that address. 

Thank you for praying for our outreach. 

A fine day....

14/08/2022 13:31

Thanks for praying for us this past week. I realised just now that I didn't add any updates this week. On Monday and Wednesday I did evangelism. On Tuesday, we had a day of prayer up at Blair Atholl. God blessed us with good turnout (6 0f us) and some great time in prayer and fellowship. God's good.

This morning we had good services. I preached a topical message on 3 truths which are mighty through God to help pull down strongholds in your life. I really believe these three things identify whether someone is living in victory or defeat. They are basics and they are things which we do.

This week is a normal schedule other than some Dr.'s appointments.... we must be getting old. :) Thanks for praying for our ministry.

12 visitors :)

07/08/2022 14:17

It was a fun attendance day today as we had 12 visitors in church this morning. 8 of them were on holiday (vacation) here from the States. 3 of them had visited us before back in 2017. It was great to get reacquainted and have them with us. Four of the visitors are friends of ours from the area who are interested in learning about God. That was a special joy.

After a very busy week, I had a wee break in SS as we showed a Ken Ham lesson on creation science. In the morning service I preached on the Laodicean church from Revelation 3 on Being what Jesus wants you to be. God gave us a good service.

Permanent location update: We have another idea we are investigating with the local council. Please pray for God's will to be accomplished and that if this is His leading, He would open the door. God's good. Thanks for praying.

Going well :)

03/08/2022 21:15

Thank you for praying for our Holiday Bible Club. It has been going very well. We have had 7 children visit and one adult. The adult is a huge answer to prayer as we've ministered to her family for 12 years. God's good and we're thankful for the grace He is giving to us this week.

We have two more days and we have been praying that we'll see a family added to our church through HBC, a child saved this week and a specific child back at church. We'll see what God does in the days ahead as we wait on Him for fruit from this ministry.

Great Sunday

31/07/2022 22:12

We have had busy Sundays recently. The last two Sundays we have put out HBC leafletts in the afternoon. Today we went out at 4:30 with about a dozen people and put out several hundred leaflets. We have had some positive responses and know of 3 children who plan to come because of our advertisements. Please pray for other visitors to join us for a fun week.

Thank you for praying for Breland and Taylor (newlyweds) who arrived in Scotland this week. It was a joy to have them in church this morning. We viewed a flat with them this afternoon. It looked promising but sadly the landlord chose another renter. Please pray for God's provision of housing for them. Taylor begins her veternar medicine studies in about 2 weeks.

I preached this morning on the conversion of Jacob from Genesis 28. Jacob went to sleep without an expectation of meeting with God. He awakened with a conviction that God had met with him.

Tonight we set up for Holiday Bible Club. We're excited about what God is going to do.

God's good. We're enjoying God's grace to our congregation. We had a good Sunday. Thanks for praying.

Good weather for outreach....

26/07/2022 11:58

My day was backwards yesterday due to inclement weather. The rain finally  went mostly away mid afternoon and I got out for about an hour and a half. The Lord gave me really good study time while I was stuck inside. Today I was able to get out for a couple hours with the Open Letter flyer. I enjoy doing Loanhead as I often see people I know. It was good to catch up with a couple friends in the community this morning.

Our HBC (Holiday Bible Club) is next week. So, tomorrow morning, Pastor Dillman and my family are going to put out HBC leaflets. Katie is working hard on getting puppet scripts, missionary story and crafts planned. She has been working on this for several weeks but is working double hard this week. I'm preparing daily Bible lessons for next week as well. My job is usually the teaching time and game time. Please pray for grace to have a great week of planning this week and a great week of ministry next week.

The day a bird came to church....

24/07/2022 13:01

When I was growing up, we had a bird called, "ugly bird." It had plucked out it's feathers. The reason we had that bird is because a parent sent it to church with their child and said not to bring it back. We had a bird come to church twice this morning, but thankfully it departed the same way it came. We don't have screens on open doors or windows and it was warm and so our feathered friend took advantage of it. It was a swallow and had a tight turning radius so thankfully the excitement was over as soon as it started.

God gave us a good time in His Word this morning. in Sunday School we finished our consideration of being a dynamic Christian (spiritual power.) In the morning service, I preached on obtaining your God given potential from Psalm 81. Please pray for God to do a great work in the individuals and families who make up our church. We're thankful for each one.

Tonight at 4:00 we are going to do church outreach and invite children to our HBC (1-6 August.)

Thanks for your prayers.

Midweek crisis....

21/07/2022 09:18

The "midweek crisis" yesterday was a kidney stone. Thankfully I am fine now, although it changed evangelism plans yesterday morning. 

Another interesting event this week was meeting with a young couple who are interested in truth. They saw the negative article against our church in the newspaper and thought, "If the news is saying they are bad, there must be something good." As they read the truth for which we were taking a stand, they agreed with us. Please pray that we can be a great blessing to this young family. We had a 3 hour chat on Tuesday.

Also, there is a newlywed couple arriving from the States next week. The bride is going to be studying at the University of Edinburgh. We are seeking to find housing for them. Please pray for God's provision of housing and employment for them. They are looking forward to visiting our church.

Another prayer request is wisdom as we continue to pursue God's will for a property. There is a former property of interest which we are again pursuing. More specifically we are praying about building a church/retreat centre which may allow us to get the planning permission we need. It would also open the door for some great ministry opportunities if God is in it. Please pray for wisdom.

Thanks for praying and following along with what God is doing at Free Baptist Church.

Wow - it's hot in Scotland.

19/07/2022 10:51

"It is hot" is not something you often say in Scotland. Our normal summer temperatures can vary, but they are normally in the upper 50's to mid 60's with rain/wind, etc. We do get some sun, but my family remembers a July where for 3 weeks we didn't see a single spot of blue sky. Yesterday and today are sunny and hot. The forecast today is supposed to hit record high temperatures close to 90. The highest temperature that I remember since we moved her in 2010 was 83 degrees.

I was able to get out and do some evangelism yesterday on the other side of Edinburgh by the North Sea. As you can imagine many people were heading down towards that area. God gave me several divine appointments. I witnessed to a candidate (woman) for ministry with the church of Scotland. She is liberal and does not know the Gospel. Please pray for God to work in her heart. We spoke for about 15 minutes. I witnesed to a young married couple from "Palestine." (They refuse to call it Israel.) They are muslims who were smoking. That gave a good opportunity to emphasise that we don't go to heaven (paradise) by our good works, because we aren't good. They were very kind and I hope they will visit a friend of mine's church. They know right where it is located. I witnessed to a man who said, "I'm a devout atheist.... I'm from the most atheistic nation in the world." I said, "Are you from Norway?" His answer was affirmitive. Please pray that God will awaken his heart. 

I witnessed to some groups - 5 boys, 2 girls and boy, 3 men in their mid 20's. The laughter which would come into these conversations is interesting. There is such a wicked peer pressure against accepting the truth of God. Please pray that God will break through.

Today I put out the "open letter" flyer in Loanhead. Please continue to pray for the power of God upon it. "Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil." 

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