
Newspaper Article

18/06/2022 21:32

As you pray for the, "Open Letter to Government" ask God to bless those who curse us. Also pray for people to investigate the open letter for themselves and to evaluate whether a news article accurately portrays the information. 

Here is a news article which takes a contrary view to the open letter to government.

Men's camp out....

18/06/2022 19:57

Thank you for praying for the men's campout. We had a wonderful time despite the mess tents getting blown apart on Thursday night. :) We enjoyed our time in God's Word, fellowshipping and had some fun activities as well. Please pray that the work God did in our hearts will continue and that our men and boys will be strengthened.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to hearing from a missionary friend in Canada. Please pray that God will bless Sandy's testimony, update and preaching to the hearts of our church family. 


15/06/2022 16:05

This has been a busy week, but a fun week. Katie has been doing much to help our friends get settled in Scotland. There has been some progress and I'm thankful she's been able to assist them. They are very thankful to be here and we are enjoying their company as they settle in for God's plan for their family.

Meanwhile, I tried to put out literature on Monday, but was rained out. Yesterday, Tommy and I got a good section of Loanhead finished. Today, Pastor Dillman and I got a fair bit done as well. There won't be too many more times out in Loanhead before it is finished.

The boys are really excited about going camping. We leave in the morning with our church minibus and then will be collecting Pastor Dillman and another man from his church. All told, we'll have 11 of us traveling together. The weather looks promising, if you can trust it. :) We'll be happy with whatever God sees fit to give us. 

There were be 4 devotionals in our time together. I get to share the first tomorrow night. I'm going to preach about the Feast of Tabernacles which the Jewish men were required to attend. Our camp out won't be as long as their feast, but there are some fun similarities. Thanks for praying for our family and ministry.

A good Sunday

12/06/2022 20:22

Praise the Lord, Constantine arrived safe and sound last night. It was a joy to see their family reunited and in church together today. Please pray for their older son, Michael, as he and his wife remain in Odessa. They have other family there as well.

Another blessing today, was a first time visitor who got a flyer. She enjoyed being with us and said she'll return next Sunday and hopes to have her husband with her. 

We had fun in SS as I showed Ben Child's, Papua New Guinea, update video. Afterwards we watched a video of Ken Ham teaching on fossils and the flood. 

I preached this morning from Mark 4:32-35 on, "Connected to God." Mark (15) helped prepare closed captioning for 5 languages (Russian, Ukrainian, English, Spanish and German.) I'm thankful for a new avenue of ministry if we meet someone who speaks another language.

Tonight was also a fun service. Thanks for praying for our day.

Constantine is coming today.

11/06/2022 12:31

Thank you for praying for Evelene's husband, Constantine. He is in Bucharest waiting for his flight. So, praise the Lord. 

We also had a good follow up visit this morning and have begun a basic Bible study. Please pray for God to bless this open door.

We have a busy schedule of ministry opportunities coming.

In SS tomorrow morning, I'm going to share a video from a friend's ministry (Ben Childs) in Papua New Guinea. Afterwards we'll dismis that children and then show a Creation Science film.

This Thursday - Saturday we are heading up near Elgin (3.5 hours North) for a men's camp out with a few other churches. We are praying for good weather and a good time of fellowship. We'll have morning and evening devotionals.

Next Sunday, Sandy Edgar (Canada) will be preaching. Sandy is from Scotland and will be back visiting his mum. Please pray that God will bless his testimony, ministry report and preaching. It will be a joy to catch up with him.

The Saturday following, 25 June, we are participating in a children's fair, (Gala Day) with a church booth. Please pray for God to bless the weather and the event.

On Sunday, 26 June, in the PM service, Daniel Brown, a college student will be preaching. Daniel and Emily are from Northern Ireland and Ireland. They will graduate on the 25th and from Faith Misson college and then will be working with the faith mission in the UK/Ireland. We'll miss them, but thank the Lord that they have a heart to serve Him.

Thanks for praying for these special events.

Closed Captioning in Ukrainian

09/06/2022 14:16

Well, we are trying something new on our sermon audio feed. Mark (15, Ukrainian) was able to get me the file I needed to upload closed captioning in Ukrainian to our video feed. We've only done this with the video from the service last night which I preached from 1 Timothy 6 where Paul warns Timothy of the danger of money lust. To access the Ukrainian CC feed, you click on the settings symbol on the bottom right and chose "UK" which actually stands for Ukrainian. Mark was excited to see that his work had paid off and that he had provided me with what was needed.

Our day of prayer on Tuesdays was a great encouragement. There were four of us able to meet together. Thank you for praying for that time. Also, the funeral yesterday went very well. Please continue to pray for God's comfort for the family.

We are grateful for your prayers. We desparately need the power of God and appreciate your intercession for us.



06/06/2022 12:53

Our youngest, Mac, turned 8 today. It's amazing having children that don't need you to tie their shoes, put on their coats, blow their noses, etc. :) It's fun watching the kids grow up. Mac is enjoying a fun day.

I put out flyers this morning for a couple of hours. I didn't have any noticable divine appointments, but was able to get much accomplished. I think I put out close to 300. As I was working my way back to my car, I thought I was going to run out. But, I still gave out 3 flyers to individuals walking past. I ended up being short on flyers.... by 3. I like it when God shows His hand on my day in small ways like that. :) Please pray for the power of God upon this flyer. "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

I'm looking forward to what God is going to do in our day of prayer tomorrow. One of our men has covid. So, we are going to miss having him there. Please pray for he and his wife to quickly recover. Lord willing, we'll see him next week at a men's camp out.

Thanks for praying.

Good times...

05/06/2022 13:37

These are busy, but good times. We waited at the airport for 2 hours last night for Evelena and Mark to get out of the terminal. Security and baggage claim led to long delays. Praise the Lord, they made it! We're excited to have them with us, but regret that they have had to move because of a war. Please pray for God's watchcare over their family in Ukraine.

We also had some good contacts yesterday while knocking on doors. Thank you for praying for God's blessing on that ministry. We have two entities attending our church faithfully from door to door in the last six months. Another family has also visited in that time. So, God is using that ministry and we hope to see others respond. 

I preached a message this morning from 1 Peter 1:1-9, Endure. Peter spoke of persecution and all these texts on suffering are becoming more and more vital in our day. May God help us to endure.

I have two special prayer requests this week. The first is for our bi-monthly day of prayer this coming Tuesday. Please pray for the power of God upon that time. Also, on Wednesday I'm preaching the funeral of a woman who attended our church regularly several years ago. Please pray that I can be a comfort to the family and that God will be glorified in my ministry to them.

Thank you for praying for us, our church and our outreach. It is much appreciated.

Google Review

31/05/2022 11:45

We finally received feedback as we have been putting out this new flyer. It came in the form of a google review. Laura said - "Continues to post absolute hate speech through my door. Shame on you. And for every bible quote you posted, I can find one to contradict it. Absolute American Republican hate filled drivel." 

I thanked her for her review (as I responded to it) and put a link to the article she was referencing. "Open Letter to Government" Praise God for the truth of His Word and His love for people who despise it.

Matthew 5:10  Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.


I put the flyer out yesterday and today. Please continue to pray for the power of God upon it.

Matthew 5:10  Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

A nice surprise

29/05/2022 14:07

It was good to have Nathan back for a surprise visit with his family. He has been on a 5 week training course down in England. The queen's Jubilee interrupted the training for a week and so he has a week long holiday. What a blessing to his family and to our church to have him back.

I preached a sober message this morning on the doom of those who die without Christ. Nahum 1 was our text, "The burden of Ninevah." Ninevah had God's mercy, but wasted it. Sadly, their doom was sealed and Nahum declared that it was indeed coming. Please pray for the unsaved who heard this message or will hear it.

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