
Flyers in Dundee

21/04/2012 21:21

Thank you for praying for our outreach this morning in Dundee. Although there was a big threat of rain, we were able to get out for a couple of hours. We had one interesting conversation with a lady who is a believer.  It was a good opportunity to let her know about the new church plant.  We also really enjoyed our time with Kirk and Carrie. 

Please pray for our services tomorrow.  Nelson woke up with a fever last night and it has continued today.  It is difficult for us to have illness on Sundays because Katie and I really need to be at church.  The Lord knows what is best.  But we'd appreciate if you would please pray for him to be better in the morning if that would please the Lord.

We are anticipating a couple visitors tomorrow.  Michael told us that he would be there.  And another man, Josh, will also be visiting with us.  Josh just recently moved to Edinburgh.  We're looking forward to meeting him.  Thanks for your prayers.


19/04/2012 21:36

The Lord gave us a great midweek service tonight.  The Hikins, Skye and Michael were present.  Michael is the young man who contacted us this week after receiving a flyer.  As it turned out, he lives in flats in a building which I have only occasionally gotten into. I got into it this week and he received our flyer. He left tonight with a discipleship book and told us that he will see us Sunday morning.  Please pray for this young man.  We are excited about God's evident hand at work in his life.

This morning Benson and I assisted the Vogelpohls in unloading their container.  4 other men were able to help and their things are now moved into their house.  Please pray for them as they unpack and soon move into their house.  (The house is having some repairs but it is nearly finished.)  God has allowed them to rent a home that will be a blessing to their family. 

Tomorrow we are heading to Dundee to visit Kirk and Carrie.  We are excited to spend some time with them.  We are also going to help their pastor, Sandy Edgar, put out some flyers for their church.  They just started the church last fall. Please pray for divine appointments/contacts and that God will keep the rain away.  He did today.  It started raining hard just as we were finishing.  Thanks for taking these needs to the Lord.  You are impacting our ministry.

Putting out flyers

18/04/2012 12:59

The Lord gave me 3 good witnessing opportunities this morning as I put out flyers.  Amanda was the first.  We had a good chat about how choices affect our lives.  She allowed me to pray with her as we concluded.  Angela's dog has often barked at me.  She was out there with him and I invited her to our church and gave her a flyer.  I enjoyed sharing with her the truth about our Creator and Savior.  The last man grew up in a church that didn't preach the Gospel in a way he (and probably anyone else) could understand.  He has since turned from "God" to evolution/science.  I spoke to him for 20 minutes and concluded by saying, "It takes more faith to believe what you believe and the consequences are far greater."  Please pray that God will open his eyes.  The conversation was good but you begin to realize that only God can open the eyes of an unbeliever.  Thanks for praying. God's hand was evident this morning.


17/04/2012 17:47


We have some potential visitors. Michael (21) emailed today and is looking forward to visiting on Thursday. He received a flyer at his home yesterday and spent some time on our website. Josh just moved up here. He is visiting on Sunday. He is a believer. His family will be moving up here later. Please pray that God will have His way in these lives.

Putting out flyers

16/04/2012 15:12


16 April: The Lord gave me a great day to get out and do flyers. I started at 9am and ended at 2pm. I had several good opportunities. I witnessed to a young mother, Shara. I had previously witnessed to her mom. I also spoke with Peter whom I had witnessed to before. The Lord helped me remember his name and our conversation. I've prayed for him and hope that someday we will get to see him get saved. He has a friend who is born again and their life changed. Peter is a strong atheist. I also witnessed to Brian. His brother attended our church for about 10 weeks. I encouraged him to stop by some time.

The most encouraging divine appointment was with David. I had spoken to him over a year ago. He remembered me and reminded me of when we had met. (My family was at a park and David and a friend were fishing nearby.) He said that he has seen our sign several times recently and had been thinking about stopping in. He knows that he needs change in his life. He has never been to church before. Please pray that he will have the courage to come. And please pray that God will not let Satan put anything in his way to keep him from coming. Thanks for your prayers. (I prayed this morning for those of you who pray for us.)

A sunny but cold Sunday.

15/04/2012 14:31

15 April: We had a good Sunday morning. Mark and the kids were with us in SS. Alec and Adele joined us for the morning service. Marion is doing better but still unable to attend. Timothy was ill this morning. We looked at II Chron. 32 and the siege of Jerusalem. I love this story from God's Word. My message was, How to Respond when under Attack. (Get good counsel, build up the walls, rest in God, abide in the siege, ignore the enemy, cry out to God and wait on God.)

Thanks for praying for our church plant. Please continue to ask for God to build this ministry for His glory.

Getting into Edinburgh

14/04/2012 17:00
14 April: I enjoyed putting out some flyers this morning in Edinburgh. It was a sunny morning and the city was beautiful. It made me rejoice in God's goodness in putting us in an area with spectacular scenery. People didn't appear very receptive but I found a spot where a good number of people took the flyer. Human nature is funny. If the first person in the crowd rejects the flyer, most people behind them won't take it either. But, if the first person takes it, everyone else is more likely to take it as well. Please pray specifically for Josh. He know that his life is messed up. He is a perfect example of the bondage of sin. I had a brief opportunity to share with him that Jesus came to earth to set people like him free. Thanks for praying for us. God has given me my energy back.

The sun is shining again!

11/04/2012 16:32


11 April: Yesterday was an interesting weather day. We started with heavy snow shower and then heavy rain. We ended the day with hail. So, flyers were not a possibility. Thankfully today the weather cleared and it is a gorgeous day. So, this morning I was able to put out flyers. I had a good witnessing opportunity with someone you have all prayed for and to whom we have witnessed many times. I'm hoping that he is close to salvation. Please pray that God will open his heart and that he will put his faith in Jesus.


Three of the Hikin children came over today. The Hikins attended the funeral of a grandfather. His granddaughter, Victoria, has attended our church a handful of times. She lived with her grandfather. Please pray about where she will now live and that we will still have contact with her. Thanks for praying!

Easter Monday

09/04/2012 12:46

09 April:  In Scotland the day after Easter is the Easter Monday Holiday.  Several churches in our fellowship got together today in North Berwick.  This fishing village is beautiful.  The Baptist Church there has very nice facilities to host a gathering.  Our church was well represented.  Alec, Timothy, the Hikin's and our family were present.  It was a great day of preaching and fellowship.

Saturday visits

07/04/2012 15:31


07 April:  Kay Lee was my door to door helper this morning as we invited people to our Easter service.  She was keeping track of how many, "No thank you."'s we heard.  I was glad to have her with me.  We had two divine appointments.


This afternoon Timothy took me to lunch.  Please continue to pray for him as he grows in the Lord.  Afterwards I stopped by two houses.  Morris, who's family I witnessed to two weeks ago, was sitting on his front step.  We chatted for about an half hour about God.  He is a curious skeptic.  His daughter (24) wants to come visit our church.  She also listened in for about half of that time.  Please pray that God will continue to draw these to Himself.  They live very near our church.

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