
Summer is here

04/08/2012 18:04

We are enjoying a nice warm day.  I was able to do door to door this morning and had 4 good chats.  I was going through a very nice area and was pleased to find the people friendly. I know the Lord was working even though the doors weren't very open.

This afternoon we joined a sister church for a barbecue.  This church is close to an hour from us and their pastor is getting ready to return to the States.  The Searcy's don't want to leave the field but have made the tough choice to return to care for his mother.  Please pray for God's provision for the church in Tweedbank. Please also pray for the Searcy's as they travel back the beginning of next month.

The Hikins left on holiday on Friday.  Please pray that God will bless this time for their family.  Their last attempt at a holiday was pretty disastrous.  (They can laugh about it - but it was pretty bad.) I know they'd appreciate your prayers.

Odds and Ends

01/08/2012 10:56

Here are updated and new prayer requests.

1.) Although we liked the home which we viewed very much, we felt like the Lord wanted us to wait.  So, we are still praying and waiting on God's provision for housing. We are content to stay where we are as long as the Lord desires.

2.)  Parker has a Dr.'s appointment on the 6th.  (Parker is 5 and Nelson is 2.  But, Nelson weighs more than Parker.) Parker has had some stomache issues that we are concerned about.  Please pray for God's direction.

3.)  Logan had major surgery 6 years ago when he was 6 months old.  He had craniosynostosis *(a premature fusion of the soft spot in the back of his head).  They basically took out a large section of his skull and reshaped his head with multiple soft spots.  Those spots should have filled in with bone.  However, there are two large open areas on either side of his head and many small areas yet unfilled. He had a CT Scan last January that confirmed these openings.  We are consulting with a plastic surgeon on the 17th. The bone should continue to fill in until he turns 7.  (That would give him one more year from the time of the scan last January.)  Please pray that God would develop Logan's skull and that we will have wisdom about the Lord's will if medical intervention appears necessary.

Thank you for taking these needs to the Lord.

Evangelism in Edinburgh

31/07/2012 14:54

It was a lovely day to get down into the city.  We've had very few warm days like this.  Believe it or not, our temperature currently is 63 degrees. Until now most of our days have been in the 50's.  We've had more sunshine in the past week than we've had in the previous month and a half. We are loving the change in weather. (May it continue....amen and amen.)

The Lord directed me today.  I was going to get off the bus in a different place than where I did. However, I felt like He wanted me to get out at another stop.  30 seconds after getting off, I was witnessing to Matt.  He is an atheist.  (Most of my time today was spent with atheists.) We talked for about 20 minutes and then he had to head to work.

Ewan is working on a law degree. He said that he had started to read the Bible but stopped. He had started at the beginning. I encouraged him to start again in the Gospels.  I was able to share the Gospel with him.

Emma was the most interesting opportunity. She is an atheist who is working on a master's degree in "Biblical (something...I can't remember exactly what.)" She had just finished a paper on Revelation.  Unfortunately after 15 minutes she had to get back to work. Please pray that she will visit our church and that God would bring her to faith in Him. She had a sincere question that I hope was partially answered before her departure.

Although it was a beautiful day and I enjoy getting out, it can be disheartening to see the spiritual darkness.  Please pray for God's power to awaken men's hearts.  


29/07/2012 20:50


The Lord gave us a good Sunday.  We had good attendance in all of our services. (17 this morning and this evening.  18 in total.)  This morning I preached on "Being a Good Evangelist" from Philip's trip to the desert. Our topical study tonight was on, "Growing in Grace."  We also observed the Lord's Supper in the evening service.  Praise the Lord for a good day.

Please keep praying for Michael.  The Lord allowed me to bump into him yesterday.  He's doing well but has been very busy.

Day #5 HBT

27/07/2012 19:59

God gave us another great day.  The spirit has been wonderful all week long and the kids have faithfully attended. We had one first time visitor today and a total of 24 kids who attended at some point this week.

The Lord gave us good helpers this week with our church folks and other Christian friends from other ministries in Scotland. Thank you for praying for this week.  God's hand has been evident and we thank Him for His goodness.  

Day #4 of HBT

26/07/2012 15:01

Today we had our first visitors from our HBT flyer. John brought his two grandchildren to participate.  We were glad to see them.  He had told Katie that he was going to bring the kids today when Katie met him last week.  John told me the funny story of getting the flyer.  His front door is glass but it was locked.  Logan had approached his door outside just as John went to the door inside.  Logan was using a F.D.T. (Many of you know about our cutting boards (Flyer Distribution Tools.) We use them to push our flyer in neatly past the bristles in the mail slot.) Anyway, John took the F.D.T and flyers from Logan.  So, there they stood, Logan with a look of shock on his face and John without a key to open the door.  He did go and get the key to give Logan back his tool.  But, he said Logan's look was priceless.

It was another good day with very good weather.  God is giving us a great week.

Day #3 of HBT

25/07/2012 21:22

The Lord gave us another great day.  We had a good group (19 kids) with great weather.  We are having a lot of fun! (That is an answer to prayer.) Thanks for praying.

Day #2 of HBT

24/07/2012 15:52

The Lord gave us another good day.  Yesterday the children proved their "nationality" and played games in the rain without seeming to mind.  Thankfully the weather was a bit better today.  Although it's been an overcast day, it has not been raining. So, game time was dry and fun.

The Bible time went very well. Katie is teaching the story with power point that she has worked hard to put together.  The centre has a very nice "tele" mounted on the wall.  So, the slides are very clear. The kids are paying good attention.

We had 15 children today as one family was unable to attend.  Lord willing, they will be back for the rest of the week as they've planned.

Skye approached Katie after HBT and asked about salvation.  She prayed with Katie and was beaming afterwards.  She wanted Katie to go with her to tell her mum.  Please pray for God's continued work in her little heart.  She's been attending our church for close to 2 years.

So, praise the Lord. We are enjoying the ministry that He has given to us and seeing Him answer your prayers. Thanks for participating in our ministry.

The Beginning of the Games!!!

23/07/2012 13:27

We had an "Olympic" start to our HBT with 19 kids present and 5 adults.  We also had the Weaver family helping us today which was a real blessing. Everything went very well.  We appreciate your prayers and we are trusting the Lord for a great week. 

Last night our church family enjoyed a sweet prayer time and set up time. I'll put some pictures below of our decor.

We all went to church!

22/07/2012 13:20

Praise the Lord we were all able to attend church this morning.  And after returning, we were glad that we did because the kids appear to be better.  Thanks for praying. God is good.

We had good attendance today.  Adele and the Hikins were present for Sunday School. Alec and Connie joined us for the morning service. I preached on "Going for Gold" from I Corinthians 9:24-27. Our HBT will carry a similar theme.

Thanks for your prayers!

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