
Loanhead flyers

19/09/2012 12:45

I put out a couple hundred flyers this morning in Loanhead. I stopped to chat with Alec as well. Please continue to pray for Alec. Elizabeth is currently in the States for a holiday. Thanks for praying.

Into Edinburgh

17/09/2012 15:17

The Lord held off the rain and I was able to get into Edinburgh this morning. I had a great opportunity as soon as I got off of the bus on the Royal Mile. Steph and her family used to attend a Baptist church.  She is an atheist but thanked me for our conversation this morning.  Please pray for God to a good work in her heart.  She said, "You won't convince me. But, it may cause me to think about it in the future." We talked for at least 20 minutes.

Michael (19) is an atheist but invited me to sit down and chat with him. He was very antagonistic.  But, I was able to show him some verses before he asked me to stop.

Issin is a non devout muslim.  He and his friend were suffering the effects of a hangover. But, we were able to look at God's Word despite Issin's blasphemy. God's hand was evident in the conversation. We spoke for nearly half an hour.

Adam isn't sure what he believes.  But he recently bought a Bible because he thought everyone should have one.  He was my "best" opportunity.  He really listened as I shared the Gospel with him.

Sandy is a shop keeper who is a Seik.  I started talking with her because of an accident nearby.  I didn't see it happen but came just afterwards. A double decker bus hit a man. There was blood on the road and I asked Sandy what had happened. We talked for 5-10 minutes.

The rain is coming now. So, praise the Lord for the time He gave me to get into the city.  Thanks for praying.

Praise the Lord for a visitor

16/09/2012 19:55

The Lord gave us encouragement today.  The services went well and were well attended.  Brian( 70's) visited today. He is a believer who felt like the Lord wanted him to attend our church this morning. Please pray that God will encourage him and that we can be a blessing in his life.

This morning I preached on Ezekiel 3:1-11, "Go, Speak My Word."  There are many similarities between Ezekiel's call and our call to evangelize a sin hardened world. It is perfect instruction for us in our witnessing.  My main points were, "Go, but eat (of God's Word) first."  "Go where God sends you." and, "Go in God's Strength."

Tonight we looked at Honesty.  Please pray for Emanuel.  He tried to come today but got lost and couldn't find bus #37.  Please pray for wisdom for us as we seek to get him to church.  Thanks for praying. God's good to hear and answer our prayers.

Door to Door with Kay Lee

15/09/2012 13:40

We actually didn't knock on very many doors.  When we got out of our van we saw a girl who attends our kid's club.  She was with 4 of her cousins and we chatted with them for about 15 minutes.  The oldest was 13 and the youngest was 3.  Please pray that they'll visit the church.  

We witnessed to Emma (80) at her door for about 15 minutes as well. Please pray for this sweet lady that God would do a good work in her heart.


13/09/2012 21:00

Tonight after church I stopped by a university to meet a Christian young man who is studying there.  His pastor contacted me this past week with his information.  

It was a joy to meet him.  Please pray for God's grace for this young man that he would have a good testimony for the Lord.  Lord willing, he will be with us on Sunday.  Although the school is only about 7 miles from our church, the bussing to get to our ministry will take him an hour and a half. I told him he needs to win someone to the Lord who has a vehicle.  Please pray for God's provision of a better way for him to get to church in His timing.

Putting out the new flyer

11/09/2012 16:27

I was able to get out this morning and put out flyers for close to 3 hours. It was a gorgeous day.  I had 4 divine appointments. 2 were witnessing opportunities. Ryan was a very good listener and agreed with me as I shared Biblical and physical proofs for creation. We were also able to get into the Gospel.  2 of the divine appointments were follow up opportunities.  One was just an opportunity to say hi.  The other was with Michael.  He walked up to the same door I was heading to at the same time.  God's timing is impeccable.  Please keep praying for him.  "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ." I believe the Lord is still at work.

Here us some of the more humorous signs I see while out walking:  The unwelcome doormat that says, "You again?"  Or the grouchy looking man statue that says, "Never mind the dog, beware of the owner."  I also like the little sign that says, "My dog can make the gate in 3 seconds, how fast can you?"

The funniest part is that you really wonder if these sign are to be taken seriously!

Back into Edinburgh

10/09/2012 16:36

I took the bus into Edinburgh this morning and had a good day of evangelism.  My devotions were appropriate for the day as I read this morning in Ezekiel 1-2. There is much in this passage that applies to street ministry but one verse in particular is appropriate in chapter 2:6.  "And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house."

The Lord did give me some good opportunities to share the Gospel. I witnessed to Andrew as he walked along.  I joined him.  He had just come from Mass. I shared with him verse after verse about salvation by faith. The Lord was guiding in our conversation and I believe the truth was hitting home.  We talked for about 15 minutes.
Another Andrew (18) is born again. He is involved in the Salvation Army. It was good to speak with him and encourage Him.
Ola is another Catholic.  She is from England. I was able to go through the Gospel with her.
Matthew is from Fife and not far from a good church. He also was Catholic and listened as I went through passages about faith and against tradition. (I normally speak to mostly atheists.  Today was unusual as I talked to many Catholics.)
Missionary Dane Vogelpohl joined me for lunch. Afterwards we witnessed to two Germans.  Dane had the thought to bring a German NT with him today.  That was God's providence at work as we shared verses to them in their language.
Ewan and Jessica (teens) kindly allowed me to show them numerous verses about the Gospel. Ewan read them out loud as I opened up God's Word.
Many others took flyers and briefly chatted. Sadly the most disheartening conversation was with a church of Scotland minister.  He said, "I'm a minister in the C. of S." I said, "Are you born again?"  He said, "You guys make too much of that (I said, "John 3.") and don't explain it.  But, yes I am." He had to hurry away, but I wondered how you can make too much of the crises of Salvation and the beginning of life in Christ.  
Thanks for praying for us and our outreach.  Dane and I were reminded of how much we need God's help in opening doors for the Gospel.

Pray for Saturday nights

09/09/2012 20:09

Today really began last night.  If you think about people in ministry (including your pastor) it's probably a good idea to pray for their Saturday nights.  Last night was a bit unusual for us and, although life is like that at times, you are reminded that you are in a spiritual battle.  None of these things that I'll share are a big deal but they made for a rough nights sleep.  One child was crying around 11:30 with leg pains and needed medication.  At midnight the youngest was crying because he was cold. At 1:00 another child insisted on sleeping with us because of a bad dream.  At 3:00 I had to put him back in bed. (Parents, I know you are nodding your head in sympathy saying, "One of those nights.")  It's amazing for us how often those nights come before ministry days. So, we appreciate your prayers for God's extra grace when preparing for ministry.

God did give us a good day today.  We knew last night that the Hikins would be unable to attend church because Mark is ill.  Margaret who visited two weeks ago returned.  She is a sweet Christian lady who lives about 15 miles away.  The Hughes family also visited today.  They've just moved about a half hour away.  Josh visited by himself a couple months ago.  It was good to meet the family.

Just before our evening service I enjoyed skyping with a supporting church in Geneseo, Illinois.  I'm glad they included us in their service. Afterwards it was just our family for church.  So, we had a prayer and praise service.  The Lord really encouraged my heart through that time. When you can have a good service with just your family you know the Lord is at work.  That's all we need. Thanks for participating in what God is doing in Scotland.

Door to door

08/09/2012 13:44

I enjoyed doing door to door this morning. I was out for close to two hours but it went very quickly. Please pray for Elizabeth.  I was able to show her Romans 1.  I'm glad the Lord gave us Romans chapter 1.  It has become a key focal point of attacks against the authority of the Word of God.  Politically correct religious organizations have to defy God's Word (Romans 1) to defend their views on "marriage". 

Please also pray for Audrey.  She is a new mother. I was able to share the Gospel with her this morning. 

God was good to give me other small opportunities as well.  I trust there are some people thinking about God, His Word and the Gospel because I knocked on their door this morning. Thanks for praying for open doors.

PS.  I just remembered something the Lord brought to my mind this morning.  I had more than one person today say, "If there is a God why does he let babies die.  They didn't do anything." I've often heard that. I shared with them that God created without death but that death is a result of man's sin.  I also shared that it is God's mercy if those children die and go to Heaven.  But here is what I didn't expect to say, "Many of those people who blame God for taking a child defend the right to kill babies in the womb." It turned the conversation in the right direction and took the wind out of the sails of defying God.


06/09/2012 20:12

The breeze had a hint of a coming winter in it this morning.  I was surprised by how cool it was.  The wind was in the 20mph, so that didn't make me feel any warmer.  I've started putting out our new flyers in Loanhead.  Yesterday I had one brief witnessing opportunity with Ewan (18 or so).  He said that he has thought about visiting our church. I hope he'll pop in some time.  Today I chatted with Graeme (Jordan's step dad) and gave him our new flyers.  

We had a good service tonight.  God's really given us uplifting Thursday night meetings. Mark, Laura, Alec and Christine were with me.  Katie said the kids did very well.  There are 13 of them in her classroom.  Praise the Lord Mazie is a very good baby and happily plays in her little playpen.

Thanks for praying for our church.

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