
Back at it....

12/11/2012 16:37

It was good to get out today for a couple hours and put out flyers. It seems like it has been a while since I have been able to do that. Lord willing, we will be getting our schedule back soon. I had two divine appointments while I was out. One was with an unbeliever and one with a believer. I was able to put out around 300 flyers/invitations to visit our church.

The Lord has provided many things for our new home. You can't go to garage sales in Scotland. So, you have to know where to look for good used items. They have a website here that is great for finding things. That has provided for many of our needs. But, the Lord provided something in an unusual way on Saturday. I was going to the recycle center which is called a "tip." As I was unloading my vehicle a man passed me with a large wood framed bevel mirror. I turned to the guys at the center and said, "That is a really nice mirror." They said, "Ask him for it if you want it." Anyway, I couldn't stop smiling all the way home.  It is 40"x50", weighing in at around 75 pounds, beautiful mirror which now hangs in our guest bedroom/ office.  Isn't God good?

Thanks for praying for Kay Lee. Please keep praying. We had a scary episode during the night where she had great difficulty breathing. I was contemplating calling emergency but she settled down. I took her to the doctor today and they believe that it is just a viral infection. But, with her very large tonsils it does cause problems when she has anything clogging up her throat. Would you please pray for God to help this infection clear up and give her grace to get a good nights sleep tonight? We were up for a couple hours during the night.

Please also pray for Kirk and Carrie's wee man, Brodrick.  He had to return to the hospital over night last night because he was a bit jaundiced. Thanks for your prayers.

A good morning

11/11/2012 15:35

We had a nice morning. Adele has been helping Katie in Sunday School this past year. Today she taught the class.  This is a great blessing to Katie and very helpful in our ministry. Mark and I watched a Ken Ham video on Creation in our adult class. Laura was unable to be there because one of their girls is ill. So, it was just Mark and I this morning.

3 other adults joined us for the morning service as I preached on Moses at the burning bush. It was an encouraging morning. Our Bible study this evening is on the topic of "Loneliness."

We have now gotten everything put away. So, Lord willing, life will return to normal (?) this week. Thanks for your prayers. (Kay Lee is ill with a bad soar throat, she would appreciate your prayers.)

Happy Birthday!!!!

08/11/2012 16:50

Brodrick McCheyne Hansen was born this morning at 12:30 AM weighing in at 8.8 pounds.  Praise the Lord for a healthy baby boy.  Carrie endured a long labor and is doing well.

Mr. Mom has been relieved from duty having been thoroughly trained on the use of all household appliances. Katie arrived back this afternoon and yes everyone is healthy. Thanks for praying.

Who's next?

07/11/2012 20:45

That was one of the thoughts going through my head as I heard footsteps running to my door at midnight and at one. If you read my previous post you are aware that the stomach bug struck the Shore family on Mr. Mom's watch. I didn't get much sleep last night and don't think I am exaggerating to say I was up around 20 times.  Nelson joined the happy band this afternoon. Benson is the only one who has escaped thus far and he has always had a strong immune system. Sometimes he doesn't get it....I'm hoping that this is one of those times. 

God has met our needs through it all and everyone was doing much better tonight as they went to bed.

On a much happier note, the baby is coming soon. They are at the hospital and things are progressing slowly. I'm sure they'd appreciate your prayers for the process to go a bit more quickly and that all will continue to go very well. Thanks for praying for our needs.

When it rains....

06/11/2012 21:12

Well my life is anything but dull just now. We found out last night that my sister in law is going to have the baby soon.  (Yes we are all excited.) So, this morning we took Katie up to Dundee to help Kirk and Carrie.  Please pray for Carrie.  This is their first. (You can pray for Kirk as well.) They are in a holding pattern right now waiting to go to the hospital.

The rest of the day was pretty normal except for me getting to play Mr. Mom. That is that it was normal until tonight. The Lord gave a great opportunity to share the Gospel with a good friend from the community. We talked for two hours at our house. After that it was normal until I was changing my youngest and noticed water dripping from the ceiling in the bathroom. Fortunately it was a slow drip and not pouring and the Lord helped me to notice it. The faucet upstairs is leaking.  As I was cleaning that up my second youngest came in clutching his stomach and crying. I will spare you the details but he has since been sick. (I am smiling but would not mind at all if you prayed for God's grace for our family.)

Tonight Mark Hikin and I were supposed to have a prayer meeting. Mark showed up at the door as all of the excitement was going on. Obviously the Lord had other plans for tonight. (I hope that there are no further updates needed. :) (With the exception of the details about the baby of course.) Thanks for praying.

We are getting there.

05/11/2012 18:27

We are nearly moved into our home. There are still some piles of boxes in a couple rooms and some storage needed. But, we are getting there.  I picked up a nice futon today for our office/guest bedroom. The Lord gave me a good opportunity to speak to the German lady who was selling it as I took it apart. She said that Germany is half agnostic and half Catholic. She was agnostic.

We had a good Sunday yesterday. I preached on "Carest Thou Not" from the passage of the calming of the storm. We had good attendance and a good spirit. Last night we enjoyed a singspiration/ praise service. At the end of the time we observed the Lord's Supper. We had a good "family" time.

Tonight is "Guy Fox" night.  He tried to bomb the parliament in London and they remember him (not so nicely) by burning things. It's like July 4 in the States. We are going to fireworks with some Christian friends in the area.

Back online!

03/11/2012 18:13

Praise the Lord. We are happy to be connected again. There were three faults that had to be sorted with our phone line.  I feel sorry for the British telecom engineer who had to spend 5 hours with us today.

It's been  a good but tiring week.  It is nice to be at this point in our home move.

The Lord did give me a good opportunity to share the Gospel with a small appliance man who was working on our oven. Please pray that God will continue to work in this man's heart. I spoke to him for an hour and we enjoyed a good conversation.

I'd appreciate your prayers for God's blessing in our services tomorrow. Thanks for praying.

A Successful Move

30/10/2012 18:05

Thanks for praying for our move. It has been a great success thus far. We had a perfect group of helpers as we moved 3 miles to Loanhead. We had movers, cleaners and cookers assisting us. What a blessing.

The house is wonderful. It goes way beyond what we could have imagined God would do for us. Lord willing, we will have pictures soon. I am currently sitting on the floor at our old house. Our phone service is having difficulties at the new address.  Lord willing, that will be sorted soon.

I enjoyed cleaning up the garden (back yard) this morning. I mowed the lawn. I love yard work but have not had a yard for 7 years. We are all really thankful to be cutting, clipping and pruning again.

The weather yesterday was perfect for the move. It rained on Sunday and it has rained today. But, it did not rain yesterday.

Thanks for your prayers. God is good.

A visiting preacher

28/10/2012 16:46

We enjoyed having Don and Chris Dillman with us today. The Dillmans have faithfully served the Lord in Scotland for many years. They are dear friends and it was a joy to have them with us today. Pastor Dillman is my moving truck driver tomorrow. He preached on John 15 in SS and Psalm 32 in church. There was a very sweet spirit in the service and we were encouraged in the Lord. Our attendance was good. Please pray for God to continue to build our congregation spiritually and numerically.

We have fallen back an hour as of today. I teased our folks this morning that I am preaching on "Laziness" tonight because of that. I am preaching on "Laziness" but it is the next topic in our topical study and just happened to fall on this Sunday.

Our move is tomorrow. We'd appreciate your prayers. The weather forecast looks pretty good and we have a good group planning to help us. Thanks for praying.

SNOW, snow, s.n.o.w (just a little)

26/10/2012 20:45

Yes, winter has arrived. We had a brief snow shower this evening that caused quite a bit of excitement in our family.  The kid's and Katie were excited as well.  It wasn't "normal" snow but you could pack it together. I'll put a pic. below.

We had a good service last night. It was our "regular" group that we count on being there.  We praise the Lord for their faithfulness. Counting our family and all the kids, we had 19.

The Lord gave me a couple divine appointments yesterday in Loanhead. It's encouraging to see the Lord's hand at work in our community. I told one man where we are going to be living and he said, "Oh, you are moving into the heart of Loanhead."  We are going to be living on the main street. The packing is coming along. I'll attach a picture of the "mess" we are living in.  The Lord provided another bed today. It is close to where we are getting our truck which will make it easy to collect on Monday. Thanks for your prayers.

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