
A tropical paradise....

03/01/2013 17:58

No....I am definitely not talking about Scotland. I have entered the world of tropical fish tanks. We are pretty excited about it. It was a blessing today as a family joined us for lunch. The father used to work in an aquarium shop. So, he knows all about fish keeping. He and I went to the pet shop to get the first group of fish. We put in 6 neon tetras.

That led up to another ministry opportunity. One of the fish we were given was not doing well and should have remained at the shop. Unfortunately the poor chap didn't even make it into our tank. The young man, David, who helped us to get our replacement fish, goes to school near my brother-in-law. He gave me his email address and I'm going to seek to get him in contact with Kirk's pastor. Please pray that God will do a good work in this young man's heart.

Happy New Year!

01/01/2013 19:42

Praise the Lord for new beginnings. We are excited about serving the Lord in Scotland in 2013.

God blessed our meeting last night and used the film "Sheffey" to challenge our hearts. I had forgotten the quality of the production as well as the spiritual impact it has on hearts. I was challenged and I know that it touched the hearts of those who were able to be there.  One family who attends our ministry on Thursday nights was there. 3 families could not be there due to illness. So, it was good to have out of town visitors from Fife with us....the Dillmans, there 3 boys, and a friend joined us last night. 

The Dillmans stayed with us last night and everyone came over to our home after the service for a time of refreshment. It was great. We're thankful for the good friends God has given us on the field.

Life will soon be getting back to post holiday normalcy. Please pray for God's guidance as I prepare the flyer for our Feb. evangelistic meeting with Evangelist John Van Gelderen. We are going to have an evangelistic focus. Please pray specifically that we will see souls saved that week. God has opened this door and we are confident that He is going to bless that meeting.


Cold Thunder

30/12/2012 12:37

That sounds like an interesting title for a Sunday morning message doesn't it? But that wasn't my message but the weather. It was very cold outside and we heard some thunder during the service. It was cold enough that I had to scrape ice off my windshield this morning.

We had two adults out for the morning service. Mark was ill and unable to bring his family. Others may have been ill as well. There is a lot of bad colds/flu going around just now. We enjoyed our time together and are thankful for those who were able to come. Thanks for praying for our morning.

Good family time :)

29/12/2012 22:04

We have enjoyed this week. God's given us some good down time. Thank you for all the gifts and cards. My kids have been spoiled in a good way. They are really thankful for your kindness.  Tomorrow we are having Sunday school and morning service only. Our New Years Eve service will take the place of our Sunday night. We will be showing the film, "Sheffey." I'm looking forward to it. I have fond memories of watching that at New Years Eve services when I was a child. Thanks for your prayers for these ministry opportunities.

What a fun night!

24/12/2012 21:09

The Lord gave us a great night with a good group. Counting our family we had 22 children and 25 adults. Some of our visitors attend other evangelical churches in Edinburgh. I'm glad they take the time to come to our ministry. The participation was excellent. The kids sang "Ring out the News" and were a blessing. I preached on the Miracle of the Manger. Please pray that the Gospel will go deep into the hearts of all who were there. I wish you could have been here tonight to see God answer your prayers. You had a very necessary part in the effectiveness of our ministry this evening. May the Lord give you a very Merry Christmas!

I'll fly away O glory....?

23/12/2012 12:47

I told my wife that a gale was blowing before we exited our home. But, she was nearly blown past the car and I'm only have kidding. The sustained winds were in the mid 30's with high gusts on top of that. Add to the wind speed a significant amount of rain and you have a recipe for a fun weather day. Both our church signs were blown over today. And much of the UK is experience some pretty severe flooding.

But despite the inclement weather, our faithful group were there. I preached this morning on the "Last Stop for Simeon" as he picked up baby Jesus.  We have no service tonight because of our evening carol sing service tomorrow. Please pray especially for God's power as the Gospel is given. 

Thanks for praying for our day. 


prayer request updates

22/12/2012 10:43

Thank you for your prayers for Jeff Smith and Daniel Dillman.

Jeff's surgery to remove the tumor went very well. The incision has remained dry and free from infection. The Lord gave Him some witnessing opportunities the last night he was in the hospital. One of those men said that he will visit their church after the new year. He came home from the hospital yesterday.

Daniel's eye surgery also went well. They got him in early and did the surgery yesterday morning. He was blind all day yesterday but his sight is returning today. He has special contacts to keep his eyelid from rubbing on his eyes. They are going to stay in London until Christmas eve.

I know that they would both appreciate your continued prayers for their full recovery.

We are getting in Holiday mode. Katie just got back from the shops and said it is crazy out there. We are ready to enjoy some good family time this next week. Thanks for all the Christmas greetings and financial gifts. You are a great encouragement to our family. Thanks for being on our ministry team.

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: I just checked my email and good friends of ours in Paupua New Guinea are going through a trial. Please pray for them. I'll put his update below. 

Dear praying friends,
I'm writing to ask you to pray for our family right now. As you know, my wife Lauren was expecting a baby in May. We were saddened to find out today that our baby has passed away. The doctor has asked us to stay in town for a few days, to keep monitoring Lauren's condition. Please be praying for our three girls as we try to help them understand what has happened, and why we cannot be home for Christmas. Also, please be praying for our people back in the village, as they will be without a pastor for the special Christmas Day service and festivities. Most of all, please pray for Lauren as her body and emotions go through this time of upheaval. I cannot adequately express how much it means to know that people all around the world are praying for us during this trial.
In Christ,
Ben Childs


So it wasn't a "beautiful day."

21/12/2012 15:00

I just got back from doing flyers. I passed a middle aged couple and said to them, "Beautiful day." She said, "Beautiful?" I said, "I'm trying to think positively." He said, "I'm positive it's a rotten day."  (Ok, so it was 40 and raining....but you might as well embrace it.)

The Lord gave me two divine appointments. I met Michael coming out of his flats as I was wanting to come in. (God's timing is perfect.) Please pray for he and his girlfriend. Her gran passed away. I told him that we'd be praying. 

Then as I was getting very close to my car Richard came by. He had promised to visit our church a couple weeks back. He said he will be there this Sunday. We'll see. He recognized me and stopped his bike to chat.

I also spoke to the mother of a little girl who attends our church. Their family has not yet come to a church event but we keep inviting. I also invited another lady whom we have chatted with in the past.

Katie put flyers out during lunch time as well. So, we have gotten a fair amount out. Please pray that the Christmas story on the back would open some people's eyes.

Longer days are coming :)

19/12/2012 14:15

We are happy to be past the shortest day of the year. If you've looked at our sunrise/sunset times on our homepage, you know that right now we have 7 hours between sunrise and sunset. That also means that the sun isn't getting up very high in the sky. So, we look forward to the longer daylight hours returning.

Kirk, Carrie and Brodrick have arrived safely. We will head to the airport in a little while to get Carrie's mom and brother. Her dad will be flying in on Sunday. It's good to have family around!

I received an email last night from Pastor Denton at Prairie Baptist Church. Their church voted to take us on. I'm putting that on here for those who were praying for our support. We are thrilled to have their church financially assisting us as we serve the Lord in Scotland.

I also have a prayer request for you. Daniel Dillman (missionary son) is having surgery on his eyes on Christmas Eve. He has an eye condition called Keratonconus. Please pray for God to guide the Doctors hands as they perform the operation. Daniel is a student at Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Wisconsin. This operation is not done in the USA. So, Daniel is getting it done while home on vacation. I know that they appreciate your prayers. Thanks for praying.

Two divine appointments

17/12/2012 15:56

Katie put some flyers out today during the kids lunch break. The Lord allowed her to chat with some believers whom we know in the community. I'm sure it was of the Lord. I chatted with them last time I was putting out flyers in their area. Both times the husband has been doing some work outside. Please pray for the Lord to work in their hearts.

I put out flyers this afternoon. As I was going along I almost regretted the direction I had chosen. There are more footsteps between houses in the housing schemes where I was walking. Another area would have reached more houses more quickly. But then I also thought that I was thinking humanistically and that God may have a reason for having me go the other way.  

_______ (25) was proof of that. I saw him working outside and started praying for the Lord to guide me as I spoke with him. The Lord gave us a great chat. His wife attends an evangelical church and was saved a few years ago. He said that he has never been interested in religion. After our talk he thanked me for my time and said that it had been informative.  I get excited when God gives an opportunity with someone who has saved family members. It shows God's love for His own. And it also indicates that somebody has been praying for that individual. Please pray for this young couple.  

The Lord continues to provide things for our home. Our guest room is looking nice and we are excited to have our first guest coming in on Wednesday. Kirk, Carrie and Brodrick are coming. And Carrie's mom and brother are flying in that day as well. They are going to spend the night and then head up to Dundee on Thursday. Thanks for praying for our family and ministry.

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