
A refreshing day

20/01/2013 21:01

The Lord gave us a refreshing Sunday. Our attendance was good (although one of our ladies was ill) and the spirit in the service was good. Thankfully tomorrow's forecast was not for today. Although it was cold it didn't snow today. In the morning it is supposed be snowing with possible gale force winds.  I'm really looking forward to tomorrow! :)

This morning I preached on Jeremiah 24, Upsetting the Fruit Basket. We considered our worship as God sees it. Tonight we had our second study in Acts and concluded chapter 1.

Kay Lee has a cold. It's not that bad but we would appreciate your prayers for her. She has large tonsils and when she gets an infection it can be bad.

Thanks for your prayers for Scotland, our church, and our family.

Enough snow to enjoy it

19/01/2013 21:32

Last year we bought a "sledge" to go "sledging" but we didn't get any snow.  So when we got a couple inches last night, we knew that we were going to get out and enjoy it with the kids. If you have never gone sledging before, it is the same as sledding.  We are really thankful that the Lord gave us some beautiful snow.  Below are some pics.  We had a great time!

The kids at work in our back garden.

Thursday Night

18/01/2013 11:22

We had a bit lower attendance than normal but the Lord gave us a good night. Our neighbor girl wanted to come so badly that she came despite having two teeth pulled that day. Don't you wish everyone wanted to come to church that badly?

We've had a very cold week with snow staying on the ground since Tuesday. We are hoping for a bit more and it seems likely. The kids are thrilled and their dad is pretty happy as well.

Lord willing, I will get a prayer letter out next week. One prayer request that I'll mention in it is that I've begun working on our visas. Our current visas expire the middle of April. My application was 32 pages long and I get the joy of filling out a total of 7 applications. Please pray for this process to go smoothly. It is time consuming and quite expensive.  Thanks for keeping up with what God is doing in our lives.

Evangelistic Meeting Flyer Ordered

14/01/2013 13:13

Thank you for praying for me as I prepared our Evangelistic Meetings Flyer. I'm very pleased with how it turned out and thank the Lord for His help with it. Please pray that people will receive it well and that they will come to the meetings. (The printing will be much clearer than these pictures appear.)


Snow, snow, s.n.o.w!

13/01/2013 12:54

It's an exciting day in Scotland. We aren't getting a ton of snow. But the inch on the ground is the most we have seen in a couple of years. The kids are happy to have a touch of winter. (I'm a bit happy myself.)

We had a good morning. Our faithful Sunday group was there as well as two neighbor kids. I preached on "The Church Roll Model" from I Thessalonians.

We've canceled the service this evening due to continued snow showers. Thank you for praying for our ministry.

Good mid week service

10/01/2013 21:01

We have had two Thursday nights cancelled because we had special Christmas and New Years Eve services. So, it was great to be back to our Thursday night meeting. We had good attendance. We had 14 children and 7 adults. In our adult Bible study we looked at Psalm 40. We looked at the topic of salvation in verses 1-4. 

I got a nice email this evening from a friend. I witnessed to her family member and she is excited that God opened that door. I've learned in my soul winning efforts that God does lead you to people that have others praying for them.

Tomorrow we are going to get together with the Vogelpohls and another home school family. The kids are pretty excited about that. Thanks for praying for our family and ministry.


Into Edinburgh

09/01/2013 15:40

It was a good day to get out in the city and hand out flyers. The Lord gave me three good witnessing opportunities and several other short chats.

Steven (19) is agnostic. He doesn't know what to believe. He talked with me for 10 minutes while waiting for his bus.

Alex is an atheist. He was very skeptical but listened. I heard him say to his co-workers as I left that we were having a good conversation. He was watching a construction gate and was free to talk.

Aaron was my best opportunity. He refused the flyers because of his unbelief. But, after talking for 45 minutes he took the flyer and walked with me a few blocks while I handed them out. He was very appreciative of our chat. One of the last things I shared with him was that his unbelief did not mean he would never accept Christ. I shared with him the story of the Apostle Paul and how he was a pattern for those who would believe on Jesus.

It's always interesting to go into Edinburgh. One of the things that stands out in my mind today was a young girl that was going to take a flyer. When she realized that it was about God she violently yanked her hand away as if she was about to be bitten. On the positive side, I met a born again older couple. They were very encouraging and thankful that I was out doing what God has called us to do.

Thanks for praying for us as we sow the seed in Scotland.

On a walk....

08/01/2013 20:29

When we were getting ready to move, I thought I was going to lose my good walking path. It was an old train line that was pretty remote and allowed for good time in prayer. I was surprised to find that we have a more beautiful train line path that runs right into Loanhead. In just a few minutes I can be out near pastures full of sheep and scenic views of the Pentland Hills and Rosslyn Glen.

This morning as I walked I had a follow up divine appointment. I'm really burdened for this guy. He reminds me of a pastor friend in the States. He thanked me for the chat and may stop by the house sometime. Pray that he does. I'm looking forward to further discussions. God's good. Thanks for praying.

Back at it....

07/01/2013 18:30

This week is our back to normal week.  The kids started school this morning and our church schedule is back to the regular routine. I put out flyers this morning for about an hour before rain came. I enjoyed listening to a message as I went along. 

The Lord gave me a divine appointment at our home this afternoon. This young man has a saved sister. He has seen God change her life. Please pray that God will spark his interest in divine things.

Soon I will be preparing the flyer for our February evangelistic meetings. I'd appreciate your prayers for wisdom as I put that together. Please pray for the best tool to seek to encourage people to attend those services. Thanks for your prayers.



06/01/2013 19:49

The Lord gave us a good Sunday. Our faithful group was out for church today. We had 17 in total this morning. I preached on Surrender from Romans 12:1-5.

Tonight the Lord answered prayer and brought us a visitor. Please pray for God to continue His work in this man's life. I'm glad that he had the courage to come. He saw our sign out front and stopped back in time for our service. Tonight we started a study of the book of Acts.

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