
More flyers out....

05/02/2013 19:59

Yesterday was a day to stay inside. There were high winds and fast moving rain and snow showers. We actually took a family day and got away for a little while. It's been a busy few weeks and it is just going to get busier. It was a refreshing day.  

Late this afternoon I was able to get back out doing flyers. I spoke to one girl who used to faithfully attend our services. Please pray that she will come back. Other than that I didn't have any divine appointments today. Thanks for praying for us as we seek to get these flyers out. 

Answered Prayer

03/02/2013 12:45

The Lord gave us a good morning. There was a specific answer to prayer this morning. Although I am not free to share the details, we praise the Lord for His ability to work out a difficult situation for one of our faithful attendees.

I preached this morning on, "Sharing the Gospel like the Apostle Paul" from I Thessalonians 2:1-13. The Lord blessed our morning. Thanks for praying.

The prayer breakfast went well yesterday. Mark was unable to attend but Alec went with me and my boys. We had a sweet prayer time. It's good to get together as men and seek the Lord.

Flyers with Dane Vogelpohl

01/02/2013 20:36

Dane Vogelpohl and I were able to get out doing flyers today. But my first divine appointment was as I walked this morning. Please pray for R_________.  I've had two great chats with him.  I asked him this morning if he got our flyer. He crossed the street and told me that he still has it and that he is thinking about coming. I'm burdened for this guy. Please pray that he will come.

Dane and I put out around 600-700 flyers today.  It wasn't a beautiful day but the heavier rain held off until mid afternoon. There were two other divine appointments that the Lord had for us. It was a blessing to have Dane's help. Katie and Angie enjoyed getting out shopping later this afternoon. They got a well earned break from mothering. There were no broken bones and only two nappy changes in their absence. So, the dad's did ok. The kids (all ten of them) had a great time.  

Tomorrow morning I am taking Mark, 2 of his boys, 2 of my boys and Alec to a men's prayer breakfast. Please pray that God will give us a great prayer time. Thanks for taking these needs to the Lord. 

I get to share a brief challenge before we pray. I've got a quote by Mueller that I'm going to share, "Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, it is laying hold of God's willingness."  (I John 5:14-15) 

Teens who need the Lord

31/01/2013 20:37

The Lord brought four young people into the lobby tonight. They thought a youth event was taking place there this evening. They had the wrong night. After church I was able to open my Bible and show them things that they've never seen or heard before. Please pray for these guys to have their eyes opened. I invited them to the Evangelistic meetings. I'd love for them to come. It starts to stir your heart to see young people who need what you've got but who don't understand their own need. We talked for a good 30 minutes.

The Lord gave us a good service as well. Our faithful group was there with the exception of our neighbor girl. Tomorrow the Vogelpohls are coming over for the day. Dane and I are going to put out flyers. Please pray for open doors. Thanks for praying for our ministry.

Good Fellowship

29/01/2013 18:42

We enjoyed having Missionaries Don and Chris Dillman with us today. Don and I put out flyers this morning. Thankfully the weather forecast was wrong. We were able to get a good bit done before the rain arrived after lunch. The rain made for a good excuse to play a table game before the Dillmans headed back to Fife. God's given us good friends in ministry here. Please pray for the Dillmans as they seek to get the sponsorship status in the UK. It is very difficult to become a sponsor. Without a sponsor missionaries can not get into this country.  

A Powerful Testimony

28/01/2013 13:29

The Lord gave me an exciting divine appointment this morning. I introduced myself to a man whom I've often passed when walking near our home. He shared an exciting testimony with me that was not his own.  40 years ago he became friends with a man whose life he watched God change.  He told me that when this friend was born again it was night and day difference. He said to himself, "It will never last."  But, he said it has lasted these many years. This friend is now a preacher. This man asked me if I had ever heard Iain Paisley.  I said that I had and he said, "He preaches like Paisley."  He then shared the story of his best friend who went into the Hospital with a heart attack. This man noticed he was reading a Bible when he would visit him in the hospital. Soon after that he was born again as well and his life changed.

I've shared before that I get excited when the Lord allows me to witness to someone who has contact with believers. God answers prayer for those we love. We may not get to witness to them ourselves but God can put the right person in their path. Please pray that this man will visit the church. He knew where it was because he has received our flyers.  As he talked about the remarkable change in these friends lives he sounded like a believer sharing his own salvation testimony. He has been deeply impacted by their changed lives. I'm praying for those types of examples from our community. Please pray that God would see fit to raise up trophy's of His grace.

I put out flyers all morning. I had a divine appointment with a young lady who believes in God but believes in evolution as well. Please pray for she and her husband. They've been thinking of going to church lately because of their baby boy. I saw Richard again who has promised me that he will visit the church. He tells me he'll come every time I see him. Please pray that he will. 

Thanks for your part in these God given opportunities.

Some pictures from our day

27/01/2013 14:09

We had a good Sunday morning. Katie has more of a voice today but rather than teach she showed the kids a ministry video. We enjoyed having the Hansen family with us today. Kirk and I sang a duet of, "I Shall Know Him" this morning. My message was on the coming of Christ from Luke 17:20-37. There was a good spirit in the service. Thanks for praying for our day. I thought you'd enjoy seeing some pictures we took today.  So, I'll put those below.

Doesn't get much cuter than that.

I stand corrected. :)

Two days ago we would have been standing in the snow.

The kids enjoying their new cousin, Brodrick.

Posting the New Flyer

26/01/2013 15:53

Today I began putting out our evangelistic meeting flyer.  I enjoyed being back at it and the weather was agreeable.  The Lord gave me a few opportunities to invite people. I also had an opportunity to briefly witness.

Today we have added a ministry opportunity to our February schedule. We will be hosting a pastor's fellowship to coincide with the Monday of our evangelistic meetings. Please pray that God will bless that ministry and that many will be able to attend.  We will have a 3:30 preaching service. Afterwards we are going to open our home for everyone to bring in their own dinner. (We have many take away restaurants near us.)  We will meet back at the "church" for a prayer meeting at 6:15 and the evangelistic meetings will begin at 7:00 on that night and the two following nights. We covet your prayers for God's power to open hearts to the Gospel in those evening services.  Thanks for praying.


Outreach Update

25/01/2013 22:27

Today I had planned to go to Dundee today and help Missionary Sandy Edgar get some information out into his community. But, the Lord had other plans. A heavy band of snow moved into the area and made us cancel our plans this morning. We hope to reschedule and get back up there. Thank you for praying for that ministry.

I did drive half way to Dundee to meet my inlaws and bring them back to our home for the weekend. Praise the Lord for some family time. We also enjoyed having a former neighbor over this evening with her daughter.

Kay Lee is doing very well. Thank you for praying for her illness. Katie on the other hand has decided to lose her voice. We would appreciate your prayers for her ministry on Sunday.

My evangelistic flyer arrived today. Lord willing we will begin putting that out soon. Yesterday I invited a friend to attend and he said he would be there. It seems likely that he will. Please pray for him. The Lord also gave us a good service last night.  We had 6 adults and 14 kids in total.  Thanks for your prayers.

Prayer Letter Tomorrow

22/01/2013 16:48

If you haven't already signed up for our prayer letter, today would be a good day to do that. I'm preparing to send out our January prayer letter tomorrow. You can easily sign up through a link on the home page.  Mailchimp will send you an email to verify that you want to receive it. Once you respond to that, you are all signed up. I have had a few who signed up but did not receive it. It may have ended up in your spam folder. 

It is much easier for me to send the prayer letter this way and I trust it is better for those receiving it as well. If you have any difficulty please let me know.

Outreach has been limited by the inclement but beautiful weather we have been having. It snowed all day yesterday.  I enjoyed walking this morning in the snow covered Scottish countryside. Lord willing, I will be heading to Dundee to help missionary Sandy Edgar on Friday. Please pray for safety in travel and for God to give us divine appointments.  Thanks for your prayers.

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