
Prayer Request

21/02/2013 04:27

It is 4:25 in the morning here and I am up to get our evangelist to the airport. Katie is very ill this morning with extremely soar throat and fever. Would you please pray for her? She said that she has never in her life felt this poorly. Thanks for taking this need to the Lord.

Visitors :)

20/02/2013 22:10

Thank you for praying for visitors. We had visitors in attendance tonight. And, we had a great conclusion to our week. The Lord gave strength to Evangelist Van Gelderen's voice. Our church folks were really encouraged with the meetings. The love offering we were able to give to God's servant was excellent. Our attendance was great.... (when my brain is working better I'll try to tally how many total people attended services this week.) Please continue to pray for Brother John's health. We are leaving for the airport before 5 AM for his flight to Spain for an evangelistic meeting there beginning tomorrow night. Would you please ask the Lord to completely restore his voice?

Thank you for your part in praying for these meetings.  God has done an evident work and this has been a great help to our ministry. You have been a part of it. May the Lord bless you for your labor of love.



No visitors but no despair :)

19/02/2013 21:58

The Lord gave us a precious night. We have had two children pray to accept Jesus and as best we can tell they are sincere. One young boy raised his hand and was led to the Lord this evening.

At the conclusion of the service we very simply prayed as the Lord led and had a sweet short prayer meeting. Please pray for God to continue to work.

We have an unspoken request that I would like you to take to the Lord. Please also pray for the Lord to strengthen Evangelist Van Gelderen's voice. It is strong but he is struggling with it a bit. Would you also please ask for God to bring out visitors tomorrow evening?  Faith is not sight. May we put our faith on the line for the Lord. Thanks for taking these needs to the Lord.


Wish you were here.

18/02/2013 22:18

It's hard to summarize what God is doing outwardly when God is working inwardly. His hand has been evident at our meetings and we are excited about what He is accomplishing. 

As an example my daughter burst into tears encouraging someone to accept Christ.  She is also burdened for some other dear friends that we have prayed about. We are going to visit them in the morning. Please pray that they will be home.

The Lord gave us a great pastor's fellowship. Evangelist Van Gelderen preached a message on Acts 2 showing that the outpouring of God's Spirit is for today. It was a precious insight into God's powerful provision.

We had good attendance and praise the Lord for those who He brought out this evening. Please pray that God will continue the good work He has begun. Thanks for praying with us.


Wonderful Day

17/02/2013 21:04

The Lord gave us a wonderful day. God has given us a great opportunity and we greatly benefited from Evangelist John Van Gelderen's ministry today. God's hand was evident in all our services. This evening we had a visitor who expressed an intent to keep coming. He's recently moved back to Scotland. 

Now we are praying for the evangelistic meetings which begin tomorrow at 2:00PM Easter Standard Time. With regard to that please pray for....

1) God to manifest His presence.

2) Visitors to come to the services.

3) Satan to be kept from hindering.

4) We have 3 in our family who are ill. Another family has a couple who are ill. One young man is also ill. Please pray for God to raise these up and to protect others from this illness.

We need your prayers. We are entirely dependent upon God to do what we can not do. Thanks for your assistance as we seek God's blessing this week.

Gorgeous Day

14/02/2013 15:14

We have had a very beautiful day today. It was perfect for putting out flyers this morning and this afternoon. This morning I had some negative opportunities before I had a very positive opportunity. I was able to open my Bible and talk with a man for about 30 minutes. I believe he came to an understanding (but not acceptance yet) of the Gospel. He is facing a difficult time just now as he lost his job. He is also going to be a father in 4 weeks. Please pray that God will use this time to show Him His love and ability to provide. Although he lives 45 minutes away, he is going to try to attend our meeting on Tuesday. Please pray that he will come. 

We are nearing the completion of our flyer distribution. Tonight at church we are going to have a time of focused prayer as we get ready for the evangelistic meetings. My signs arrived today and are ready to be put into my A-board frames.

I just talked to a friend from the community and he is planning on coming on Monday. Thanks for praying.

Fun with the Sanderlins

13/02/2013 20:17

We really enjoyed having the Sanderlin family with us for a few days. They left this afternoon for Brussels and tomorrow they fly to Cameroon. Please pray that God will meet their needs as they have quite a journey before arriving home.

The Lord gave us a couple neat divine appointments. Yesterday as Sam and I crossed a bridge in Edinburgh I almost literally bumped into some friends from our area. The daughter used to regularly attend our church. Please pray that they will realize that was not just a coincidence and that they would come to our evangelistic meetings.

At the airport today I bumped into the director of the University of Wisconsin in Scotland. I hope that she will visit our church at some point. I teased her because I've also bumped into her in Glasgow.

God's good to give these divine opportunities. Thanks for your part in asking the Lord for these opportunities.

PS. The Picture on the home page was taken yesterday on top of the National Museum of Scotland. The castle in the background is Edinburgh Castle. It is about 6 miles through the city from our home.

Showing the Sanderlins Edinburgh

12/02/2013 09:29

The Lord gave Sam and I a divine appointment as we looked for Thomas Chalmer's grave yesterday. We witnessed to 7 guys who were doing community service in the graveyard. They all took tracts and several listened and read as I showed them some verses in the Bible.  You would have been shocked to hear the things coming out of their mouths. Every other word was a curse word. But, some appeared interested and had some genuine questions. We talked for nearly half an hour.

The Lord graciously helped us find Thomas Chalmer's tombstone. It was a massive graveyard with stones almost on top of stones.  We found out later that Dr. Scroggie is also buried there. Sam also found Thomas Guthrie's grave. It was amazing how many "good" pastor's were buried there. It makes you realize how strong the work of the Lord was in the 1800's. The church in front of the graveyard was previously called the Chalmer's Memorial church and was pastored by Horatius Bonar.

We visited a Christian book shop that has been in Edinburgh for 140 years. Theodore and Grace (brother and sister) have faithfully served the Lord there and are in their 70's.  They are really sweet and it is a joy to speak to them about what God has done. 

I also showed Sam where the Covenanters were imprisoned, killed and buried. We then visited St. Guiles where John Knox pastored.

I was thinking this morning that the army of God was strong back then and how greatly we need that army today. Please pray for a spiritual awakening on our field. 

Isaiah 64:1 Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,....64:7 And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: 

My favorite Sunday

10/02/2013 12:39

God gave us a really sweet morning in His Word. I'm not sure how to put it, but this would rank right up there in my list of favorite Sundays. We had a sweet spirit and good attendance.  I preached this morning on preparing to meet with God from II Chronicles 29, Hezekiah's cleansing of the temple. They finished the job in 8 days. We've got 8 days before our evangelistic meetings. The Lord worked in my heart as I preached. We appreciate your prayers for those meetings. I believe the Lord is going to do a good work. Please keep praying.

Our "special days" this month have already begun. The Sam Sanderlin family are on their way back to their ministry in Cameroon. Mark Hikin and I collected them at the airport this morning.  The Lord brought them through Newark airport yesterday (despite the blizzard) without a hitch. We are trusting the Lord for a good service tonight as Sam shares their ministry with our church.

(We let them stay home this morning to rest up.)

Thanks for keeping these fruit bearing opportunities before the Lord.

Loanhead Almost finished

07/02/2013 20:18

It's been a good week to get out flyers. I've been out every day except Monday. Today brother Richard Weaver assisted me as we finished up Loanhead with the exception of one road near our home. God's been good to give us strength and time to get them out. There were three good opportunities God gave us today. One was with a lady who visited our church a couple years ago. Another one was with a young girl who used to come out to our kids meeting. The third was a lady who keeps indicating that she will come at some point.

We had our faithful group out tonight accept for our neighbor girl. She had to have another tooth pulled and wasn't feeling up to coming. God gave me a divine appointment after we parked our car near our home. I had a great chat with a 62 year old man. He said he may come and kindly took a flyer. He is upset about the British vote for homosexual marriage.  (There are two more votes but according to all sources it will be law in the near future.) Although this doesn't include Scotland, it is being pushed through our parliament as well.  We are praying that God will use this to turn people back to TRUTH. Thanks for your prayers.

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