A good day to work on visa's.
11/03/2013 17:13The weather surprised us this morning. We woke up to about 3 inches of snow. It was lovely. It was also a good day to stay inside and do a LOT of paperwork. I'll put a picture below of our 230 page application for visa renewals. I had to fill out 35 pages for each applicant and there are 7 of us. Needless to say, I'm very thankful for the Lord's help in getting me through the bulk of the process. I'll include a picture below of the application forms for your amusement. I'll also put a couple photo's from my walk this morning. If you would like to see more, I'll put a new photo album on the photo page as well.
Happy Mother's Day!
10/03/2013 19:38Today is "Mothering Sunday" in the United Kingdom. My wife likes having mother's day in March because her Birthday is in May. It was unusual weather for us on Mother's Day with heavy snow showers at times. I guess winter doesn't want too go away to easily.
The Lord gave us a sweet day. We had good attendance at all the services. One family who had been ill was able to be back with us today. There is a very bad cold going around and once it comes it seems it won't go away. Katie is going to the doctor tomorrow because she has had it for about 3 weeks.
This morning I preached on "She was a Gem" from Proverbs 31. This evening we continued our study of Acts 2 and observed the Lord's table.
Tomorrow I will be working on filling out our visa forms. I've been delayed by paperwork needed from my sponsor. They were just able to apply for that this past week. Please pray for wisdom and God's perfect timing in completing this process. Our current visas expire the middle of next month.
A blur....
08/03/2013 17:00This week has been packed full of adventure and excitement. The girls head back tomorrow after a great week in Scotland. They got beautiful weather the beginning of the week and normal weather :) towards the end.
We have enjoyed their help. On Wednesday they put flyers out through Biggar, a village about 30 miles from here. The Lord allowed me to see a young man that I have witnessed to on two other occasions. I hope he is beginning to realize that only God could orchestrate that. He is an atheist.
Yesterday the girls enjoyed painting with Mr. Alec. Alec had canvasses prepared for them and they did one day paintings. We are hoping that they are going to dry in time for their flight!
Last night we had 18 children in the kid's club and 6 adults. I had 4 adults with me in my class as well. I think that was our largest group ever for our mid week meeting. It is definitely the most kids. Please pray for God's provision and help for Katie during those class times. It's a blessing having that many children present.
Thanks for your prayers for our ministry and family. God has given some other exciting divine appointments this week with those for whom you have prayed. Thanks for your part in our ministry.
05/03/2013 19:04Today my family and the girls took the bus into Edinburgh. We toured the castle the castle and showed them around. We also handed out Gospel flyers. God gave us a sunny day with little wind. So, although it was a bit chilly, it was great day to get out.
The Lord gave some good opportunities to share the Gospel. Two were very good opportunities.
One young man who does not go to church told me, "My dad is a born again Christian." If you have read these for very long, you know that I get excited when someone shares that. We looked at Psalm 22 and then went through many verses that deal with the Gospel. We talked for 20 + minutes and he thanked me for the conversation. Please pray that God will open his heart. He is from Dundee where my inlaws lives. I told him about the new Baptist church that is starting there.
Another young lady who is from Poland, spoke with me for about 20 minutes. She was focused on the conversation and listened intently as I spoke to her about trusting the Bible and not tradition. She believed that good people go to Heaven. I told her about David, Paul and the thief on the cross who were clearly bad people (like us (Romans 3:23) who were also clearly saved. I also shared the story of the man who hired workers throughout the day and then paid them the same wages at the end of the day. So, it didn't matter how much work they had done they were all fully paid.
The girls did a great job handing out flyers. It takes courage to hand something to someone realizing that they may reject it. Thanks for praying for our day.
Tour guide.... :)
03/03/2013 19:27We are enjoying having my cousin and two of her friends with us. They arrived yesterday morning. The Lord gave us a gorgeous day yesterday. We were able to get the yard all cleaned up. (The girls were catching up on some much needed sleep yesterday morning.) It was refreshing to get outside.
This morning the girls helped Katie with her Sunday School and 2 nursery ministries. I preached this morning on Psalm 68:1-9. If you read my prayer letter, you know that the Lord has been working in my heart with this passage. Interestingly, Spurgeon in his commentary on Psalms, The Treasury of David, records that the Covenanters (Scottish believers who signed the national covenant and were martyred.) sang this Psalm as they went into battle.
Tonight we looked at the end of Acts 2 as we are going through that book.
We are excited about this week. Please pray for journey mercies as we get out and about around Scotland. Please also pray for divine appointments. We have some specific evangelism planned as well as the daily opportunities that God will give. Thanks for your prayers. God gave us a great day!
Tour guide.... :)
03/03/2013 19:27We are enjoying having my cousin and two of her friends with us. They arrived yesterday morning. The Lord gave us a gorgeous day yesterday. We were able to get the yard all cleaned up. (The girls were catching up on some much needed sleep yesterday morning.) It was refreshing to get outside.
This morning the girls helped Katie with her Sunday School and 2 nursery ministries. I preached this morning on Psalm 68:1-9. If you read my prayer letter, you know that the Lord has been working in my heart with this passage. Interestingly, Spurgeon in his commentary on Psalms, The Treasury of David, records that the Covenanters (Scottish believers who signed the national covenant and were martyred.) sang this Psalm as they went into battle.
Tonight we looked at the end of Acts 2 as we are going through that book.
We are excited about this week. Please pray for journey mercies as we get out and about around Scotland. Please also pray for divine appointments. We have some specific evangelism planned as well as the daily opportunities that God will give. Thanks for your prayers. God gave us a great day!
A beautiful day
01/03/2013 13:52We have had several beautiful days in the last couple of weeks. It is a blessing to get sunshine and little or no wind. Today is like that. The kids have enjoyed playing in the back garden and we have gotten some "spring cleaning" done as well.
The Lord gave us good attendance last night for our kid's club and prayer meeting. We enjoyed having 2 visitors with us.
Katie is doing very well. She had blood tests yesterday and they were good. We believe she is over the worst and that she is on the mend. Thanks for praying for her.
"Bwater" is coming
27/02/2013 08:02Nelson is all excited this morning because his cousin is coming over. Although his name is Brodrick, it comes out of Nelson's mouth like, "Bwater." He says his name over and over again until you acknowledge him. After about a minute he says it again! It will be fun having the Hansen's with us today.
The Lord recently gave a great opportunity to talk to a humanist evolutionist about the Lord. We walked about a mile and a half while we were talking. Please pray that God will work in their heart.
Katie is doing better but still needs your prayers. God has given us many friends over here that have been an encouragement.
Please be praying for the travel of our 3 college girls who are arriving on Saturday. They will be with us until the following Saturday. God's timing is perfect. It will be a blessing to have them with us. They will be helping with Children's Sunday School, nursery and Thursday Kid's club. We are also going to do some evangelism. Thanks for praying.
Winter is back
24/02/2013 21:18We woke up this morning to about an inch of snow on the ground. It is a bit of a shock from last Sunday when we had temperatures around 50 and sunshine. One lady travels 16 miles to church and she made it on time for the service. Our attendance was down just a bit due to illness.
I preached this morning on God's Goodness. It was a topical message. We had a good spirit in the service.
Adele took the children's Sunday School class this morning for Katie. It's a blessing to have capable ministry help from within our church. Another family provided a meal for us last night. That was a blessing. Katie is doing much better tonight. Thankfully the nasty cold bug is going away.
Please pray for a good study week. We have 3 young ladies who are arriving next Saturday and will be with us for a week. One of the girls is my cousin. We are excited about having them with us. But, I want to have my Bible studies ready to go so that I can focus on ministry opportunities/ church history/ tours with them.
Please also pray for the kids and Katie as they dig back into home schooling after an unusual couple of weeks.
God's good. He is meeting our needs. Thanks for praying.
Katie Update
22/02/2013 21:26After two days of rest Katie is beginning to get better. But, she is still very weak. It has been a very bad cold. That is not her only physical trial right now. She is also going through a miscarriage. I'll put below what I emailed my sponsor yesterday.
"Needless to say, my day was caring for my family. We cancelled the service tonight. We were able to get Katie in for an ultrasound. The baby is too young to even see a heartbeat if there was one. It is apparent to her and seems likely that this is indeed a miscarriage. God’s good. I was praying this week about God’s gifts. We sometimes don’t like what we unwrap but when we remember Who the giver is we can’t doubt that it is for our good."
It's good to know you're praying. Thanks for your concern for our family.