
Ministry in Dundee

01/04/2013 22:05

The Lord blessed the trip up to Dundee. It was a joy to spend time with Don Dillman and Sandy Edgar. God gave us a couple awesome divine appointments. (No doubt there were other that were not as evident. We had other smaller opportunities.)

Please pray for a lady that spoke with Sandy for the better part of an hour. She has recently gone through an illness that was life threatening and she has prayed for God to show her (basically how to be saved.) Please pray that God would help her understand the simplicity of the Gospel.

While Sandy was witnessing to her I ran out of tracts and got my new church flyer out. A young lady came out of the pub and gave me back two flyers and said, "I don't agree with this because it is contradictory." I asked where and we started to talk. 3-4 times men came out of the pub to tell her to get away from me and my message. We talked for about half an hour and she took the flyer back at the end. Please pray that God will open this young girl's heart to His truth. She was very kind and obviously thoughtful about what I was sharing. 

God's good. Thanks for praying for our ministry today.  God led in our day.

Easter Time Change

31/03/2013 19:44

British Summer Time began today. We are hoping that will have a positive effect on the thermometer.  We had fresh snow on three morning this past week including yesterday. Thankfully we didn't have a white Easter. It was a gorgeous sunny morning and perfect for celebrating the Lord's Resurrection. God gave us a fun visitor day. We had 5 repeat visitors and 5 first time visitors today. I preached this morning on Acts 26 and Paul's defense before King Agrippa. Tonight we studied Acts 3 and Peter's message inside Solomon's porch at the temple.

Please pray with us that God will grow the church according to His perfect plan. We see the potential and are trusting him to develop our ministry in His timing.  God is working. Please keep praying. 

Tomorrow I am collecting Don Dillman on my way up to Dundee to assist Sandy Edgar put out flyers for his ministry. Please pray for divine appointments. We are getting closer to more seasonable weather for evangelism. Lord willing, the new flyer will begin to go out in our community this week. Thanks for taking these needs to the Lord.

One additional prayer request. Laura who attends our church severely broke her toe last night. Please pray for it to heal properly and for God's grace for the family as she recovers. 

Flyers are here!

27/03/2013 16:26

We are very pleased with having found new printers for our flyers. They did an excellent job at a excellent price. They are printed on postcard type paper. It makes it easy to hand them out in the wind. I found that out today as I handed some out in Edinburgh.  It's still rather cold with snow showers. It's hard to say, "May I give you a flyer" when your face is numb. It somehow doesn't come out quite right. People were quick to take this flyer. Although, I did have several hand it back when they saw God's name on it.

Lord willing, our weather will break soon, and we will begin to put these out in earnest. Thanks for praying for this new flyer to awaken hearts.

Warm hearts

24/03/2013 13:51

Well.....the cold continues as we experience the coldest weekend in March in 50 years. That is a record I hope never to enjoy breaking again. But, the Lord gave us a warm hearted time together this morning.

Adelle has taken a few weeks with Easter to share the Easter story. The children heard about the crucifixion this morning. It was just Mark and I in the adult class and we enjoyed going to the Lord in prayer. In the morning service, I preached on the prophecy of Jesus as found in Luke 21. It's amazing how the signs of the times are all about us. That passage contains a good challenge to faithfulness in day's of persecution and an exhortation to look up for the Lord's return.

This evening we will look at a "Sermon in Shoes" (actually sandals) from the Acts 3 story of the lame man. Thanks for praying for our ministry. God is at work in answer to your prayers.


22/03/2013 10:46

Well winter has not lost it's icy grip on Scotland. Much of Britain is facing a large snow storm. Right now we just have freezing temperatures and very high winds. We have had a good winter this year which makes us hope that we'll have a good summer. Last year we had a mild winter and a very mild summer. We shall see!

The Lord gave us a good service last night. Thanks for praying for our ministry. I wonder on Thursdays if the blessing is because everyone in the States met the night before and many prayed for us. Whatever the case, the Lord does often refresh us during our Thursday night meetings. We had faithful attendance last night with 15 kids and 7 adults. Our Bible study looked at the greatness of God in Psalm 48.

I do have  a prayer request for a friend of ours for whom you have prayed in the past. Jeff Smith is having difficulty with his balance and speech. He is having a Cat Scan today. He had a tumor removed at Christmas time but has not recovered as well as they would hope. Jeff and Shellie have been over here for about 20 years and have faithfully served the Lord. Would you please pray for wisdom for the Dr.'s and for healing? You can keep up to date with the Smith's medical need at link



Only God Could Reveal That

19/03/2013 17:08

Below are the files for my new flyer. I am getting 10,000 printed on glossy postcard type paper. I would have put pictures but I had difficulty exporting the front of the flyer to the webpage. Thanks again for your prayers as I prepared this flyer.

Only God Could Reveal This.pdf (1,2 MB)

Only God Could Reveal This (back).pdf (784,4 kB)


Odds and Ends

18/03/2013 15:39

I forgot to mention yesterday that the Lord gave me a divine appointment after church. I witnessed to a young man for half an hour. The Lord gave wisdom as we talked. I want to be careful to let you know when the Lord provides those opportunities. Please keep praying for more opportunities to speak about the Lord.

Our visas have been received and I believe they are being processed. The next step is to submit our "biometric" information. This includes a face scan and fingerprints. Once that is completed, we should be done with our part of the process.

I spent today working on the flyer. I'm still tweaking it, but will get a image of it uploaded to our website when it is finished. Thanks for praying.

Tonight we are getting some messy weather which included high winds and snow. It's supposed to continue through tomorrow morning. Yes, I am excited! 

God is faithful

17/03/2013 19:40

The Lord gave us a good day. We have several members dealing with illness but a faithful group came out. I sensed spiritual warfare today but thank the Lord for the strength He gave us and the good work that He did in our hearts. I preached this morning on Fruitfulness from John 15:1-8.  Interestingly, God has called us to be faithful AND fruitful.  "Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit...." 

Tonight we looked at the characteristics of a spiritual awakening as seen at Pentecost. We concluded Acts 2 this evening.  Please pray for our visitor who is doing discipleship. She is loving Dr. Nelson's book, "Growing in Grace."

Please pray for wisdom for me as I hope to prepare out next flyer this week. I want to give the best tool I can to God to use to open men's hearts. Thanks for your prayers.

sweet service

14/03/2013 20:11

Thursday nights can be very refreshing. We had a sweet Spirit in the service tonight and good attendance. It was a joy to have two visitors in our adult Bible study of Psalm 47. I had 6 adults in total and Katie had 14 kids in her class. God's good. Thanks for praying for our ministry.

exciting news

13/03/2013 15:56

Thank you for praying as I put together our visa paperwork. I trust that all was done properly as they were posted today. Lord willing, the rest of the process will be simple. I'm glad to have the bulk of the process completed.

Please pray for a young lady that called today. She found our information and wants to come to church tomorrow night. She is a new believer that wants to be a part of a Bible study. It's refreshing to speak to someone who is seeking after the Lord.

I've had several divine appointments this week even though the focus of my time has been on office work. We love living in Loanhead and being a part of this community. 

Our health has been much better this year in comparison with last year, praise the Lord. But, just now several of the kids have a pretty bad cough. We'd appreciate your prayers for our continued good health. Thanks for praying.

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