Visa process over
26/04/2013 16:00We have now gotten all of our documents back with approved residency for another three years. Praise the Lord that is finished. Now I have to turn around and send the kids passports off to the US consulate in London to be renewed. (Life is interesting sometimes.) Lord willing, that will be a short process.
Thanks for praying the "red tape" side of ministry.
Into Edinburgh
24/04/2013 17:56God has put us in a great area for evangelism. It's just a short bus ride into the heart of Edinburgh to hand out flyers and evangelize. I was able to spend the afternoon in the city giving out flyers. It was a good day. It seems like about 50 percent of those offered a flyer took one. It's fun to watch them walk away reading it. I saw one put it in the bin but most people at least kept it.
I didn't have very many opportunities to verbally witness. But, the Lord gave me a great opportunity before heading back. I talked to a young lady (18) for 20 minutes about why I believe in God and His Word. She asked a good question, "Who gets to go to Heaven?" It was a great platform for a full presentation of the Gospel. Please pray for this girl. She was very thoughtful.
One believer who received the flyer emailed me to make me aware of other evangelistic outreaches in our area. I also met a Scot who is serving the Lord in Italy. God's good to give encouragement as we serve Him. Thanks for praying for these opportunities.
23/04/2013 20:15I listened to two very encouraging and challenging sermons as I put out flyers this morning. I heard Pastor Bill Lytell preach on the power of the seed. "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION, TO EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH." I also heard a message on victory over sin by Evangelist Jim Van Gelderen. His points were - Know right, Think right, Act right. Both messages were a blessing. I was able to put out another few hundred flyers.
Please pray for the salvation of a young man. God is working in his heart. We've been praying for him for a while now and rejoice to see God's hand at work in His life.
Back at it
22/04/2013 16:05I put a few hundred flyers out this morning. It was good to get back into the routine of ministry. It's easy to think that it is futile (and it would be without God's ability to work in men's hearts.) Please pray for God's Spirit to open the hearts of those who received it.
I also wanted to make you aware of a blog. Evangelist John Van Gelderen with some other good men have started a blog on revival. I was given an opportunity to be a guest contributor on their blog. Today they posted an article that I submitted. If you'd like to read it, you can do so by clicking this link.
Good Lord's Day
21/04/2013 20:45
It was a blessing to be back with our church today. God gave us good attendance, good help and a great spirit. Please pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of our children. We had 16 children this morning in Sunday School. Please also pray for their teachers.
I preached this morning on Jethro's wise instruction to Moses from Exodus 18:13-27. God's plan for effective ministry is still a group effort.
Tonight we had a sweet prayer, praise and communion service. It's a joy to share what God is doing in our lives. We had a refreshing day. Please pray as we get back to distributing the flyer. I would like to have this flyer through our community by mid May. We have a group of four college guys coming in May. Our main goal for that week is to put John and Romans through all of Loanhead. I've been given 3,000 copies that also have a Gospel presentation in the back. Thanks for your active part in our ministry.
Happy Holiday!!!! :)
20/04/2013 19:39We have just returned from a wonderful holiday (vacation.) We took a week off and headed to the southern most part of the mainland of Scotland. Special thanks to Don and Chris Dillman, Richard Weaver, and Leah Devers who filled in for us in our absence. This is our longest break since coming to the field and it was greatly enjoyed.
We rented a self catering cottage in Port Logan. We had views that were amazing. Please see the photo album page. We looked out at the Irish Sea and on clear days could see Northern Ireland on the horizon. Each day held a special adventure for us. On Sunday we enjoyed visiting a Reformed Presbyterian Church in Stranraer and singing Psalms put to music. The minister and his wife are sweet believers and kindly invited us to dinner at their home after the morning service. During the week we visited a lighthouse, botanical garden, rock and gem museum, sea side villages etc. We saw pheasants and more pheasants, seals, soldiers playing war games, battle ships, military choppers, convoys, two tipped trucks due to very high winds, a two hundred year old aquarium, deer, the site of the oldest inscribed stones in Scotland, and again etc.
God has been very good to us and we are excited to be back home and in our church tomorrow. I'll put a picture below to give you an idea of our family adventure. (The home on the right is where we stayed this past week.)
Out of the office.....
12/04/2013 12:55We are taking a break and will not be posting again for a wee while. Look forward to sharing God's goodness with you when we are posting again. Thanks for faithfully keeping up with us and our ministry.
The Ausi
11/04/2013 13:33Dan was a great blessing to our family. He is a mature young man with a genuine heart for the Lord. It was a joy to have him in our home and to get to show him some of our area.
Dan went with me yesterday to St. Andrews and Burntisland. On the way we visited Jeff Smith. Please continue to pray for Jeff's medical need. His brain tumor is back and surgery is not an option. They have an MRI tomorrow that will give them insight into what is taking place. They have a sweet testimony in this trial and I know that they value your prayers.
St. Andrews has a rich church history. George Wishart and Patrick Hamilton died for their faith there. John Knox was called to preach there. The castle became the first protestant congregation in Scotland as they killed the cardinal who killed George Wishart.
Burntisland Parish church was our destination on the way home. It was at this church that King James and other men decided to start a new translation of the Bible into English. We were unable to enter the church grounds or church but it was neat to see where the burden for the KJV translation was born.
God gave Dan and I an awesome divine appointment last night with a young man in the community. We met him as we returned from a walk over to our church meeting place. We talked for 45 minutes showing Scripture after Scripture on my phone. God used the new flyer to encourage him in the fact that God's Word is God given. We didn't get back to the house until 11:30. Please pray for God's continued work in this young man's heart. (He remembers me from an indirect meeting a year and a half ago.) God is at work there.
Faithful Attendance
07/04/2013 22:35Although we didn't have large attendance today, those that were there (with one exception) came to all 3 service. God blessed our small group. The children's Sunday School went well. We enjoyed a good time in our adult class as we looked at Ephesians 4. I preached on how the enemy will attempt to attack from Nehemiah 6 in the morning service. Tonight we started Acts 4 and were encouraged by the boldness of Peter and John as they stood before the Sanhedrin. God showed His faithfulness and gave us an uplifting day.
Tomorrow, we have a young man arriving from Australia who will be with us for several days. Please pray that we can be a blessing to him as he visits Scotland. Thanks for your part in our church ministry.
The sun is out....
05/04/2013 22:06This week has been encouraging weather for us. It's not hot but the sun is out and the days are getting much longer. It was light until well after 8 this evening. Yeah for summer time!
I didn't update yesterday because we didn't have a service last night due to petrol fumes in the building. Why? I have no idea. But, we knew we had to cancel. Timothy's mum was going to come. Lord willing, we will see her in church soon. Please pray for her as I have just given her a Bible in her language.
We have a young mother doing discipleship just now. Instead of coming to church last night, she came over to our house. She is a joy. Please pray that God will continue to encourage her in her growth. She's been saved for about a year and a half.
The Lord gave me a good opportunity to share the gospel with a young lady this evening. We were visiting some friends about 20 miles from us in Linlithgow. I gave this young lady a tract as I walked on the high street. Unfortunately her ride arrived and our conversation was ended. But, I'm sure she is now thinking differently about her eternal hope.
I know I often say it, but despite it's frequency I sincerely mean it. And, we definitely need them. "Thanks for your prayers."