
Gorgeous Days

31/05/2013 15:45

The past two days have been wonderful weather.  When you get nice weather in Scotland it is perfect. We have had two days in the mid sixties with good amounts of sun and low wind.  

We had a good service last night. The singing was especially sweet.  During the song service two little out of breath sisters popped into the service. They have attended our church for a long time. But, normally Katie picks them up. They were out playing when she went for them. So, they ran to church instead.


On their way....

29/05/2013 09:54

The Crichtons head up to Aberdeen today to spend some time there. It has been a blessing to have a couple with us who have had vast ministry experience. It makes you very thankful for your extended Christian family, (body of Christ.)

The Lord gave a wonderful divine appointment yesterday with a college age young lady who has never attended church or read the Bible. She did say that her school had a minister come in and teach them some hymns. It was not a long conversation but it was very much to the point and she responded very well. Please pray that God will bless His Word to her heart. Thank you for praying for these opportunities.

Good day out....

28/05/2013 09:15

We enjoyed a good tour of Edinburgh yesterday.  At Grey Friar's Church an 80 year old former soldier gave us a tour. Interestingly his last name is Campbell and his grandpa is from the Isle of Lewis. His grandpa would have been there when Duncan Campbell preached during the Lewis Awakening. The Lord gave us an opportunity to speak to him about God's truth.

At Edinburgh Castle we had another divine appointment. I gave a lady my place to watch the one o'clock gun and began speaking with her husband. As it turned out the Lady was Jewish but had a son that is an evangelical minister in the US. They don't speak about spiritual things. However, she took my flyer and told me that she would tell her son about our ministry. (It's a good reminder to pray for your unsaved relatives, God is able to bring a witness to them.)

We have one more day with the Crichtons before they head off to Aberdeen. This couple started a church in Rhode Island 38 years ago and just resigned that ministry this year. God has blessed the church that they started. (As you would imagine there is a lot that we can learn from their ministry.)

Praise God for a Great Sunday

27/05/2013 09:01

We had a really great Sunday.  The Lord gave us a very good attendance and a sweet spirit. We had a visiting family from Loanhead in the morning service and a visitor from Wisconsin as well. God is at work in our church. Please pray for grace as we move forward.

That is a short summary of a really great day. Thanks for your part in it. Please pray for God's leading as I show the Crichton's some of our area.

Heading to the airport....

25/05/2013 17:47

I will soon be heading to the airport to collect the Crichtons. Brother Tom will be preaching in our morning and evening services tomorrow. I'm excited about the day and am looking forward to sitting under his preaching.

The Lord gave me 2 divine appointments today. The first reminded me of the Pharisee who was glad that he wasn't like the Publican. I shared that story with her and hope that the Lord gives her a glimpse of her need.

The other was with a new friend. We talked for an hour and half. Please pray for God to build his faith.


Divine Appointment

24/05/2013 14:13

I had a fun divine appointment yesterday as I put out John and Romans. I found out that there is a Christian family just a few doors down from where we live. They are fairly young believers having accepted Christ just 5 years ago. It was a joy to chat with them and I think they will visit our church when not at their own.

Our service went well last night. We looked at a very appropriate passage, "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God." Sadly we often encounter this individual in our culture. 

Kay Lee just helped me finish putting out John and Romans in Loanhead.  Every home in Loanhead should have received a copy. Please pray for God's Spirit to work in the hearts of those who take the time to read it.


22/05/2013 22:03

About a year ago, we purchased a tent.  We didn't have a back garden at our last house and the weather was particularly poor last year. (Coldest, wettest, cloudiest....etc. :)  When we moved into this house, the kids were excited that we would finally get to set up the tent.  Well, last night was the night.  We were just thinking about setting it up, but somehow with a few little persuaders, we ended up sleeping outside last night. I'll put some pictures of our tenting below.

I put out about 40 pounds (weight) worth of John and Romans today.  That is just a guess and may be an exaggeration but that is how heavy the bag felt.  It made me appreciate more the help that we had last week. I'm thankful to be putting out Scripture "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God."

I enjoyed a good visit with an elderly friend as I was out. Last year this dear lady prayed to accept Jesus. I believe she understood. She was excited to hear about the good attendance we have had lately and said that she is praying that our church will grow. It's good to have friends in the community. 

This weekend we will have a visiting pastor and wife with us.  Brother Tom will be preaching the morning and evening services. Please pray for God's blessing on His ministry.

If the pictures make you think it looks was for Scotland :).  (I checked the temp. after taking these and it was 56 degrees.) The last picture will prove that it is not too hot....we got some pretty severe weather this evening. (hail) (And if you look closely at the last picture you can see that Nelson had his shirt off again!)


Ministry of music.....

19/05/2013 16:49

I hope to put an mp3 of our service today out for you to hear, if you so desired. (I need to figure out how to do that.) We had a very memorable service.  The Lord gave us very good attendance today for which we praise His name.  Our church enjoyed the blessing of hearing men sing praise to God.  The team sang 4 songs before I preached. I enjoyed singing with them and Katie played the piano.  I preached this morning on Intercession as I concluded a series on the spies report.  Because Moses prayed God did not completely destroy his people. (Numbers 14:11-20)

I've just returned from the airport after dropping off the team. Please pray for them as they fly home. They are leaving for Dublin this evening, spending the night in the airport there, and heading back to Greenville, SC. tomorrow.  These 4 young men will be serving that Lord at Christian camp this summer. Hopefully we got them in shape before their departure. Thanks for praying for their ministry with us and as they counsel at camp!


Finishing well.....

18/05/2013 19:03

Our group has one more day of ministry here in Scotland. They've been a great blessing and have accomplished some good work for the Lord. The fun day yesterday was a great day out. We had amazing weather and got to see God's glorious creation as we took a trip up into the Highlands. The Lord gave us a divine appointment with Lee. Please pray for this young man. He strongly believed evolution but thanked me for the conversation. God guided the conversation and I know his truth was hitting this man's heart.

This morning one young man headed down to London. The other four and I tried to put out more of the booklets but were forced inside by rain. We have practiced a few songs for tomorrow. Please pray that God will use the music to be a blessing to our church.Thanks for your prayers.

How do you spell tyred?

16/05/2013 19:37

I'm not sure I should be typing this right now. I'm doing my best to wear these guys out but it isn't working. At least they are not complaining yet. God has helped us to get much accomplished. We've put out about 2,500 John and Romans thus far. We also passed out Gospel flyers in Edinburgh for a couple hours last night. God has given  us some good witnessing opportunities.

I was surprised yesterday to see a man reading a Bible on the bus. He was just in front of me and it opened a conversation which lasted until he got off. He was saved 22 years ago and attends a church in Edinburgh. He doesn't live far from us and said that he would visit the church.

Tonight each of the young men shared their testimony in our mid week service. It was a great blessing. We had very good attendance and thank the Lord for a good night.

Please pray for our travels tomorrow. I'm going to take them on a day trip to the highlands.  It is 240 miles of very twisty narrow roads. Thanks for participating through prayer in their mission trip. God's shown us His goodness in answer to your prayers.

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