

21/06/2013 15:27

I just finished putting flyers through the village of Bilston. I met a dear elderly lady today. I was passing her and she said, "That's a big smile." We started chatting and I found out that she had gone through WW2. It shook her confidence in God. My heart goes out to her. Please pray for God to build real faith in her.

I had a follow up divine appointment as well. It's fun to have a further opportunity to speak with someone about the Lord. Thanks for praying for open doors for the Gospel.

And yet....another special day...

20/06/2013 22:17

Benson turned 9 today!  The Lord gave him a great birthday. The weather was nice. School finished yesterday. He also got some exciting presents!

Our service tonight went well. The adults looked at Psalm 55, When Friends Forsake Me.  "Cast thy burden upon the Lord...."

The Lord gave a good opportunity to share the Gospel last night. Please pray for an older man in our community who has cancer. He said that it has made him think more about eternity. God's timing was perfect as I made a late run to the store for ingredients for the birthday cake. 

This weekend is Loanhead Gala Days.  This is a big community celebration and is always lots of fun. Last year was freezing cold with high winds and rain showers. The weather the past several weeks has been dramatically different than that. So, Lord willing, the weather will be good.

Special Days

18/06/2013 11:39

We've enjoyed some special days lately. God gave us a delightful Father's Day. The kids put together a nice gift for their dads. I preached on Abraham and Isaac walking towards the hill of Sacrifice. I did an acrostic of FATHER.  Follow God's Word, Act on God's instruction, Take steps of faith, Honor God's promises, Earn God's approval and Rejoice in God's provision.

Yesterday was also a special day as Katie and I celebrated our 13th anniversary.  We took the day off and headed to a safari park for the day. It was a lot of fun. We watched a bird and seal show, drove past lions, rhino's, buffalo, saw elephants and giraffe's etc.  It was a gorgeous day.  We were even a bit sunburned.  The weather has been very nice this summer. Praise the Lord. God gave a good witnessing opportunity at the park with a young man who was working there.

This morning I put out flyers in a nearby village. Please pray for W_________.  She was very open to studying God's Word and may come and visit our church. It was an obvious divine appointment. Please also pray for the flyers that were put out.  The wicked bird was swooping in before I left.  The Watch Tower Witnesses *(J.W.'s) were going through the area where I had put out flyers.  This has happened numerous times. Please pray that this cult will not succeed and that God's Word will prevail.  Thanks for your intercessory ministry for our field.

Jeff Smith update: (Missionary friend dying of a brain tumor.)  A man from our church went with me on Saturday to visit Jeff.  He still has his smile, but has lost most of his other abilities. We sang a lot of songs with him. After singing God is so good I said, "God is good isn't He?"  Jeff was able to say, "He is." He was also mouthing many of the words to our songs though he appeared to be sleeping. God's grace is evident in He and Shellie's lives. Please continue to pray for them and their family.


13/06/2013 19:56

The Lord gave us an encouraging ministry night. Thursday nights have typically been nights of spiritual refreshment and tonight was no exception. We enjoyed our Bible study of Psalm 54. David saw God's goodness even when pressed hard by the enemy. He also knew that God had a plan.

We had an adult visitor attend the service with her son. They are believers from our community and it was a joy to have them with us this evening. Thanks for praying for our service tonight. God gave us a great evening.

Out and about....

12/06/2013 16:40

The weather cleared this afternoon and I was able to get out for a couple hours. I enjoy listening to sermons while I am walking and I really felt the need today. God's good to give you just what you need when you need it.  We have had some ministry hurdles lately and need grace to keep a good pace for the Lord.

I spoke to an older man whose grandfather was a Baptist minister. This man prays but does not know God personally. I told him that our conversation was God's grace to Him. Please pray that the Lord would awaken His heart.

I'm praying about a new evangelistic tool. It is a cd/dvd burner that could make media copies that we could distribute. Please pray for wisdom as I pursue this. I heard a good message by Rev. Jim Binney on How to Forgive. I'm considering putting it through every home in our area or distributing it door to door. We need wisdom about using every means God wants us to use for His glory. Thanks for your prayers.

Good Lord's Day

10/06/2013 20:40

God gave us a good day yesterday. I know I've often spoken of the weather recently, but it has been spectacular. It is nice to have beautiful weather on a Sunday.  I preached yesterday morning on the Lord's High Priestly Prayer from John 17:9-19. I'm glad that God gave us that glimpse into His heart as we listen to the God/Man pray. Our attendance was down due to some of our folks being away. But most, who could come, did come. 

We have a special prayer request for some friends of ours in Ireland. They were supposed to spend a few days with us and have a brief break from their ministry. However, due to an expired passport, they were unable to fly. Please pray for God's grace for them and their family. They have had illness this past week and nearly canceled due to illness as well.  They have had a sweet testimony in this, but we need to pray for God to provide some R and R for their family. Their tickets were non refundable.

Jeff Smith Update

07/06/2013 20:56

I enjoyed visiting Jeff and Shellie Smith today. Another good missionary friend and I headed over there to see them. They are in sweet spirits. Please continue to pray for them as they go through the valley of the shadow of death. They demonstrate a grace that only God can give.

We had a visitor after the service last night. It was a man for whom we have prayed for several years. We'd appreciate your prayers for him. We love this family and want to see God's best for their lives.

I haven't put pictures on for quite a while. Here are some recent photo's.

Benson at Hibbs Football Game.  He and I took the college boys.

Benson and I still have art/ shop class with Mr. Alec on Tuesdays. This is a picture I just finished of a British pigeon hunter.

The back section of our back garden (yard). We've trimmed a lot of trees. 

This is taken looking back the other way.

The Lord provide new (used) office furniture as an early father's day gift.


05/06/2013 15:54

The kid's passports are expiring soon. So, today we went into the US Consulate office in Edinburgh and renewed them. I decided just to stay in town and pass out flyers. As I started this morning I was reminded that the Lord has to open doors. The first half hour was very slow. But, the Lord gave me 3 very good divine appointments today.

The first was with a young man who grew up with an Anglican minister for a father. He is agnostic. The Lord blessed our conversation as we went through Scripture after Scripture. I challenged him to read John and write references about belief and to read Romans and to write references against works. I hope he takes the challenge. We talked for at least 30 minutes.

The next was after lunch. I spoke to a Muslim and began walking with him to his destination *(Edinburgh central mosque for prayers).  God again guided as I showed him Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, and Genesis 3 (the lamb slain to cover men's sins.)  They believe that Jesus was taken off the cross and someone else died in his place. He was interested to see the crucifixion in the OT. I challenged him to read Isaiah and to study the Messiah.

The last opportunity was with an 18 year old skeptic. I took him to Romans 1 and Psalm 22.  He was interested and expressed appreciation for our conversation. I told him that at least he knows where he is at and that Paul was against God before His conversion.

Please pray for God to bless the flyers and witnessing opportunities. Thanks for praying for open doors to the Gospel.

hot! :)

03/06/2013 15:17

Scotland is experiencing some wonderful weather just now. I did flyers in short sleeves this morning. We are glad to have hope of a summer this year! (Last year was record breaking in it's coldness, wetness and dreariness. And we just had the coldest Spring in 50 years.) 

The Lord gave me two great opportunities to open my Bible and share Christ.  Please pray for the two ladies and the man to whom I spoke. One was with a former Catholic and the other was with a Jehovah's Witness and an Atheist. (Interesting combination.) The JW read with me in Colossians 1 and said she didn't believe it and that it was not in her Bible. I asked her to get her Bible. She couldn't put her hand on it and grabbed her mom's Bible instead. (It was the same as mine.) Please pray that God will open her eyes to His truth and the Deity of Jesus.

Thanks for praying for these opportunities to speak to people about the Lord.

Not just another Sunday....

02/06/2013 13:21

I'm glad that I didn't miss church today. It was the "day the Lord hath made" and we rejoiced in Him.  Our Lord isn't ordinary and just another lord....and neither is the day that is set aside to worship Him. We focused on Him today as I preached on, "Our Great High Priest" from John 17:1-8.

The place we meet has been a great blessing to us. There could not be better facilities to help our church grow. We found out as we arrived this morning that they had purchased all new chairs. They are lovely and will be a blessing to our ministry.  God is good.

Thanks for praying for us today. Please continue to pray for God's power as we move forward for Him.

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