Sister Church Christmas Luncheon
14/12/2013 18:49We enjoyed a Christmas lunch with a sister church in Dunbar. We love the pastor and his wife and are very thankful that they invited us to be with them today. I preached on the Christmas Prophecy, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...." Specifically we considered the prophetic names of Jesus found in that verse.
We are thankful for journey mercies today as there were gales to severe gales blowing. Our vehicle has high sides and it makes you feel the wind a bit more. But no matter what vehicle we would have been driving, we would have felt the wind today.
The Lord gave a good witnessing opportunity with a young man who attends their ministry as a care giver. Please pray that God will awaken his heart. He sits in on the services each week because of his employment.
Mark Hikin would appreciate your prayers. He is at the hospital tonight with abdominal pain which they believe is his appendix. He has been in terrible pain this past week.
Also, there is good news for Violet. She does have breast cancer but they did not find cancer anywhere else. I know she would appreciate your continued prayers.
Thanks for your part in our ministry. I'm preaching tomorrow morning on Mary's song of praise found in Luke 2.
PS. :) The Lord gave a good witnessing opportunity with a young man from France. He said that he worships mother earth. Interestingly he didn't admit he was a pagan until I questioned him. I shared with him an illustration I got from Dan Pero. I pointed at the painting on his display and said, "You can see the art but not the artist. You worship the painting instead of the painter." The Lord gave us a good 15 minute discussion.
Dan and Sharon Pero
12/12/2013 19:30We've enjoyed having missionary friends from Ireland with us today. They arrived early this morning. Brother Dan preached tonight and was a blessing to our church. God gave us 3 great witnessing opportunities as we went into Edinburgh late this morning. We witnessed to a young muslim. He graciously took a John and Romans and showed a real interest in reading it. We also witnessed to a lady who is in the Guiness Book of World Records for piercings. I've spoken with her before about God's love. Please pray that God will awaken her heart. We also spoke with an evolutionist for about 20 minutes. He had actually seen Ken Ham videos online. He didn't agree with Ken Ham but it was pretty amazing that he had researched his viewpoint. It was fun to see the Lord open those doors.
God's good. We didn't have a big group out tonight but the Lord encouraged our hearts. Thanks for praying.
More Christmas Flyers
11/12/2013 19:22I was able to put out several hundred more Christmas flyers this afternoon. I had a few divine appointments. One was with a man whom I've witnessed to before. I thought about him several houses before getting to his drive. He was out working on a car. Another young man was witnessed to by Mark Hikin and I over a year ago. Mark still prays for them (there were two of them) during our prayer time on Monday nights. I told the young man that and invited him to our carol sing service. Another lady I witnessed to today was a follow up opportunity from a conversation over a year ago. So, God's good to give these opportunities.
I spoke last night with the MSP (Member of Scottish Parliament) for Midlothian (our county.) I asked him how he voted on the marriage issue. I then spoke with him about the religious persecution that "hate crime" legislation is leading into. Please pray for secular society to realize that Christians are being treated in a worse way than those whom the law is trying to protect. Thanks for your impact in our ministry.
Painting with Alec
10/12/2013 15:33Benson and I just got back from painting with Alec. He is doing well. Thanks for praying for his health. A new medication seems to be meeting his needs. Thanks for praying for him.
Yesterday I was able to get out with Carol Sing flyers. One ladies response was especially encouraging. "I love Carol Sings. I will be there." Please pray that she will come. She was older. So, I trust her word a bit more than the younger generations.
A JW called me by name yesterday. I had spoken to her in her garden for about a half hour over a year ago. She was out with another lady giving out JW material. I took their Bible and showed them some passages about the deity of Christ. (I had taken my Bible out of my bag and had forgotten to put it back.) I told them they ought to be concerned about the fact that their Bible had changed these passages about Christ's deity. Please pray that God will awaken their hearts. They'd be great soul winners if they would get saved.
We have several ladies who are planning to attend the Neighborhood Christmas Tea. Please pray that nothing will hinder them from coming. Last year was remarkable for how many ladies had legitimate excuses for not making it. We really hope that those who have indicated they are coming will be able to come. Thanks for praying for these needs.
Big Storm
05/12/2013 19:42A massive low pressure system went over Scotland through the night and into this morning. The Forth Road Bridge which I crossed yesterday had a high wind speed of just over 90 miles an hour. The highest recorded wind in the highlands was over 140 mph. There is also a huge tidal surge going down the eastern coast. This is the biggest North Sea Flood in 50 years. The sea defenses are going to face some big challenges. So, please pray for the the UK and for God to use this to awaken some hearts.
Our service tonight was a blessing. The husband of the lady with breast cancer was with us tonight. His wife had more tests today and will find out those results on Tuesday. Please continue to pray for Violet. They are both sweetly trusting in the Lord.
04/12/2013 21:00I enjoyed meeting Pastor Edgar for lunch and handing out Christmas tracks in Dundee today. Pastor Edgar made the tract and it was well received by the shoppers. The Lord gave two very good witnessing opportunities. Please pray for Charles and Craig. Charles (upper 30's) and I spoke for about 20 minutes as I showed him Scripture verses. I had begun by asking him why he thought God would allow him into heaven. He turned the question back to me and asked how I would know. He seemed to be a sincere seeker. Please pray for God to open his eyes.
Craig (late teen) was another evident divine appointment. He and I talked for over 20 minutes. He asked great questions. "What would you say to someone who believes in the big bang? What would you say to an atheist? If there is a God, why is there death?" The Lord blessed again and I hope to hear from him. He put my number in his phone. Again, please pray for God to awaken this young man's heart.
God's good. It's fun to see him open doors. Please pray for Pastor Edgar and their ministry in Dundee. We handed out several hundred tracts today.
Ladies' Christmas Party
02/12/2013 21:33The ladies' Christmas Bible study went very well. Thank you for praying. There were a total of 5 ladies and 2 girls. They had a lot of fun. I'll put some pictures below. One of the dear ladies who came is a older Christian who visits our church. Her husband recently had surgery. She found out today that she has breast cancer. They are going to do other scans this week. She has a sweet Spirit and said, "I'm in His hands." Would you please pray for God's super abundant grace for she and her husband? Thanks for your intercession for our ministry.
PS. Those of you who receive our email prayer letter have already found out that Katie is expecting our 6th. She is 13 weeks along and doing very well. I thought I had better get it on the webpage, so that you aren't surprised if I refer to it. :) We appreciate your prayers for her and the baby.
Good Sunday
01/12/2013 20:34Our faithful group was present today and the Lord gave us a good day. Thank you for praying for my voice. It wasn't strong but it was sufficient. I thought perhaps we would need to cancel the service tonight but we were able to have it. It was a lovely Sunday here with very mild temperatures and sunshine. God's good. We enjoyed our day.
Cold recovery....
30/11/2013 15:12I trust that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We enjoyed the day as a family. Our house is now decorated for Christmas and we are excited about this busy month of ministry. I didn't do door to door today as I am recovering from a cold. I'd appreciate your prayers for my voice. I'm preaching tomorrow on, "He Would Not Save Himself" from the Matthew account of the crucifixion. Monday is the church ladies Christmas party. Please pray for Katie as she get's ready for that. Thanks for praying and following along.
Christmas Carol Sing Flyer
27/11/2013 13:24I started putting out our carol sing flyer today. I wasn't out long but the Lord gave me one witnessing opportunity. I also spoke with a woman who indicated a desire to visit the church. It seems quite possible that she will come and visit us. Please pray that God will meet her needs as she recently lost a loved one.
We want to with you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and trust the Lord will give you a great day!