Door to Door with Logan
01/02/2014 21:29Logan and I had a great time together as we invited people to visit our church. It was blustery and cold. But, we found a good indoor location where we could speak with folks. The Lord gave us one great opportunity to share God's Word. Please pray for fruit for our labors.
Below are two pictures of a tiny little agate. It reminds me that God cares about the little details of his creation. If no one had ever found this agate, God's creative beauty would have still been impressed upon this little stone. This stone is only about a quarter of an inch across. I'm glad that the God Who cares about details also cares about me.
30/01/2014 13:37I've put out flyers twice this week. This morning I was in an area that is attached to Loanhead. The Lord gave me one ministry opportunity with a man whose wife used to attend our church. He is facing a very serious health crisis. Please pray for God's merciful intervention. I tried to encourage him in the Lord. I gave him a Bible a couple years ago as I visited with him in the hospital. I hope that he will start reading it and find the Prince of Peace whom he needs.
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Katie is struggling a bit with insomnia. We think it is pregnancy related. I know she would appreciate your prayers for her to get much needed rest.
Tonight we have our midweek service. We've enjoyed our Thursday night services. We'd appreciate your prayers for our ministry this evening. Thanks for praying.
Sunday, Pastor Weaver
27/01/2014 11:52The Lord gave us a good Sunday. There was a sweet spirit in our services and our attendance was good. I preached yesterday morning on Joshua 1:1-11, "Be Strong." Interestingly, God commanded Joshua to "be strong" three times as He placed him into his new position of leadership.
We were blessed to have Pastor Richard Weaver preach in our evening service. He is a good friend who ministers about 20 miles from us in Livingstone. Their family is currently back in the States on furlough, but Brother Richard was back in Scotland this week. It was good to see him and benefit from his ministry last night.
Thanks for praying for our church. I pray for those who pray for us and trust the Lord gave you great services yesterday as well.
23/01/2014 15:23I've just finished putting flyers through a nearby village, Rosslyn. This village is connected by a walking path to Loanhead. I enjoy taking walks out in that direction. (There are pastures with sheep and a nice view of the Pentland Hills.) I put flyers out yesterday morning and this afternoon. All told I think I put around 800 plus flyers there this week.
The Lord gave me a few short opportunities to speak with people this afternoon. The best opportunity was with an older man who was working in his garden. (That sounds warm but it was pretty cold out with a stiff breeze.) Please pray for God to bless His Word and that it would reap a harvest.
Parker Update
21/01/2014 15:30Parker's (6) fever is finally going away. He's definitely much better today. He's been running a fever since last Thursday night. (It went over 104 last evening and has been up there several times this past week.) So, we are very thankful to see him beginning to get well.
I was able to put out Gospel flyers for a couple hours this morning. I listened to three messages by Evangelist Mike Redick as I was walking. It was just what I needed today. Please pray for God to work in the hearts of those that have read the flyer.
Sermon Audio
19/01/2014 21:05Our church has just begun uploading our services to sermon audio. We welcome you to listen in and would appreciate your prayers for God's power and blessing in our ministry.
19/01/2014 16:49We had an interesting Sunday. Katie needed to stay home today to watch Parker. We'd appreciate your prayers for the little guy. He has had a high fever that won't go away since Thursday night. He's laid in bed for the last three days. Katie is our pianist. Today she recorded the hymns on our digital piano and I just had to hit the play button today.
We had a good morning. We did a combined Sunday School and watched, "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution." If you haven't seen it, it is possible to watch it online. It is a great film that shows the wonder of God's creation. I preached on the temptation of Christ from Matthew 4 in the morning service.
It was good to have the young lady from Hong Kong visit with us today. She said the bus service worked well. She is in Edinburgh until June.
Divine Appointment
16/01/2014 13:23Yesterday the Lord gave me a wonderful opportunity to speak to a young man about salvation. I had started to walk past him but felt like the Lord would have me give him a tract. We ended up talking for 20 plus minutes about salvation. God's hand was evident in our conversation and I'm glad that this young man had the kindness to hear a Biblical viewpoint.
Today Katie is getting a well deserved break from her busy life. A friend from the States is here and they were able to get together. Katie's pregnancy is going well. However, she hasn't been sleeping well. She's been experiencing a bit of insomnia. Please pray for that to go away and for the Lord to help her get very needed rest. Homeschooling and church ministry are demanding enough of themselves. When you add pregnancy and lack of sleep, the load get's pretty heavy. I know she would appreciate your prayers.
The rest of us are doing well. We are all going to get out tomorrow afternoon to meet a Christian young lady from China. She is just starting at the University of Edinburgh. Please pray for God to direct her to where He wants her to go to church. We're looking forward to meeting her.
13/01/2014 12:35This morning is a gorgeous morning. There is loads of sunshine and very little breeze. I enjoyed putting out flyers for a couple of hours. I spoke with one lady but it wasn't a very long conversation. I enjoyed listening to three messages that Dr. Ed Nelson preached. They were each a blessing and a challenge. He finished preaching right when I finished my last house. I also only had about 5 flyers left in my bag. Please pray for the harvest that God has promised. We've sown much and reaped little. But, we are optimists and believe that the harvest is coming. Thanks for praying.
Jonah's Whale?
12/01/2014 12:39I'm not kidding, a 45 foot whale has washed up on the beach in Joppa. I'm smiling at the irony with Jonah as he was headed to Joppa. It's too bad that the whale had to die for everyone to get a chance to see it. This beach is about 6 miles from us. I would like to go over and see it but it is being towed to a port where the 20 ton creature will be lifted by a crane.
God gave us a great morning. We looked at II Corinthians 8, "Grace Giving." There was a sweet spirit in our service. Tonight we get to complete the first missionary journey with Paul and Barnabus. Thanks for your prayers for our ministry. God's good.