
Not observing the rain....

17/02/2014 21:53

I preached yesterday on the passage in Ecclesiastes which speaks about the lazy person that looks at the wind and rain and doesn't get out sowing or harvesting. So, despite the chance of rain, I got out and did flyers this morning. It never really rained enough to get me wet. It was just very humid. :) It wasn't an awesome morning for divine appointments it seems, but I did have one rather unusual encounter. I met a relation to someone who has visited our church. This is a bit unusual because I was a few miles away from our immediate area in the outskirt of Edinburgh. Please pray that God will encourage this man in His walk with him. He comes from a religious family.

I enjoyed listening to Evangelist John Van Gelderen as I was walking. Our evangelistic meetings with Brother John were a year ago this week. God gave us a great year last year and we are anticipating more of the same by His grace. Please keep praying for the Lord to really open some doors for our ministry. Thanks for keeping up with what God is doing at FBC in Loanhead.

Sunday Morning

16/02/2014 12:39

What a beautiful Sunday morning! It is wonderful to have a gloriously sunny day after several days of rain and clouds. God gave us a good Sunday morning. I preached this morning on Ecclesiastes 11:1-6, Living With Purpose.

The Lord gave Mark and I two great visits last night. One man has told us that he will visit the church. The other has said that he tried to visit the church but wasn't able to make it. (He has health needs.) Please pray that those who intend to come will be able to make it to church.

Thanks for praying for our ministry. God's good.

Door to Door with Benson

15/02/2014 11:57

God's given us some great opportunities lately on Saturday mornings to visit with people at their doors. We had 3 good opportunities this morning. It's a joy to share Christ. Thanks for praying for these open doors.

The weather has been bad in the UK as well as in the US. England is having some very poor weather with major flooding. This past week the UK had 3 major storms. I think our last high pressure system was December 15th. Although it is raining this morning, we were able to do some areas that are indoor. 

Scotland passed homosexual marriage legislation this past week. I saw an advert on a bus yesterday with a picture of two construction workers that said, "One of us is gay. If that bothers you, our work continues. Gay. Get over it." It is on many busses.

The fact that people have a choice to do whatever they want to do, does not bother me. I appreciate the individual responsibility that we were given by God. But, the fact that someone can blatantly attack our values which are Biblical values does bother me. I don't agree with a lot of what the world does, but I am thankful that I am not forced to support the world's values. Please pray that God will protect the religious liberty to stand on Biblical principles. The hate crime legislation in Scotland has the dangerous side affect of making people hate those who love God's Word. 


One Day HBT

11/02/2014 17:24

We had a one day Holiday Bible Time today. I'm glad my wife was burdened to have this ministry during the kid's week long holiday from school. We had a great turn out with 23 kids and 7 adults. Katie was praying for 30 and that was our total with adults. She did a great job sharing the story of "Samuelito" with power point. We ate pizza, celebrated a birthday with cake, did crafts, played was a great day. Thanks for praying for God's blessing on this event. It could not have been gone better. Praise the Lord.

First Time Visitor

10/02/2014 09:49

We enjoyed having a first time visitor yesterday. We have known this man for several years and it was a blessing to us to have him visit. Our attendance was not high yesterday as we had some with illness and others away. But, the Lord blessed our services. I preached yesterday morning on Joshua 2, A Sinner Like Me

We had some wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel on Saturday. Kay Lee went with me as we invited people to visit our church.

God is very gracious to encourage our hearts and to help us to know His blessing. Thanks for praying for our ministry.

Link to Creation Debate

05/02/2014 12:18

Most of you are probably aware of the debate that took place last night between Ken Ham and Bill Nye. I wanted to put a link on our website for those who would like to view it. WATCH THE DEBATE


03/02/2014 14:50

This morning was a very mild morning to get out and about. I put out flyer this morning in our old neighborhood of Eskbank. I enjoyed visiting with some of our former neighbors. We love our new community of Loanhead but wish we could have moved some of our old neighbors to this area as well. God has given us some very special friendships in both locations.

Sunday, 2 February

02/02/2014 14:01

The Lord gave us a good morning. Our children's choir sang this morning. It's fun to see the kids participating in ministry. The song, "Sail On," which they sang was written by Ron Hamilton. It has a good message challenging believers not to quit. I preached a topical message this morning on "Reason Why I Didn't Tell You About Jesus." Tonight we continue our study of Acts and have our monthly communion service. Thank you for praying for our ministry!

Door to Door with Logan

01/02/2014 21:29

Logan and I had a great time together as we invited people to visit our church. It was blustery and cold. But, we found a good indoor location where we could speak with folks. The Lord gave us one great opportunity to share God's Word. Please pray for fruit for our labors.

Below are two pictures of a tiny little agate. It reminds me that God cares about the little details of his creation. If no one had ever found this agate, God's creative beauty would have still been impressed upon this little stone. This stone is only about a quarter of an inch across. I'm glad that the God Who cares about details also cares about me.



30/01/2014 13:37

I've put out flyers twice this week. This morning I was in an area that is attached to Loanhead. The Lord gave me one ministry opportunity with a man whose wife used to attend our church. He is facing a very serious health crisis. Please pray for God's merciful intervention. I tried to encourage him in the Lord. I gave him a Bible a couple years ago as I visited with him in the hospital. I hope that he will start reading it and find the Prince of Peace whom he needs.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Katie is struggling a bit with insomnia. We think it is pregnancy related. I know she would appreciate your prayers for her to get much needed rest. 

Tonight we have our midweek service. We've enjoyed our Thursday night services. We'd appreciate your prayers for our ministry this evening. Thanks for praying.

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