Furlough Schedule
08/04/2014 12:05In case you haven't noticed, our current furlough schedule is on the bottom of our homepage. The Lord allowed us to schedule a meeting with a new church yesterday. We appreciate all those who have a desire to have us come. We're going to do our best to get to you. Please continue to pray for the Lord to help us as we plan our meetings. If your church does desire to have us in, please let us know.
I put out flyers this morning through a new area just inside Edinburgh city limits. I had two interesting experiences. I had a dog steel my F.D.T. (Flyer Distribution Tool - ie. cheeseboard used to push flyers through the mail slot.) It's amazing how quickly it happens. It's almost like it disappears. Thankfully the lady was home to return it to me. How humbling.... :)
I also had a lady walk outside and recycle my flyer. At least she put it in recycling instead of her rubbish bin.
I didn't have any divine appointments, but enjoyed listening to a great old preacher on my ipod. He was preaching on, "Shall DOUBTLESS come again with rejoicing." Amen and Amen. Thanks for your prayers. (I did have a great divine follow up appointment last night.)
New Photo Page
07/04/2014 11:28I just updated our photo album with some pics from our holiday. If you would like to see them, please click this link or use the tabs on the left to open the photo album.
A good start to the Lord's day.
06/04/2014 13:01The Lord gave us a good morning. It was good to be back in our church although we enjoyed visiting a church last Sunday. I preached this morning on , "How do I know Who God Is?" I'm glad God has given man an ABUNDANCE of proof that declares who He is.
Thanks for praying for our ministry.
Back from Holiday.....
05/04/2014 15:04We just returned from a week long holiday into the highlands near Oban. The Lord gave us a great time away. We saw loads of red deer and even collected some antlers. I'll be putting a photo album on the webpage from our adventures this past week. But, until then, I'll put a couple pics below.
Prayer Request
28/03/2014 11:49Many of your know that Katie's Brother's family is in Dundee. Their pastor, Sandy Edgar, is a GFA church planter. Last night the Edgar's home was broken into and they had their car, laptop and iphone stolen. I know that they would appreciate your prayers for God's grace as they go through this tough time.
Fun time...
26/03/2014 12:04We are getting to the fun time of the year to do flyers. The weather is much better and the flowers are beautiful in the front gardens. I was in a very affluent section of Edinburgh. I spoke with one man this morning as I was putting out flyers. He was a gardener.
Last night the Lord gave me a wonderful divine appointment with a 19 year old young man. Please pray for God to do a great work in his heart. We spoke for about half an hour and he thanked me for the conversation. Thanks for praying.
Just back from Edinburgh....
24/03/2014 14:39It is a glorious day here. This morning when I walked there was a thick layer of frosty ice over the puddles. But, with the pure sunshine and light breeze, it really is a beautiful day. I took bus into Edinburgh this morning and the Lord gave me many great witnessing opportunities. The first was with a college age boy and girl. He said, "You believe in God? How do you know there is a God?" I love that kind of opener. I'm thankful that he asked that. We talked for about a half an hour. The next was a young lady who is leaning towards paganism. Again she was very thoughtful and we had a good half hour discussion. Soon after that I had what I feel was my best opportunity to tell a young lady of God's love for her. I was able to speak with her for 30-40 minutes. Next was a young man from Poland who grew up Catholic. God gave me a great opportunity to speak to him about salvation by grace through faith. It was clear that he was understanding the different passages to which we were turning. The last young man was from Ireland. He is leaning towards science but admitted that my arguments for the reality of God were good.
In most of these conversations I enjoyed opening my Bible. I know that only God can give grace to open these doors and I am very thankful for what He did today. Thank you for praying for God to give us platforms to share Christ.
PS. I have a new blogpost on the Revival Focus Website today. Spiritual Refreshment for the Thirsty Soul.
Wonderful Sunshine!
23/03/2014 13:31It is a beautiful day right now. (This is Scotland, it could change rather quickly.) We had a good morning. The Lord gave us a first time visitor and a returning visitor today. It's always a joy to have someone courageous enough to come out to a service. We are really thankful that she came.
I preached this morning on Isaiah 65:1-14, Blessing and Cursing . There was a good spirit in the service and we had a good turnout of our faithful group.
Met a minister....
19/03/2014 11:54I was able to put flyers out this morning. I briefly spoke with a postman and one other man. I also had a good divine appointment with a fellow minister. He is the pastor of a Free Church of Scotland Continuing church in Leith (Edinburgh). The Free Church of Scotland came out of the Church of Scotland in the 1840's. Some of the great Scottish men of God that held to God's truth were a part of the Free Church movement. The "Continuing" took place about 10 years ago. Again the separation was for a good reason.
It was a blessing to get to meet James Gracey. He has taken a stand for the Lord and has suffered some for it. God has reminded me this morning that He has a remnant. Only God could have put us together. Praise the Lord.
Answered Prayer
18/03/2014 09:11The community centre, where we meet for church, has graciously allowed us to get a metal cupboard for storage. We were praying for the Lord to provide just the right used cabinet and we found one yesterday. Mark Hikin and I collected it and put it at the centre (correct British spelling) yesterday. After nearly nine years (including deputation) of transporting things to and from church, we are going to get a brief break! I can't tell you how excited I am. This is perfect timing. We have a guest speaker in two weeks and he won't have to collect anything from our home to take to church. It also allows our furlough replacement the luxury of having everything at the church location. Thanks for your prayers. God is good.