
Torrential Showers

26/05/2014 13:30

We have enjoyed some great downpours the last couple of days. Thankfully the rain held off this morning until just after I returned from putting out flyers. I would have been a drowned rat in about 30 seconds if I would have been caught in it. I didn't have any great opportunities to talk with anyone. But, I had one short conversation with a man at his window.

Tomorrow is the funeral for Alec's Son-in-Law. Please pray for grace for he and his wife, his daughter and grandson. I'll be attending assuming that Katie doesn't go into labor.  She is doing well. She is due on the 6th of June.


25/05/2014 13:02

The Lord gave us a first time visitor this morning. That was a special blessing today. We enjoyed our fellowship in Sunday School and church today. I preached on the resurrection of Lazarus from John 11:1-45.

I preached a bit longer than usual but it worked out well. We had torrential rains during the service but it briefly stopped at the conclusion of the service before starting back up. It made for some extra fellowship time for those who didn't get out during the wee break. Thanks for praying for our ministry.


22/05/2014 16:30

This will explain why I haven't updated the webpage in a couple days. Katie is two weeks from her due date. So, we thought now was the perfect time to tackle a big project. (?) I painted the walls (2x) and ceiling of our living room. The Lord gave grace and strength. Praise the Lord it turned out nice. (I'd label these, but I think you can tell which pictures are before and which are after.)

Wow.... it's hot!

19/05/2014 11:54

We've had wonderful weather for the past several days. Today is wonderfully warm. I just got back from putting out flyers all morning. The Lord gave me an awesome follow up opportunity. 15 minutes after I started putting flyers out I saw Gavin whom I met last week. I told him that I was looking for him on Sunday. He had a pretty good excuse as he was in Glasgow all day as his daughter was in a karate competition. Please pray that Gavin would sense God's hand in our meeting again. I was able to call him by name and tell him that I've been praying for him.

The only other interesting thing was something that I'd love to see on candid camera or CCTV. Some of the flats I went into were confusing because their stairs were on the opposite side. But, to confuse you more as you walked down the hallway there were solid walls on both sides and you couldn't see the stairs. Normally you'd turn around the end of these and walk up the stairs on the right. I turned the corner and put my foot up and ran into a wall. I had a good laugh at myself.

I enjoyed listening to Evangelist Steve Petit as I walked this morning. He had a great message on ministering to 18-24 year olds. It was really insightful and a good reminder to try to reach that age group. That is one of my favorite ages with whom to engage in conversation as I'm out and about.

Special Prayer Request

18/05/2014 13:04

We heard tragic news this morning. Good friends of ours in our community, Alec and Elizabeth, lost their son-in-law, Mark, in a motorcycle accident. Mark leaves behind his wife and their four year old son. Our hearts ache for them. Please pray for God's super abundant grace during this most difficult season of life.

The Lord gave us a good service this morning as we considered contentment. I preached a message entitled, "Not Wanted" from Phillippians 4:11-13.

The Hansens

13/05/2014 21:16

We are enjoying having Katie's brother and his family with us tonight. They live about an hour and a half away. My sister in law and nephew are heading back to the States for a couple weeks. Tonight I'm enjoying hearing a baby voice say, "Uncle Benny."

I had a great opportunity to speak with a young man earlier today as I put out flyers. Please pray for Gavin to come visit our church. I think there is a good chance that he will visit. The Lord has given several good opportunities lately to speak with people about God. I love it when the Lord opens these doors. Please continue to pray for platforms to share Christ.

The Day of the Lord

11/05/2014 12:47

God gave us a good morning. We walked to church this morning because the weather was lovely. I checked online to make sure that was a good idea. About 15 minutes before I finished preaching the rain came down. (I wasn't surprised to have uncertain weather in Scotland.) Thankfully it cleared before we walked home and then rained right after we got back.

I preached this morning a follow up message to last week's message on the rapture. I preached on, "The Day of the Lord" from I Thessalonians 5.   I'm reminded how much we need to live in light of eternity. Thanks for praying for our ministry. The Lord has given us a great start to the day.

Street Witnessing

06/05/2014 18:25

My car needed to visit a mechanic today in Kirkcaldy. Afterwards I handed out flyers on the high street for a couple of hours. I sat down by a young man who was made homeless a few months ago. He was seeking some assistance from those who were passing by. I was able to share the Gospel with he and his friend. Please pray that God will meet ALL their needs.

After passing out a lot of flyers (most people were taking them) I had a man almost ask me for one. I would say that he is seeking after God. We had a great chat and I hope that I'll hear from him in the future. I had asked his name at one point and later in the conversation I accidently used the other man's name. I said, "I'm sorry that was the other man I was speaking to." He said, "You mean the homeless man? I saw you talking to him and thought you must really care about people if you were taking the time to speak with someone who has an obvious need." That is why he wanted to talk to me when he saw me later this afternoon.  

Children's Choir

04/05/2014 12:43

The children did wonderfully this morning as they sang, "I want to Faithful." They've got a sweet spirit about serving the Lord in this way and God has given us some young people that can sing. It was a blessing. 

I preached this morning a message entitled,  "Going Up?" from I Thesallonians 4:13-17.  

Thanks for your prayers for our ministry. The Lord gave us an encouraging morning.

News Flash

01/05/2014 16:50

So, we were eating dinner when Logan goes nuts, "Saying look, look, look what's in the back garden!" 

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