
Art with Alec photos

19/06/2014 10:49

I thought you'd enjoy seeing some photo's from our painting this week. Alec has been a huge blessing in giving the kids an opportunity to paint. We have a lot of fun. Alec and I are preparing a face cut out picture for our Gala Days tent. Gala Days is a large children's fair in Loanhead on June 28th. The Lord has helped us get this project ready on time and I'm very pleased with how it has turned out. We're excited about this new ministry. 

Please pray for God's blessing on that day.

Busy, busy....

18/06/2014 11:00

June is a crazy month for us. We have added to the craziness by adding a birthday for Mac. We have the normal father's day. But, then we also have our anniversary (17th) and Benson's birthday (20th). So, it is just one celebration after another.

I put out flyers on Monday morning and enjoyed listening to Brother Rand Hummell. He's got some good messages on the family and guarding ourselves from the dark side of the internet. 

Many people in the community have shown kindness to us with the birth of Mac. It's great living in a small community. We're excited about participating in the Children's Gala Day celebration on the 28th. Alec and I have nearly finished our painting project. I'm really excited about it and look forward to sharing some photo's with you.

Katie was running a low fever again yesterday. Please keep praying for her health. Thanks for your prayers.

15 June, 2014

15/06/2014 12:57

It was a joy to go to church as a family today. Katie was able to bring Mac along to the evening service last Sunday. But, Katie was ill this past Thursday and just part of our family went.  As it turned out we were the only ones there on Thursday, and so what did we do? Had church and the Lord gave us a good service. (I'm not kidding. The Lord has helped us do that more than once as a family and I have no doubt that we'll do it again.)

Our faithful group was out today. We enjoyed hearing the children's choir sing in our morning service. We practice each Sunday night a half hour before the service. I preached this morning on, "5,000 Hungry Men," John 6:1-14.  The Lord let the disciples battle with their sight and reason before showing them the answer of faith.

All's well....

14/06/2014 14:11

Katie and Mac are doing very well. Katie had a fever for a couple days and felt pretty miserable. But, praise the Lord, she is doing great now. Mac is doing a pretty good job sleeping at night. That's another praise.

Parker went knocking on doors with me today. Parker is almost 7 and loving life. He can enjoy almost anything. If you made him sit in the corner, he would probably ask to do it again because he was having fun. We had two good extended conversations and several chances to personally invite people to our church. One young atheist (24) had heard the term "ten commandments" in movies but didn't know what it meant. I hope our conversation stirred up an interest in spiritual things.

Thanks for praying for our family. All is going very well. Praise the Lord.

Highlander riding a highland cow....

10/06/2014 18:13

I'm painting a sheet of plywood for our church tent at our upcoming community fair (Gala Days.) It's a picture of a Scotsman riding a highland cow. The faces of the man and the cow will be cut outs which will allow the kids to have some fun with pictures. It's coming along nicely and should be a fun part of our day. We've enjoyed our art time with Alec. He's still teaching the kids to paint every Tuesday afternoon. 

Katie and Mac are doing well. I'm sticking around the house this week to help. The kids are helping as well. (I've put this on here for my mom as she has told me to make sure my wife gets a lot of rest.) I'm sure all of you mothers would echo those words of wisdom. Thank you for praying for the adjustments to life with a new little one.

Sunny Sunday

08/06/2014 12:31

We enjoyed a combined Sunday School this morning as we listened to the story of David Flood as Shared by Steven Davies. (A friend in a supporting church sent this to me and it is a big blessing.) If you haven't heard this story, you can find it online. 

I preached this morning on "Sunlight in Sorrows" from Lamentations 3:22-26. God put His light of hope in the middle of a dark book of sorrows about the destruction of Jerusalem and enslavement of God's people. Thank you for praying for my preaching ministry. I need it.

Lord willing, Katie and Mac will join us for the evening service.

Happy Birthday "Mac Stephen Shore"

07/06/2014 00:05

We thought for sure that the baby wouldn't come today because this is Katie's due date. But, we were happily wrong. Everything went very well and mom and tot are doing well. He is 8.1 pounds 19.5 inches and born at 9:40 PM our time.

Alec's wife, Elizabeth, watched the kids for us. They had a great day as well.

God's good. Thank you for your prayers for a safe delivery.

HBT Flyer

06/06/2014 11:53

We are getting ready to participate in a community fair called, "Gala Days." We purchased a tent and are looking forward to having some fun children's activities on that day. In preparation for that, I've prepared the flyer for our Holiday Bible Time. It was sent off to the printer this morning. I'll include it below for your amusement. I'm thankful that God has given me the publishing tools necessary to prepare a flyer like this. It's difficult for me to get this in the right format to show online. The quality is excellent even though the image below looks blocky.

Full Schedule

03/06/2014 18:43

God has been very good to help us with our meeting schedule. I'm confident that we have the meetings that He desired us to get. We currently have 36 meetings scheduled. When we traveled full time on deputation we averaged around 60 meetings a year. We are going to be back in the states for just under 6 months. Praise the Lord for a great schedule. Thank you for praying for meetings. Our homepage has our current schedule on the bottom right.

I had a divine appointment today as I called my US bank. I had a great opportunity to chat with the banker about the Lord. Thanks again for praying for those opportunities.

Katie's ladies meeting went well last night. Three other ladies and one child attended. Our daughter, Kay Lee, was also there.

smiling dog

02/06/2014 12:09

I wish I had a picture to attach with that title. I'm getting faster reflexes with my F.D.T. (Flyer Distribution Tool) otherwise known as a cheese board. It is perfect for pushing flyers past the bristles of the mail slot. It is also my weapon of choice for the 4 legged enemies lurking behind doors. The most dangerous ones are perfectly silent until after you put your mail through the slot. Then they bite and sometimes shred. This dog (English bird hunting type) climbed up in the window with my flyer neatly folded in his jaws and grinned at me. If you have never seen a dog grin you really need to join me in putting out flyers.

God gave me one great opportunity to speak with a young man (16) about the Lord. I gave him a John and Roman as well. The Lord gave us a great opportunity last night to speak with 5 teens that were around that age as well. I spoke primarily with the three boys. When the girls came back over they were told to sit down and be quiet or to go away. (You know the Lord's working when a teen boy will say that to any teen girl.) I was very impressed with these young people. They were respectful, thoughtful and thankful. Thanks for praying for open doors to speak about Christ.

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