

03/07/2014 10:38

I've put flyers out this year along the south side of Edinburgh. I've completed a long stretch of area that is of the closest proximity to us. I was thinking this morning that this was my last time doing this kind of outreach before furlough. I've got our HBT flyer that I will soon be putting out through our area. That flyer distribution will take me up to our departure.

I only had one brief opportunity to speak with a man from Trinidad. But, I enjoyed listening to a testimony/message preached by Pastor Zemke, missionary to Japan. He preached at my home church last week and my mom sent me the message. He shared the testimony of a 92 year old woman who got saved. He had prayed for her for 12 years. He challenged the church to pray for young people/families to be saved. It was a blessing to hear him share testimony from a field that is in many ways similar to our own.

Katie got an email yesterday from someone that she met at the Gala Day tent. That was a special blessing. Please pray for this new friendship.

Thank for the many Birthday cards sent my way. I got within two years of 40 yesterday as I turned 38. The number didn't seem so big until I saw it on my birthday cake. God's been very good to me and my family. We're excited about what He's doing in our lives. Thanks for your prayers.


29/06/2014 12:39

We've had a bit of illness recently that is hindering our attendance. Some again this morning were unable to come. But, we had a good service and those who could be there were there. 

We had a good morning. I preached this morning on "Will You Follow Him?" from Luke 14:25-35. It is the story of Jesus turning to the multitude and drawing a line in the sand over which only true disciples could cross.

God's good, thanks for praying.

Wow! That was fun.

28/06/2014 18:45

We enjoyed being involved in the Loanhead Gala Day celebration. Everything went really well. The weather was good and there were loads of people milling about. The kids enjoyed the activities in the tent. Thanks for your prayers. I hope you enjoy the pictures below.

(above - Benson got to participate in the stunt show.)

There is a guy in the box.

Vehicle for furlough....

27/06/2014 20:13

My dad and brother in law just picked up our vehicle. The Lord provided a great vehicle for us. For those who are curious it is a 2005 GMC Yukon XL with seating for 8. It was in the right place (Chicago). We are landing there and heading to my sister's home. It was also only a few miles from a supporting church with some guys who were willing to examine it for us. It was the right time. My parents were visiting my sister's family and because dad is registered on our bank account he was able to pay for the vehicle. It was the right price. The owner gave us a great price on a really good vehicle. 

So, PRAISE THE LORD. We are getting the landing gear down for furlough. Thanks for your prayers.

PS. The weather forecast is good for our ministry opportunity tomorrow. 

Into Edinburgh....

26/06/2014 14:28

Praise the Lord, I was able to get into Edinburgh today. And, praise the Lord my furlough presentation is finished. I didn't expect to cross the finish line yesterday with that project but I did. It is a big relief to have that ready for furlough. Thanks for your prayers.

I had two really good divine appointments as I passed out flyers in Edinburgh today. The first was with a young lady who is a homosexual. I talked to her for about 40 minutes. We had a great conversation and I believe that God is mercifully introducing Himself to her. Please pray that her heart will yield to His authority. I'm confident that she was introduced today to truth which she has never before considered.

The other divine appointment was a middle aged man who grew up in a JW's home. He doesn't know if he believes in God. We re-established that pretty quickly. I was then able to show him some key passages in Scripture which deal the false teachings of the JW's.

Thanks for praying for our ministry. Quite a few people took the flyer this morning. Please pray for God to water the seed that was sown.

8 weeks and counting....

25/06/2014 09:33

Normally today, I would be focusing on evangelism. But, life is NOT normal right now as we prepare to arrive back in the States for furlough. We've got 8 weeks until we return on August 20th.  The Crowders will be arriving here in 6 weeks.  Meanwhile, we've registered Mac's birth and have an appointment on July 2nd  at the US consulate to process his passport. We'll get his visa while we are home in the US. 

I've been working this week on summarizing over 4 years in around 10 minutes. My presentation is coming along. The Lord has helped me get beyond the frustration of "How do I do this?" I am now excited about sharing this with you. Working on this has reminded me of just how good God has been in the time that we've been here. 

I'm also working on purchasing a furlough vehicle. My brother and I have spent a lot of time searching online for the right vehicle. Special thanks to a man at Bethel Baptist in Schaumburg who is looking at a vehicle for me today. We'll know later today if this is the vehicle the Lord wants us to get. However the Lord works it out, I look forward to letting you know when God supplies that need.

The painting for Gala Days has had the final touches put on it. Our church is looking forward to this new ministry on Saturday. The kids will be making badges (buttons), playing a ring toss game, and getting pictures with the cut out.

The Lord gave some encouragement this week. A Christian soldier who visited our church this past year phoned me from England. He's been away on training. Please pray for God to bless him as he works on this promotion. We should see him back up here before we leave. I also had a good opportunity to speak with a friend in the community. Please pray for God's continued blessing as we get ready for a big transition at our church and in our home.

Praise the Lord for a good service....

22/06/2014 12:53

We had low attendance today but it did not effect the Spirit of our service. God gave us a great day. Praise His Name.

I preached this morning on, "Have You Heard the Good News?" from John 3:14-18. Please pray that God will use this message. I'm going to link it to our evangelistic page on our church webpage.

Thanks for praying.

Art with Alec photos

19/06/2014 10:49

I thought you'd enjoy seeing some photo's from our painting this week. Alec has been a huge blessing in giving the kids an opportunity to paint. We have a lot of fun. Alec and I are preparing a face cut out picture for our Gala Days tent. Gala Days is a large children's fair in Loanhead on June 28th. The Lord has helped us get this project ready on time and I'm very pleased with how it has turned out. We're excited about this new ministry. 

Please pray for God's blessing on that day.

Busy, busy....

18/06/2014 11:00

June is a crazy month for us. We have added to the craziness by adding a birthday for Mac. We have the normal father's day. But, then we also have our anniversary (17th) and Benson's birthday (20th). So, it is just one celebration after another.

I put out flyers on Monday morning and enjoyed listening to Brother Rand Hummell. He's got some good messages on the family and guarding ourselves from the dark side of the internet. 

Many people in the community have shown kindness to us with the birth of Mac. It's great living in a small community. We're excited about participating in the Children's Gala Day celebration on the 28th. Alec and I have nearly finished our painting project. I'm really excited about it and look forward to sharing some photo's with you.

Katie was running a low fever again yesterday. Please keep praying for her health. Thanks for your prayers.

15 June, 2014

15/06/2014 12:57

It was a joy to go to church as a family today. Katie was able to bring Mac along to the evening service last Sunday. But, Katie was ill this past Thursday and just part of our family went.  As it turned out we were the only ones there on Thursday, and so what did we do? Had church and the Lord gave us a good service. (I'm not kidding. The Lord has helped us do that more than once as a family and I have no doubt that we'll do it again.)

Our faithful group was out today. We enjoyed hearing the children's choir sing in our morning service. We practice each Sunday night a half hour before the service. I preached this morning on, "5,000 Hungry Men," John 6:1-14.  The Lord let the disciples battle with their sight and reason before showing them the answer of faith.

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