24/07/2014 13:54We've had an amazing summer. We have been blessed this year with very fine weather. Normally we can get a spell of cool and rainy weather any day. But, we've had dry and sunny conditions for long enough to deceive us into thinking that Scotland has the best weather in the world. It's been glorious. Thankfully the sun didn't come out until around noon today. There was a nice cool hazy morning and I got out and put out flyers.
I enjoyed listening to a great man of God who is from Scotland, Duncan Campbell. He shared some of the stories from the revival on the Isle of Lewis. The audio also contained personal testimonies of conversion. It was a blessing to hear how God spoke to the hearts of people who were godless. Please pray that God would do again do a great work in Scotland.
23/07/2014 09:27We took the day yesterday to head to Dundee and visit Katie's brothers family. We had a wonderful family day and the weather was beautiful.
The Lord gave me a great opportunity to speak to two teenage boys who were skating on a pier in Broughty Ferry. I gave them my new tract and talked to them for nearly three quarters of an hour about God and the Bible. They had some great questions. Please pray for R_____________ and J___________ P_______________ to get saved.
Thanks for praying for these opportunities to share the Gospel.
20/07/2014 12:29We enjoyed celebrating Alec's birthday today. He has reached nearly 3/4 of a century. He'll hit that great milestone next year. We praise the Lord that Alec is faithfully in church.
I preached this morning on Peter's conversion from Luke 22:31-34, "When Thou Art Converted." The children also sang this morning and did a fine job. Thank you for praying for our ministry. God gave us a good morning.
fog light
17/07/2014 14:38Our car is an import. As part of our yearly inspections they realized that the vehicle did not have a rear fog light fitted to it. So, my morning was spent in the vicinity of the auto garage. I enjoyed putting out our church information for a couple hours while I was waiting. I listened on my ipod to Evangelist Rand Hummel as he preached at a men's conference.
I had two great opportunities to share the Gospel. One man had grown up in the church of Scotland. Another lady was a Buddhist. They were very good conversations.
The Lord gave a great opportunity to both Katie and I last night. I spoke with 4 teenagers who promised me that they will visit our church on Sunday. I told them that I've been told that before but they were insistent that they would be there. I hope they will be. One of them remembered that I had spoken with him several years ago.
Thanks for praying for opportunities to speak with people about the Lord.
Construction Flyer
14/07/2014 11:48A funny thing happened today. Benson and I were putting out the flyer in some of the flats in Loanhead. A lady stuck her head out the window and asked us not to deliver any more flyers to her because she was not the owner. I was confused and she said again that she was just a tenant. It wasn't until later that Benson and I had a good laugh. The Holiday Bible Time flyer looks like it is from a builder. If you don't read it, you'd think someone was looking for a construction job. She obviously hadn't read it and assumed we were looking for work which she couldn't give because it wasn't her property. :)
Benson was a big help. We were able to get a lot done. Thanks for praying for us as we advertise our HBT.
Please also pray for the Crowders as they work on getting their visas. They only have a few weeks to secure these. They have finished the paperwork and now they are waiting to hear back.
Wonderful Lord's Day
13/07/2014 12:34It's a beautiful Sunday and we had a sweet spirit in our services today. I preached this morning on, "Build the House of God" from Haggai 1.
God's Goodness
12/07/2014 20:32The Lord really encouraged us today with two random acts of kindness. Together they show a very good God that is capable of using others to show us His love.
The day started with Logan and I putting out the HBT flyer. As we were getting back I checked my phone and realized I had a voicemail from yesterday. It was a man cussing me out and telling me to go back to America. I hope that man reads this because Satan only get's upset when God is working. So, praise the Lord for that. (But, in case you are wondering, that is not one of the two random acts of kindness.) NOTE: PEOPLE IN LOANHEAD ARE LOVELY. THIS PERSON IS AN ACCEPTION NOT THE RULE.
We went to a nearby village this afternoon to just get out and about. Mac is an attention getter with his head full of hair. Many people stop to give him a wee pat on the head or talk about him. A lady in one of the shops put a bill in Katie's hand and told her to get the kids ice cream and put the rest in Mac's bank. (It wasn't just one bill. It was 30 pounds.)
What made that amount even more significant is when we got home. There was a anonymous envelope put through our door with a note written on the inside that said, "For Mac, his brothers and sister." It also contained 30 pounds. I'm glad the Lord had it be the same amount. That is way too impossible for men to put together. God bless these kind individuals and praise God for how He lets us know that He's watching over us as we do His will.
HBT Flyer
11/07/2014 21:53Special thanks to Missionary Don Dillman for his help today putting out our HBT flyer. We enjoyed some good food and fellowship afterwards. These are good friends. We stayed with the Dillmans on a missions trip here back in 2004. That was our first time in Scotland. The Lord used that trip to put this area on our heart and eventually to call us to this field.
New Tract
09/07/2014 08:33I was involved in preparation for evangelism yesterday. I wanted a tract that was small and easy to hand out while on furlough. I've also wanted something small like that for our ministry here. This is about the size of a small wallet about 2X3 inches. It is printed on heavy paper like postcard. The verse I used has been on a yellow posted note on my desk for over 6 months with plans to use it for my next Gospel flyer. Please pray that God will bless this tract to the hearts of those who receive it. (The quality will be much better than what you see below.)
Busy around us....
06/07/2014 12:48The Community Centre was busy this morning. God's given us a great location that is very public place at times. It was that way this morning. But, it was fun and not a hindrance to our ministry.
I preached this morning on, "How to Be Great in God's Eyes" from Matthew 20:20-28. Jesus had good men who wanted to be great for God. But, they didn't know how to achieve it. Jesus turns them in the right direction to achieve greatness in God's eyes. I was encouraged by this message. Some of you may hear this message when we visit your church. I'm currently praying about what messages God wants me to preach on furlough. I'd appreciate your prayers for wisdom about that as well.