Going strong....
14/08/2014 13:36The Lord blessed us with another good day. We had 20 or 21 children with three visitors. The visitors were a God send. Katie met them at a shop yesterday and invited them. Praise the Lord, they came.
The team competition is going well. We were really creative with team names. We have the blue team and the red team. We'll see who wins tomorrow.
Tonight is our pizza party/ parent night. The kids are going to sing a couple songs and I'm going to preach on John 3:16. Please pray for God's blessing on our evening.
We are waiting to find out if Brother Crowder is going to be discharged from the hospital today. The Dr. has not yet been by to see him. He's ready to be back at the house. Please continue to pray for his recovery.
13/08/2014 17:16We had several children who could not come today. But, those who could be there were present, and we still had 21 kids. God gave us another good day. Danny and Sue were a blessing. They are back up to Aberdeen tonight.
Yesterday afternoon I took brother Crowder to the Hospital. They kept him in last night and he is staying in again tonight. He has a kidney infection. Please pray for God's healing hand and that we'll see him back to full strength soon.
Thanks for praying for this special week of ministry and for the extra needs.
Another good day....
12/08/2014 13:04We had another great day despite the weather. We've had gales and rain the last several days. But, the kids have really enjoyed the indoor games. We had 23 children out today with some new faces. We also enjoyed having Danny and Sue Olmstead helping us out today. They will soon be starting a church north of Aberdeen. Danny filled in for Pastor Crowder who has taken ill. Please pray that Brother Roger will soon be feeling well.
Katie's Bible stories are being listened to with great attention. Todays lesson was on the 10 plagues in Egypt and the blood on the door post. She had 9 children come up. Each one represented a plague and had an action associate with that plague. There was no shortage of volunteers.
We're excited about our week. God's good. Thanks for praying.
Praise the Lord for a great start.
11/08/2014 21:39The Lord gave us a great start to our HBT. We had a sweet prayer time this morning and a good work crew today. Everyone pitched in and helped make a great day. We had 22 children plus 2 infants. :) The kids really enjoyed it.
Thank you for praying for our day.
10/08/2014 22:03The Lord gave us a good day despite the bad weather. The remnants of Hurricane Bertha (just a storm) are raining down on us today.
Pastor Crowder preached this morning on the attitude of those who were at the cross. It's great to be in the transition stages after months of planning. Tonight we had a special prayer service and then set up for HBT. God gave us a great group of helpers and the decorating made the room look very nice.
Please pray as we get into the program aspects tomorrow. Katie is doing the Bible lesson every day. Brother Crowder and I are doing some skits. Several others are helping. Please pray for the Crowders strength as they continue to adjust to our time zone. Please pray for God to bless our prayer time each day. We begin at 9:45 with prayer and start with the kids at 10:30. Thank you for taking these needs to the Lord.
Crowders are safely here!
06/08/2014 22:03Thanks for praying for our furlough replacements, Roger and Sharon Crowder. They arrived today and are excited to be in Scotland. They had good flights which were on time and all of their luggage arrived with them.
We're thankful that God has given us this couple to watch over our ministry in our absence. It's hard to believe that in just 13 days we'll be back in the US. We appreciate your prayers as we go through this transition.
Good Morning
03/08/2014 12:42The Lord gave us a good start to the day. I preached this morning on "Soul Cleansing" from Isaiah 1:16-20. Praise God for the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which cleanseth us from all sin. Thanks for praying for our ministry today.
This and that....
02/08/2014 17:48We are in the landing gear stages of getting ready to head home. It's not glamorous stuff but does take a lot of time to get sorted. We've been packing up some things in the house and preparing for the Crowders arrival. We've been working on insurance needs and ordering things that we'll need on furlough. The new prayer cards have been printed and delivered to my sister's home in IL. etc.
We appreciate your prayers as we get everything ready to go. Tomorrow is the last ministry opportunity without the Crowders. They will be here for our midweek service on Thursday.
10 to 1
29/07/2014 17:50I put out flyers this morning for HBT. I'm over half way through Loanhead and should be able to get the whole area done before HBT.
This afternoon we had a dentist appointment in a village about 5 miles away. I gave my new tract to a group of about 10 teen boys who were down there. We had a good brief talk. I got the biggest compliment of my life when one of them yelled to another guy about 30 feet away (about me), "Jesus doesn't know who Snoop Dogg is." I said, "You have no idea what a great compliment you just gave me." He laughed and got up and shook my hand. Please pray for these guys. God is able to bring them to Himself. I am convinced that only He can do that. Thanks for praying for these opportunities.
By the way, the guy who said that also said. "You talked to me a few years ago and gave me one of these." I remembered him but he has changed a lot in the last few years.
Great day, low attendance :)
27/07/2014 12:39Most of our church was on holiday today. But, the Lord gave us a great day despite low attendance. I preached this morning on, "Finish Well" from the life of Uzziah, king of Judah. (II Chronicles 26)
The Crowders will be here in ten days. We only have one more Sunday before their arrival on the following Wednesday. Thank you for praying for their visas. They have been approved and they should have them in hand by now. Thanks for praying for them as they get ready to move to Scotland for 6 months.