19/11/2014 13:07We have new pictures under our photo gallery. I have uploaded pictures from furlough. So, if you are interested in viewing those, please see the photogallery page.
I also have a new article on the Revival Focus blog. If you want to read the article, you can do so here.
I also just finished our November prayer letter and should be sending that out this afternoon. If you would like to sign up to receive that, you can sign up on our homepage in the upper right corner. Once you sign up, you will recieve an email. When you open that email and click on the link, you will finish the sign up process. If you have any difficulty with that please let me know, through the "contact us."
"7 degrees"
14/11/2014 22:20That is what our truck said the temperature was on our way home from the missions conference tonight. I'm sorry that I haven't put a more recent update on our webpage BUT, life has been very busy.
It all began a week ago yesterday as we went from NYC to Pennsylvania. We were with good friends of ours at their church that Sunday. But, on Friday of last week I went with the men of the church to a men's retreat that ran until after supper on Saturday. On Sunday we presented our ministry in Sunday school and I preached Sunday night. We left Monday for 580 mile trip to Fremont, IN. On Tuesday we drove another 580 miles to Hudson, WI. Thankfully we just missed the snow storm while enjoying the beauty of it. Wednesday night I presented our ministry and preached in the opening night of a missions conference. On Thursday morning I preached in Chapel to the teens in the Christian School. We then went on a shopping/fun trip to the Mall of America. Thursday night we had the children during the preaching service. And, this morning we went to the 1-3 grade class and got loved on by a great group of kids.
IT HAS BEEN WONDERFUL AND GOD HAS BEEN VERY GOOD. But, I have been too busy to keep this up to date. Thank you for your prayers during this time of silence. God has given several witnessing opportunities and opportunities to give tracts along the way. Thank you for upholding our family in prayer. We are all healthy. The truck is running well. We are enduring very cold temperatures and the kids are loving the snow. Lord willing, I will be able to send a prayer letter this next week. I also hope to upload a bunch of pictures this next week from our furlough thus far.
Please pray for our continued ministry in this missions conference. Katie is teaching the 1-3 grade Sunday School on Sunday and I get to preach to the Teens. God's good. We are very thankful for His help in answer to your prayers.
05/11/2014 15:36God has blessed our time with our church in NYC. This was my first full time ministry position in 2001 and 2002. 9/11 was our first fall in the city. A man in our church found and helped rescue two port authority policemen who were buried in the rubble of ground zero. We have many memories from our time here.
Yesterday we took the kids into Manhattan. The youth pastor, who was in my youth group back then, went with us. I am thrilled at what God is doing in Carl's life. Manhattan was an adventure to say the least. We have one story that we will never forget. We also had a couple witnessing opportunities. The second one with Pierre, a young Hatian man, was the best. Please pray for Him as he is seeking after the Lord.
This morning the Lord gave me an opportunity to share Christ with an orthodox Jewish man who was about my age. Please pray that God will open Michael's eyes to the Gospel. We spoke for the better part of half an hour. That would not be possible without God's grace.
Thanks for praying for us as we travel. Please pray for Kay Lee to get over a bad cold. Please pray for our ministry Sunday PM in Pennsylvania. Please continue to pray for the Crowders as they fill in in our absence.
no wifi
30/10/2014 13:32We are enjoying a week in a church missions home in Central PA. The church has gone out of there way to make us feel at home. They have provided all of the groceries for the week and many ladies have provided baked goods. We are feeling very spoiled. The kids even got to ride on a Harley trike. You will probably see a picture in our next prayer letter of their fun.
We don't have wifi which limits our updates. But even that is a blessing. :)
The Lord gave me a couple divine appoinyments this week. One young man is a defensive lineman for Penn State. He is a believer. I enjoyed talking with him. Please pray for God's guidance in his life as he finishes school.
We had our first really long trip last Saturday. It was 14 hours and 820 miles. The Lord gave us safety and the kids traveled very well. This Saturday we are traveling to New York City. This is a church in which we ministered. One of the young men from my youth group is now the youth pastor. We are looking forward to catching up with everyone. Thanks for your prayers as we travel.
great family time
23/10/2014 18:09We are enjoying spending time this week with my family. That includes; my parents, my brother's family, my sister's family, and my grandparents. In total we have 15 kids under the age of 12. We are staying in the lodge of a Christian camp. It is a beautiful place by a trout stream. There are bald eagles, deer and turkeys that we have enjoyed seeing.
Today we took the kids to a small science museum. The Lord gave me a great opportunity to share the gospel with a 16 year old. He said that he has never been to church and did not know the Crucifiction story. Please pray that the seed of the Gospel will be firmly planted in his heart. I was able to show him many verses on the Bible on my phone. He thanked me for speaking with him. Thanks for praying for these opportunitites for us.
Here and there
17/10/2014 14:43We are back in Hudson, WI. for a couple of days. We have a 6 hour trip to Kenosha WI on Saturday and then a two hour trip to Sauk City, WI for the evening service. God has given us safety as we have traveled. In Scotland we did not travel on long trips very often. A long trip there was two to three hours. So, we are adjusting to traveling again.
Next week we will be on a vacation with all of my (Benjamin's) family in Central WI.
Kay Lee had emergency dental work this morning. She had lost a filling in a baby tooth and the tooth had broken. That meant that the tooth had to be pulled. Please pray for her healing.
Thanks for your prayers for our ministry and our travels.
Dedicated to Dan Zahl :)
13/10/2014 22:45Thanks brother Zahl for reminding me to keep this up to date. I appreciate all of you who faithfully watch for updates. That translates into very informed intercession which is vital to our ministry.
The Lord gave a good witnessing opportunity Sunday morning with a young mother from India. She shared that Hinduism teaches that you pay for your sins in your next life. What a sad way to live believing that trials were punishment. Please pray that God would show her That Calvary is the consequence of her sin and thatJesus paid it all.
We enjoyed ministering at two supporting churches on Sunday. Both were a blessing to us and encouraged us on our furlough.
We were refreshed tonight by the ministry of Maranatha Baptist University as we attend our annual meeting with BWM. The meeting is annual but this is our first one in 5 years. Please continue to pray for God to do a great work in our lives and make us better vessels for HIS GLORY. Thanks for putting up with the infrequent updates. I will try to do a better job as we travel.
Web Work
03/10/2014 14:10I have been working this week on developing a new webpage for our sending church in Hudson, WI. The new address is if you would like to view it. We have found that our personal mission's page and our church page are invaluable tools. If you don't have a webpage, let me encourage you to try developing a page for your church with the program that we have used - webnode It is free unless you want to pay for a premium package. We do the mini package which is about 40 dollars a year. You can also register a domain with them, that is your web address, for 15 or 30 dollars annually.
I'm not being paid to advertise for them. I just know that it is an easy program that has worked well for me. Please check out our church page as well.
The Lord gave me a great witnessing opportunity with a man yesterday. Please pray that Tony will take the Gospel to heart. We had a great conversation and I hope someday to see him in Heaven. Our missions conference is going very well. I'd appreciate your prayers for me as I preach again on Sunday. Thanks for your help in our ministry. Prayer is vital to what God has called us to do.
Still on furlough :)
30/09/2014 10:38I'm sorry that I'm not getting as many updates on here as usual. I haven't been able to get online with the right tool (computer, ipad) as often as I would like.
God has been good to us and we are doing well. We travelled for four days this past week. We are now in Hudson, WI after ministering in Superior and Milltown, WI this past Sunday. Both churches were very hospitable to our family and a blessing to us.
We start a missions conference at my home church/sending church this Wednesday through Sunday. My dad has pastored here for 25 years. Obviously we are excited to be back and looking forward to the conference. We'd appreciate your prayers for our ministry this week.
I chatted with Pastor Crowder yesterday and things are going well in Scotland. The church folks have also let us know that they have been blessed by the Crowders ministry. Thanks for praying for God's continued work in our ministry in Scotland.
Back to where we started.
22/09/2014 09:43We are enjoying being back in Goodells, Mi at First Baptist for their missions conference. This is the church where I was an assistant pastor before the Lord called us to Scotland. God gave us a great day yesterday. Please pray for God's blessing on this missions conference.