
Writing flyer and putting out flyers

16/03/2015 15:56

This morning I put out flyers for an hour and a half. Please pray for God to bless His Word to the hearts of those who take the time to read it. 

While I was walking I was thinking about what I would like to do for a new flyer. I came up with an idea and started working on it when I got home. It is nearly finished. Thank you for praying about this flyer. I trust the Lord will use it. I'll try to get a copy to upload here so that you can see what we will be putting out.I'll put it up after I send it off to have it printed.


Is it the beginning of another week already?

15/03/2015 15:17

Life seems to have been busy lately. We are still playing catch up from our time away but it seems that everything will be back to normal soon. We enjoyed a good start to this week this morning. We have a faithful group attending and we enjoyed celebrating Mother's Day today. I preached this morning on a "Woman of Great Faith" from Mark 7. It is the woman of Canaan who had a demon possessed daughter. She had a huge problem and only one answer. The answer to her need was Jesus and she wasn't going to go away without receiving from Him. And Jesus met her need. It is a refreshing passage on TRUE faith.

God gave us a great morning. Thank you for praying for our ministry.

Doing flyers :)

10/03/2015 20:53

I was able to put some flyers out this morning for a short while and it was great to have my feet on the ground again. Please pray for our evangelism. I'm praying right now about writing my next flyer. I'd appreciate your prayers about that as well.

I got together with Scott today and visited a friend of his who is in the hospital. Please pray for this young lady. She broke her back in 3 places and her pelvis. We had a good visit with her. She is thankful to be alive.

I also helped Bernard send off his paperwork to renew his passport. Bernard attends our church on Sunday and Thursday evenings. He is going to join Benson and I on a trip to Ireland next month. We are planning to attend a men's retreat. Please pray that his passport will be back in time.

Loving God

08/03/2015 16:36

I enjoyed preaching today on "Loving God" from Deuteronomy 11. I have the opportunity to preach at a men's retreat in Ireland next month and this is the passage which God put on my heart to preach. There will be five messages on the love of God. This message helped me to understand what it is to practically love God. I trust it was a blessing to our church today. We had a good service and SS hour. Katie had 14 children this morning. She's a great teacher for them. Please pray that God would do a great work in the hearts of our children.

Surgery Update

07/03/2015 19:01

Violet's surgery went very well and she was able to come home from the hospital today. Thank you for praying for her surgery and recovery.


Ladies' Meeting

03/03/2015 14:50

Thank you for praying for the ladies' Bible study last night. It went very well. We had a bit of a snow shower during it but everyone got home without difficulty. Please pray for Violet who attends these meetings. She is a sweet older believer. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning and I am taking she and her husband to the hospital. She has had breast cancer for over a year. The cancer has been shrinking, praise the Lord. But, it is time to remove what remains. Please pray for God's grace and strength for her. She has had a good testimony of dependence upon the Lord. I know she would appreciate your prayers.


02/03/2015 13:16

This morning has been a scheduling morning. We are nailing down dates in our church calendar. We would appreciate your prayers for the following ministry opportunities this year.

9-11 April - A group from our church is traveling to a men's camp in Ireland. I get to preach at one of the sessions.

31 May - 3 June - Evangelist John Van Gelderen is with us for a conference on "Revival."

2 June - We are hosting a fellowship meeting while the Van Gelderen's are here.

20-24 July - Garrett, a college student from the States, is helping our church with our Holiday Bible Time. 

I've scheduled other things this morning but those are the main events. Please pray for God's direction with our church calendar and his blessing on our different activities.

Katie has a ladies' Bible study at our home this evening and would appreciate your prayers.


A good Sunday.

01/03/2015 12:52

The Lord gave us a good morning despite some pretty poor weather. We have high winds and rain/snow showers. There were a lot of children this morning. Katie had 14 in her Sunday School class. I preached this morning on Hebrews 4, Rest Worth Working For

Tonight we are showing a power point presentation of our time in the States. God was very good to us in our travels and it will be fun to highlight His goodness in church tonight. Thank you for your prayers. It has been a great day.

Mac is better

26/02/2015 21:13

Thank you for praying for Mac. He finally turned the corner today and is doing much better. He had a pretty rough illness for a little guy. 

We enjoyed our Bible study and Kid's Club tonight. The Hikin's had a girl with them who has visitied in the past. It was good to see her again. Thank you for praying for our ministry.

God's goodness....

24/02/2015 14:51

For the last few months I have been praying for God's provision of a better way to accomodate our guests. He has provided just the right solution! I'll put some pics below. We have rearranged our office/ guest room and it has turned out very well.

I also wanted to ask you to please pray for Mac. He has had bad congestion/ cough since last Saturday. Today he is running a fever and Katie has taken him in to the Dr.'s. Thank you for your prayers.

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