Resurrection Sunday
05/04/2015 13:38We had a wonderful time this morning celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an absolutely gorgeous day. My kids and I agree that this would be a very nice summer day.
God gave us a good day. We were encouraged to have a neighbor join us this morning for the service. That was an extra special blessing on a wonderful day. Praise the Lord - He lives!
Beautiful morning!
02/04/2015 11:22It was a lovely morning to be out with church flyers. I enjoyed listening to another great message on the inspiration of the Bible. The Lord helped me to get a lot accomplished and I had a great chat with a 26 year old man. That conversation was the best opportunity that I have had in a while to share the Gospel and to share God's truth. Please pray for God's love to penetrate this young man's heart and to bring him to faith in Christ.
BJU creed
01/04/2015 14:38I enjoyed listening to some messages from the platform of Bob Jones University as I walked this morning. The three I listened to were on the BJU creed's opening statement, "I believe in the inspiration of the Bible, both the Old and New Testament." It was refreshing to be reminded that God has given us HIS WORD. So that, you and I can pick up a Bible and know what God thinks about anything necessary to life and godliness. Praise God for our sure foundation.
I put out flyers for about an hour and a half. I enjoyed catching up with a man who attended our church for a while. He is now back in his home church and doing well. I had another divine appointment which was important to the resolving of a community need for which we have been praying.
In other news, we are preparing to apply for our permanent residence visas. We have begun studying for our life in the UK test. Once Katie and I have taken that test and passed, we can apply for our visas. There is no rush as our current visas are good for another year. However, it seems wise to take this step as it is the final step in the visa process. We'd appreciate your prayers for wisdom as we work on these.
Divine Appointments
30/03/2015 11:09I enjoyed two good opportunities to speak with people this morning as I briefly put out flyers. I spoke for 20 minutes with a man and for 30 minutes with 2 other men. It is great when anyone will take the time to speak about the Bible. These were religious individuals of different faiths. God's good to give these opportunities. Please pray that the Lord will bless these men in their relationship with Him and that they will truly know Him and the power of His resurrection.
(We recently printed new church signs.)
Special Visitors
29/03/2015 12:47We enjoyed seeing Adele and her mother back with us today. They moved to England several months ago and are up visiting for a couple of days. So, that was a special blessing. We had a good SS and morning service. I preached this morning on, "Love Not the World" from I John 2:15-17.
We also rejoice in the birth of a nephew this week. Some of you will remember that Katie's brother, Kirk, and his family are here in Scotland. Kirk is working on his doctorate in History at Dundee University. Baby Louis is the new arrival. He came on Friday and both mother, Carrie, and baby are doing well. Their other boy, Brodrick, got to spend some extra time with us this week as we helped watch him while they were at the hospital.
God's good. He is encouraging our hearts in Him. Thank you for praying for our ministry.
A fun project!
25/03/2015 15:34We have behind our home a "bing" made by the Ramsey Coliery. It is a pile of rock taken from the coal mine. I noticed yesterday a broken picnic bench (which I have seen many times) but this time I thought, "Why don't Alec and I fix it?" Thankfully Alec agreed to do just that and donated the lumber to get it done. Below are some pics.
5 Year Anniversary Scotland
24/03/2015 09:35Praise the Lord for His goodness the past five years. We love the country where God has placed us. We arrived here 5 years ago today. We won't re-enact it as it included lost luggage, vomiting and a child getting rushed to the emergency room with a split lip. :) But, we will celebrate the goodness of God in what He has done in our lives and ministry since our arrival. We bought donuts to celebrate and the kids enjoyed that this morning. Thank you for your part in what God has done and is doing in our community and church. Thank you for being a part of our ministry team.
A letter from God.
22/03/2015 12:57The Lord gave us a good day with faithful attendees. I preached this morning on "A Letter from God" from Jeremiah 29. It is the passage which Daniel claimed when he prayed about the end of the captivity in Babylon. Thank you for praying for our ministry.
Solar Eclipse
21/03/2015 10:02We enjoyed a solar eclipse yesterday. We used a "pinhole camera" to view it. The moon covered 95% of the sun's face in our location. It was amazing. I don't know how evolutionists can watch it and say, "How lucky we are that the universe is so precise. It all just happened in such and intricate way!" If lottery was as lucky, anyone who played it would be a billionaire! "THE HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD AND THE FIRMAMENT SHOWETH HIS HANDYWORK." If caps looks like I'm yelling all the better. Our world has their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears saying, "I can't see God. I can't hear God. There must be no God." May God help us to do our part to let them know of a loving Lord who can save them from their sins.
Picture of Flyer
18/03/2015 21:03I'll insert a picture of the flyer below. It is always hard to get a good copy of the flyer uploaded. But, it will be very nice printed. I ordered 10,000 copies. Please pray for the Lord to use these in the hearts of people in our community.
My wife and I had a great visit with the young lady who broke her back. Please pray for her healing. She is a courageous young lady and is up and about doing far above the Dr.'s expectations. She said that she would like to visit the church within the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for your prayers for our ministry.