Door keeping....
24/05/2015 13:54We didn't have record attendance today. But, I would have rather been in God's house than anywhere else. The Lord gave us a good morning. I preached this morning on I Thessalonians 5:14-24, "Practical Christian Living." I enjoyed studying this and sharing it with our people.
God's good. This is an important week for us and we would appreciate your prayers. Some friends from the States are staying with us Wednesday night - Friday morning. Danny, who is still a teenager, will be preaching for me on Thursday. I'm excited to give him the opportunity. He's just graduated from college and is excited to be studying for the ministry. This family is from my sister's church in IL and we got to know this family while we were on furlough.
Then Evangelist John Van Gelderen arrives on Friday with his family. Our meetings on revival begin on Sunday and run through Wednesday. Please pray for God's power in the days ahead. I've already had a man in the community promise me that he will come to "one meeting." I believe he will. Please pray for God to meet him on that night. THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR OUR MINISTRY!
lame duck.... :)
21/05/2015 19:43The Lord gave us a good service tonight. We are really enjoying the new parenting class. I had 5 adults and 4 teens in my class tonight. Katie had 11 kids in her class as well. Praise the Lord for what He is doing in our ministry. Our parenting class tonight was on parental authority. About half way through I moved the pulpit and put my leg up because I could feel swelling coming back. (I started feeling good yesterday and may have overdone it. Although, I haven't done too much.) I'm going to try to take it easy. But, it really doesn't hurt, so pain doesn't keep me from moving around. So, please continue to pray for wisdom and for healing. Thank you for remembering our ministry in Scotland.
PS. Laura who attends our church was at a resort in Scotland the beginning of this week. While they were there a 60 year old American woman who was here on vacation went missing. The police seem to think there was criminal involvement. We rejoice that Laura is safe but are praying for this woman who has yet to be found.
Healing, in progress :)
17/05/2015 19:52Thanks for praying for my leg. It was much better today and didn't bother me at all as I preached. There is still a little swelling but this is the first day that the swelling has decreased.
God gave us a good day. I preached this morning on, "How do I do what is right?" from Titus 2:11-15. Please pray for a holy church here in Scotland. The church of Scotland voted yesterday to allow for homosexual ministers. I wonder what John Knox would have said at the Annual General Meeting of the Church of Scotland yesterday? I don't have to wonder too hard.
Please pray for us as we prepare for evangelistic meetings with John Van Gelderen in 2 weeks. We want God's power. We have a lot of illness (colds) going around just now. Please pray for good health to return. We appreciate your prayers. God definitely helped me today.
Good midweek service....
14/05/2015 19:24The Lord gave us a good midweek service. We've started a parenting class in our adult/teen class. This was week two. Our topic was, "The Obedient Parent." The book we are using is focused on parents but I am doing applications for parents and teens. Please pray for our families as we grow in our ability to disciple our children.
Thank you for praying for my knee. I went to the GP (doctor) this afternoon. He thinks it is torn cartilage. My knee was really swelling tonight while I was speaking. So, I'm not sure what I'll do on Sunday. It seems funny to preach sitting down....but right now I'm thinking that is probably what I'll be doing. I'd appreciate your continued prayers.
Knee need....
12/05/2015 17:50I guess I am getting older. The last couple of weeks I've had a bit of bother with my knee. Normally when you hurt your knee you know what you did. This just started with my knee kind of giving out for no apparent reason.
Sunday night it was bothering me. I did flyers on Monday and today my knee is swelled up and complaining. Please pray for healing. A lot of what I do is dependent upon being able to get out and about. I've got a Dr.'s appointment for it on Thursday. Thanks for praying about this.
Sad news....
11/05/2015 11:41Katie took a phone call this morning while I was out doing flyers and found out that Gordon has passed away. Some of you have prayed for him to get saved and as far as we know, he never trusted in Jesus. I hope that is not the case. Katie looked back through my journal and printed several pages of opportunities he had to hear the Gospel. Perhaps at some point he did pray to accept Jesus as his Savior.
I stopped by his house 3 or 4 times since our return and was never able to reach him. I'm glad that I don't have regrets for our part in seeking to reach him with the Gospel.
Since returning to Scotland I've found out about another man who has gone into eternity. That man was elderly and had told me that he had attended Gospel meetings as a child. Since his adulthood he was an agnostic at best. But, after finding out he had cancer, I asked him if he had the John and Romans that we had put through his door. He said that he had that and all the flyers we had put through the door. And that on occasion he would read through them. So, there as well, I have hope that he trusted in Jesus. I had several divine appointments with him.
Life's short, we need God's power to see souls saved. Please pray that God would awaken hearts in Scotland to the reality of eternity in Heaven or in @#!*% .
Sunday Morning
10/05/2015 12:33We had a good service this morning. We are enjoying having a neighbor girl enthusiastic about attending church with us. She helped us set up this morning. I preached this morning on Jesus and Blind Bartimaeus. My message was entitled, "Don't Let Jesus Pass You By." Unfortunately the battery in my recorder was low and I was unable to record this morning.
This evening we are having a prayer and praise service and celebrating the Lord's Table. Thank you for praying for our ministry today.
Religious but unsaved....
08/05/2015 21:26I put flyers out for a couple hours today in beautiful weather. The Lord gave me a couple conversations. One was with a man who is in his early 90's and is still in the church he grew up in. He hoped to go to Heaven but didn't know for sure if he would. He couldn't tell me how someone gets to Heaven. How sad religion is when it does not give man the truth he needs for eternity. I gave him a good tract and spoke to him briefly about salvation. Please pray for his salvation. Please also pray that God would awaken his dead church.
Katie passed her test!
07/05/2015 10:15Praise the Lord, we are both done studying. Katie took her test today and passed! So, we are just into the paperwork stage of getting our visas. Once we have everything compiled, probably the middle of next week, we will send in our applications. After that, we have to do biometrics (face and hand scans) at the post office. Then we should have our visas within a few weeks. It will be nice to be done with this as it has taken a lot of time.
Tonight I start a parenting class with teens and parents. Please pray that God will use this to strengthen our families. We're excited about it and know it will be a big help. Thanks for praying for us and FBC!
Glad that God didn't call me into business....
04/05/2015 14:55I have a brain cramp after loads of paperwork today. We did constitute the church last night. Thank you for praying. The meeting went very well. Because of constituting the church, there was paperwork to do regarding an organization that will help us do necessary background checks for those who work with children in our ministry. That is where my day started.
After getting a couple documents filled out, I decided to jump into our visas. Thankfully, the Home Office has streamlined the process and the paperwork was much easier than last time. It was an 80 page document. Last time I filled out about 240 pages. Please pray that we will have all the supporting documents needed when we send it in. We don't anticipate any difficulties. But, we also don't want to get it wrong as there are no refunds for refused visas.
God has given two great evangelism opportunities today despite it being a paperwork day. Please pray especially for a friend of ours who is going through a difficult time. It's an open door and we know that God can meet this need.