
15 Years Later and God has been very good!

18/06/2015 10:41

Yesterday Katie and I (and the kids) celebrated our anniversary. It's been an amazing adventure. I'm very thankful for God giving me a wonderful wife and blessing us with our children. We have enjoyed doing what He has called us to do and seeing him lead in our lives.

God gave us a great getaway Tuesday night at a castle in Fife. It was an amazing place and a refreshing time away. God's good.

We are back at it today. I was able to put flyers out this morning. I spoke with one woman who faithfully attends the parish church but is trusting in her goodness. Sadly modern Protestantism is as helpful as the Catholicism it sought to put out of the country. Please continue to pray that we can see people take Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and be saved from eternity in Hell.

Good morning.

14/06/2015 13:24

The Lord gave us a good morning. We have a faithful small group and we're thankful for each one. I preached this morning on, "Love is...." from I Corinthians 13:1-8.

The Lord gave Kay Lee and I several good chats yesterday morning as we knocked on doors. He also gave me a divine appointment last night. Please pray that God will awaken Gordon's interest in spiritual things. I'd love to have him visit our church.

Tonight we are visiting a sister church as they have a guest speaker from the States. I get to take the speaker and his wife into Edinburgh tomorrow. Please pray that God will bless this pastor and his wife as they visit Scotland. Thanks for your prayers.

Visas Granted!

13/06/2015 10:32

We are very excited to have achieved permanent residence in the United Kingdom! Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for the application process. God is very good. He met the financial burden, helped us pass our LIFE IN THE UK test, and gave us wisdom how to fill out the paperwork. 


Into Edinburgh....

09/06/2015 13:40

Because of our recent guests, we have had several trips into Edinburgh recently. I have been wanting to get down there to do evangelism and was able to do so today. The Lord blessed. People were very receptive of the flyer.

The Lord gave me a great witnessing opportunity with Will, who is from the South of England. He is an agnostic. But, he spoke with me for about 45 minutes in Princess St. Gardens. Interestingly he dated a young lady for three years who was a Baptist. 

I also had a great chat with Ross. Ross was saved when he was 8 in the the Church of Scotland. His minister recently left his church because of the Church of Scotland vote to allow homosexual ministers. (His church did not agree with their pastor's stand on homosexuality.) Please pray for Ross to take a stand for the Lord. The reformation was a movement against politics controlling the church. Sadly, the church of Scotland has forgotten it's roots and is bowing down to political correctness rather than bowing down to God.

I made an interesting discovery while doing flyers. I found myself in the library of the Free Church of Scotland. Great men of God led in the establishment of that new school of religion. Thomas Chalmers, who influenced - Robert Murray McCheynee, The Bonnar Brothers, William Burns, etc, was the leader of the Free Church when they broke from the Church of Scotland in 1843.

PS. I had a great follow up divine appointment yesterday. Please pray for God to open this young man's heart.

Another good Sunday.

07/06/2015 13:26

God's good. We had a great week last week and the Lord gave us a good start to this next week. I preached this morning on, "Glory in God" from Jeremiah 9:23-24.

With the business of this past week, I neglected to mention that our visa applications have been sent in. They have been received. Please pray that God will help them to go though without difficulty. I don't anticipate any problems, but we want to pray about it as well.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.

The finish line....

04/06/2015 11:23

Well, we have crossed the finish lines of the meetings. But, we trust that the blessing from these days will continue for many days to come. God met with us and encouraged us. Evangelist Van Gelderen preached last night on Galatians 2:16, "Justified in God's Sight." Our attendance was lower last night. But, God gave us a great meeting. We've very much benefited from the ministry of John and Mary Lynn Van Gelderen. Please pray for them as they conclude this week with ministry in Spain.

Tonight we get back to our parenting class. There are a couple parents who have indicated an interest in this class. At least one of those parents has told us that they will be there tonight. We are doing a study of a book called, "Passionate Parenting." It's been very helpful and we are benefitting from the insight of this pastor. Please pray for me as I teach this class. Please also pray for Katie as she teaches our Kid's Club.


Great Day!

02/06/2015 21:48

The Lord has given us good meetings. Last night was a blessing. Unfortunately I didn't have my recorder. 

God blessed our fellowship meeting. The attendance was good. The weather was good. The food was good. And the preaching/teaching was spot on. It was just what was needed. Mary Lynn spoke to the ladies on patience. Brother John spoke to the men on Psalm 85:6, Life Again. (He has recently written a hymn with the same title. Mary Lynn wrote the music for that hymn.)  He then preached on "Friendship with the Holy Spirit" from II Corinthians 13:14. God blessed.

Tonight we had wonderful attendance. A woman put her trust in Jesus Christ this evening. She said that she will be back tomorrow. Please pray that God will help her in her new walk with him. Brother John's message was on Christ's authority and our position in Him at His throne. I again didn't have my recorder. I apologize and hope to have the last meeting recorded tomorrow. 

Thank you for praying for our meetings!

Sermon Audio uploaded

01/06/2015 09:47

If you would like to listen in to what we are hearing this week, you can do so throught the following links.

Brother Van Gelderen preached Sunday morning on Hebrews 11:6, "The Key of Faith."

On Sunday evening he preached on Galatians 5:16-22, "The Frutiful Walk."

Revival Meetings

31/05/2015 20:24

The Lord gave us a great Sunday. We enjoyed hearing from Brother Van Gelderen today. All of the services were a blessing. (I'll upload 2 of them to sermon audio tomorrow.) We also enjoyed hearing Mary Lynn sing and minister with the piano.

The Van Gelderen's celebrated 30 years of marriage today. We surprised them with a cake and some gifts to remind them of where they were on their 30th. It was a very special day.

We didn't have unusual attendance but our people were faithful. God's good. We're trusting Him for a great week.

Here we go.....

30/05/2015 21:44

Well, the revival meetings have arrived and we are praying that God will use these meeting for revival. We enjoyed have the Van Gelderens to our home this evening. 

Brother John is taking all three services tomorrow. We then have meeting Monday - Wednesday at 7:00 PM. (We are five hours ahead of EST.)

Tuesday we are also hosting a fellowship meeting. We covet your prayers for these special events.

My knee is doing much better and our family health is improving. Please continue to pray for Katie. She didn't have a voice the last two days. Thankfully, it is back today.

We enjoyed having friends from the States with us for a couple nights. They attend my sister's church in IL. Danny Adrian, who is only 17, preached for me on Thursday night. God's hand is on this young man. Please pray for him as he heads to Bible college in the fall. We had a great service.

Thank you for praying with us for God to do a great work in these meetings.

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