D to D with Benson
11/07/2015 16:41This morning we enjoyed a men's prayer breakfast with a sister church in Livingston. We get together about every other month at a carvery. It's a good Scottish breakfast and the price is great. When we got back Benson and I did door to door. God gave us two great chats. An elderly church of Scotland woman spoke with us first. She has attended the church of Scotland in her community for 40 + years and said about salvation, "Well, I guess we won't know until we get there." It's amazing that the C of S has strayed so far from a clear Gospel. We are more like John Knox in doctrine than the majority of the Church of Scotland.
The best conversation was with a young man who is 16. We talked with him for ten to fifteen minutes. We gave both a copy of John and Romans which has verses about salvation underlined. It also has the Roman's Road explained in the back. Please pray that God will bless the seed that was sown this morning.
We are gearing up for HBC. Katie has been preparing the power point for her lessons. She and the kids have been preparing decorations. They are doing a lot of art work. She has also been organizing and preparing the crafts. A young man, Garrett, is arriving from the States next Sunday to help us with the week. He'll be here for ten days. Please pray for all the work involved.
Tomorrow, we have a baptismal service with 4 children being baptized. Two of our children are being baptized. We'll go to sister church in North Berwick for the baptism in the afternoon. Hopefully traffic will be ok. The Scottish Open (golf tournament) is in Gullane which is quite near where we are going.
Thanks for your prayers and for keeping up with our ministry.
Static Caravan (trailer) Park
08/07/2015 11:44This morning I did flyers through a caravan park. I would guess I put out close to 200 flyers. I had one divine appointment with a young lady who lives away from here. She was very anti-religion but then admitted that she is jealous of people of faith. She has visited churches with friends who are born again. Please pray that God will bring her to faith. I gave her a John and Romans and encouraged her to ask God to help her find Him. I spoke with her for over 20 minutes and it was a great conversation.
Thanks for praying for our evangelism. Yesterday I asked a man in his 50's, "How many people do you know who attend church regularly (or every week?) He said, "None." At our Gala Day tent we were speaking with a boy who is about 10. He said, "My dad doesn't let me go to church. I don't know why but he doesn't. But, I read a chapter in my Bible every night." The end part of that statement was encouraging. But, the beginning was sad. God alone can awaken men's hearts. Please pray for His Spirit to open the eyes of people in our community.
Church Anniversary Sunday
05/07/2015 17:03Today we celebrate the fifth anniversary of Free Baptist Church in Loanhead, Scotland. God has been very good. He gave us good attendance and a good day. It was a fun morning as we rehearsed what God did in putting a church here. I preached this morning from the passage that was being preached when God called me to preach, Ezekiel 22:30, a message entitled, "Where Are God's Men?" Thanks for praying for our day.
Nelson vs Dad
29/06/2015 15:26Nelson went with me today as I took the van into the LPG (autogas) tech. Thank you for praying. The tech. who I have come to know quite well because of our poor running system, called the maker of our system to ask for a solution. He is going to try to fix it before we opt to replace it. Please continue to pray for a solution there.
Since we were already in Edinburgh, Nelson and I parked and went down to Princess St. to pass out church flyers. We walked from one side to the other. He was getting pretty good at getting people to take it. He's only five and he has a big smile. After eating at McDonalds we had a little competition on the way back. He won! He handed out 18 and I only handed out 11. People probably wondered about his celebration when they took a flyer from him. We were in a rush to get back to the car because our parking was up. So, we didn't hand them out the whole way back.
I had one really good chat with a lady who has worked in the management of the church of Scotland as an elder. Please pray that she will visit our church. She is born again.
I also had an encouraging phone call today. Some of you may remember the soldier I met at TK (TJ in the States) Max. He was standing by me when a rack of car rugs fell to the floor. I asked him then if he was a Christian at that time (He seemed like a Christian) and found out that he was. It was a divine appointment. He visited our church once before heading South for training. We then left for our furlough. Anyway, he called and is going to join us for our men's prayer time tonight. (Two other men in my church come to my home every Monday night and we pray for revival.) Please pray that God will bless our wee group tonight as we pray. Thank you for praying for our ministry.
What day is it?
28/06/2015 13:38Today was one of those days where the Lord had to remind me that it was Sunday when I woke up. :) We had a good morning. We are currently recording hymns on our piano before church so that Katie can hold Mac during the service. Thankfully our piano has the ability to record. When we started the church 5 years ago we always pre-recorded so that Katie could be in the audience.
I preached this morning on, "When You Pray" from Luke 11. If it wasn't a blessing to anyone else, the study and preaching of it was a blessing to me. The Lord got me focused again on some of the fundamentals of prayer.
That good kind of tired.
27/06/2015 19:18The Lord gave us a great day! Thank you for praying. We had beautiful warm weather and I'm actually pretty sunburned. That is quite unusual in Scotland.
This was the best day for Gala day since we have been in Scotland. Our tent location was great for our archery. (See pics below.) Everyone was very kind and enjoyed our activities. Please pray especially that some would attend our HBC because of today's event. We also gave out some church literature and John and Roman's. Thanks for your part in our wonderful day.
Getting ready for Gala Day.....
26/06/2015 13:03My helper, Nelson....
24/06/2015 13:42Nelson went with me this morning to do flyers. He just turned five in April but he is a great walker. We did a pretty good sized area in just over an hour. The Lord gave us a great chat with a lady. We both attended a funeral recently for a shared acquaintance. We realized that during our conversation. Please pray that God will show her His hope.
We got our HBC flyer today. It turned out awesome. It's on a postcard type paper and about that size. We will be handing these out at the Gala Day on Saturday. Please pray that they will be well received. I'll put a copy below.
Loanhead finished....
22/06/2015 13:30This morning I finished getting our newest church flyer through all of Loanhead. There are about 2700 houses. I didn't have any lengthy discussions. I had a short discussion with one man. He said that when you die worms eat you as he handed the flyer back to me. Please pray that God will use the 30 seconds I had with him to awaken his heart to the truth. I was rather blunt in my response but believe it is what the Lord wanted me to say. He said thank you when I finished.
I have a vehicle prayer request. Our vehicle burns two types of fuel. The cheaper fuel (LPG) is not burning very well and we have had difficulty finding the problem. I'm going to take the vehicle in again next week. Please pray for wisdom for myself and the mechanic. Thanks for taking that need to the Lord.
Father's Day
21/06/2015 12:42The Lord gave us a good morning. I preached this morning on, "A Father's Advice" from Proverbs 1-6. Solomon gave us a great book for wise living as men. It was an appropriate passage to turn to this morning.
We have a lot going on this week. Please pray for our Revival prayer time on Thursday. We invite other missionary men to join our men to pray for revival. On Friday another missionary is hosting a youth activity. Then on Saturday we have a big children's fun fair called, "Gala Day." It is a lot of fun and a good opportunity to be involved in the community as we host a children's tent. Please pray for God's blessing on these events.
Thanks for your prayers for our day today.