Happy Birthday Kaylee or Help we are going to have teens for 19 years!
03/09/2015 20:15I couldn't decide which title I liked best, so I used them both. God has blessed our family with one girl and today she turned 13! (Pictures below) We are excited to be entering the teen parenting years. My sister-in-law told us last night that we were going to have teens in our home for 19 years! Wow, what a thought! Please pray for our parenting skills. It was fun to have Katie's brother's family with us last night and today. Kirk hands in his paper for his Doctorate in History on Friday. He then has a few weeks before he defends it. I know he would appreciate your prayers for these big life events as well.
I passed out flyers in Edinburgh yesterday morning as I waited to help Kirk's family to our home. God gave me some great divine appointments. I got to share the Gospel with a man who has been homeless the last two weeks. He had been homeless before but it was 20 years ago. I also encouraged a backslidden believer to get back in the battle for the Lord. I challenged a older JW with the reality that Jesus is worshipped in Scripture. It was a good talk as I walked with him to the train station. Another lady was sitting in the park and I was able to speak with her for about 20 minutes. She said, "I'll be thinking about this while I am at work. (Please pray for her we had a really good chat.)
One of the coolest experiences was handing an elderly woman a flyer and realizing that she was handing tracts out as well. She said she was 83 and that she takes the train up from England to hand out tracts in Edinburgh. She said, "I do this because Jesus Christ is coming back soon." The younger man who was defeated ought to have been handing out tracts while this woman set her burden down. Praise God for His soldiers who don't quit serving Him!
riding buses....
01/09/2015 14:02Our vehicle still isn't back to us. I don't mind as I am hopeful that it is getting fixed. Mac and I are getting ready to get on a bus and go into Edinburgh. We've applied for citizenship for our two youngest. We were able to do this after acquiring permanent residence. For any visa or citizenship they require you to go and have your biometrics taken. (Picture and finger prints) We did this already. However, somehow it never was sent to the Home Office. So, we are going in to do it again. Please pray that this in no way effects the application. Thank you for your prayers.
Sunny Scotland
30/08/2015 12:50Wow, we didn't get a summer but we are getting a nice autumn. We have had a lot of sunshine lately and some really beautiful days. That is a blessing.
Our regular church folks were faithful this morning. Please continue to pray for visitors. I preached this morning on "The Law Upheld" from Matthew 5:17-21. This is the third message I've preached on the "Sermon on the Mount." It's been a good study for us.
God gave Kay Lee and I some wonderful visits yesterday morning. Please pray for those we met that we'll have wisdom in doing follow up. We had some great divine appointments. God's good. We're excited about His ability to build His church in His timing.
Here we go....
26/08/2015 11:08School started today at the Shore house. The kid's are excited to be back at it and it has been a good start. Thanks for praying for Katie and the kids as they get into the routine.
Mark Hikin and I started putting out flyers in his community yesterday. Their village is about a mile and a half from us and is one of the larger villages in our area. We have had people attend from there before. Please pray for new contacts.
Some of you have prayed for our vehicle problem. We've had an ongoing problem with the vehicle's ability to run on LPG. Please pray for the mechanic to have wisdom as he works on it today. The van also runs on petrol but LPG is a lot more affordable. It's been a long ordeal but we hope to have a solution in the near future. Thanks for praying.
Salt AND Light
23/08/2015 12:47We continued this morning with the Sermon on the Mount. I preached on Matthew 5:13-16 on being "Bright and Salty Believers."
God gave us a good morning. Nothing unusual today other than our need for grace to have a one year old (Mac) in Katie's class. We have ordered a portable pack 'n play and hope that will help. It is back-ordered but hopefully will come this week.
God's good. Thanks for praying for our ministry.
Door to door with Parker Shore
22/08/2015 15:34Parker was my door to door buddy today. We had three good chats. One young mother is open to a follow up visit with Katie. Please pray that Katie will have a great chat with her.
One man opened the door and I called him by name and said, "I prayed this morning that I would meet you." I had met him this past week in Loanhead and found out that he lived in this village where we were doing door to door. I prayed this morning that I could meet him again sometime as I went through the village. Isn't God good to give us those "wow" opportunities to acknowledge again that He is God?!
We had 18 children on Thursday night. Please pray for wisdom for Katie in organizing this group. (I have some of the older ones now in my class, but she still had 15 with several 5 years old or younger.) Please pray that God will help us to be effective in ministering His Word to those who come. Thank you for praying.
Into Edinburgh....
20/08/2015 13:35It was a lovely day to get into the city to hand out some flyers. The down side is that it is festival season which means people are tired of being handed information. The Lord gave me two great conversations and opportunities to share the Gospel. One young man in particular was pretty open. Please pray that he will read the John and Romans that I gave him.
On Monday, Nelson and I finished the village of Roslin with our church flyers. I think we will focus on Bonnyrigg next.
On Tuesday Katie baked alphabet biscuits (sugar cookies) and spelled the kid's names who have been attending our church. We dropped them off with a wee note she wrote to encourage them as they went back to school on Wednesday.
Thanks for praying for us. God gave us a good weather week which was refreshing. Katie's back continues to improve. Katie will be starting school with our kids in the near future and would appreciate your prayers as they get going.
An encouraging morning....
16/08/2015 12:52God gave us a refreshing morning. We had two children visit for their first time and one adult visitor. Please pray that God will continue working in each of these lives. Katie's back is slowing getting better. She was able to teach today - praise the Lord. She is much better. I preached this morning on the, "God Blessed Attitudes" from the Beatitudes of Matthew 5. God gave us a good morning. Thanks for praying.
Prayer Request
13/08/2015 11:06Katie would appreciate your prayers for her upper back/neck. It seems that she has a pinched nerve. She has radiating pain down her arm and up her neck. I is quite severe and will keep her from teaching her kid's class tonight. Please pray that God will alleviate the pain and help her get back her mobility.
Please also pray for the flyers we have put out this week. Benson and Nelson went with me yesterday morning and helped me finish about a third of a village. There is one third remaining and that village will all have our flyer.
I had a divine appointment on Tuesday with two young men in their twenties. They were very much against God but we still spoke for 20 minutes. Please pray for one young man from England in particular. I believe the Lord was speaking to his heart and the truth was hitting home.
Great weather for flyers....
11/08/2015 11:36I've put out flyers the past two mornings in nearby villages. I can't remember if I've updated you about my leg. It is doing really well and seems back to normal. I'm still a bit cautious but it seems fine.
I've enjoyed listening to some good preachers as I've walked. I listened to Dr. Ed Nelson yesterday. Today I was listening to Duncan Campbell. Duncan Campbell saw revival several times during his life. Both of their messages were a blessing.
Katie's ladies meeting last night was very well attended. Please pray for each one that was there.
We are seeing the Lord work in the lives of the kids who attended our HBC. We had a total of 21 children at church this past Sunday. Several have been over to the house to play with the kids as well. One 10 year old girl got a Bible on Sunday morning and had already read Genesis and Exodus by yesterday afternoon. Please pray for God to use his Word in these young lives. Thanks for praying.