Special Sunday
15/11/2015 12:45It was our joy to have Katie's folks with us today for the service. We also had a little girl with us whom we hadn't seen in quite a while.
I preached this morning on a Psalm of great trial, Psalm 142. My message was, "You Can Trust God When...." The Lord gave us a good service.
We got the remnants of Hurricane Kate with over an inch of rain overnight. Thankfully the rain came late yesterday and was away this morning.
Kirk graduates with his doctorate in History from the University of Dundee this Thursday. Please pray for Richard and Brenda Weaver (and kids) as they take our service on that evening. Thanks for your prayers for our Sunday.
14/11/2015 11:20Thank you for praying for our flyers. They are ordered. Now, we need your prayers as we begin putting them out the end of this month. The colors are better than they appear on the screen. Please pray that they will be well received within our community.
Working ahead....
10/11/2015 09:02We are excited that Katie's mum and dad will be with us this next week. They arrive this Saturday morning. So, I am trying to get ahead in my studying in preparation for their time with us.
Thankfully, the weather is not nice. We have had wind and rain since Sunday. That makes it a bit easier to sit in my study and get much accomplished. I have had really good study time the last couple of weeks. Thank you for praying.
Katie and Laura enjoyed the ladies' retreat in Ireland. There were 38 ladies who were able to come. That was an amazing turnout as about half of the ladies came for their first time.
We'd appreciate your prayers for our upcoming outreach opportunities. We have our annual Carol Sing Service on Christmas Eve. I'm preparing a Christmas flyer which will contain that announcement. I'll upload some copies to the webpage soon. We also have Evangelist Barry Webb coming in January. He and his wife will be a great blessing. Our meetings with them will be the 10th-14th of January. Please pray as I prepare a flyer for that week as well. I plan on distributing both flyers at the same time.
A Mighty Wind....
08/11/2015 12:48Is coming outside this afternoon. (We are praying for the other kind of rushing wind.) Winds speeds will hit the 60's this evening. This is pretty common although we have not had much severe wind this year.
The Lord gave us a good morning. A lady who attended often 3 years ago was able to be back with us. That was a blessing. We also had other friends back with us and one of the men from last week. So, it was a good attendance day. I preached this morning on Elijah and Elisha in II Kings 2:1-15. I preached on being "One, with the Master." The Lord gave us a good service.
This afternoon is our first service at the Trust. The Trust is an assisted living property in Loanhead. We're excited about this opportunity for our teens to have a ministry opportunity.
Thanks for praying for our day. God's good.
An unusual week.
04/11/2015 08:07This is an unusual week and an unusual month. I've spent more time studying the past few days. The reason is that Katie is leaving in the morning to go to a Ladies' retreat in Ireland. She leaves early tomorrow morning and will be back late Saturday night. Please pray for Missionary Sharon Pero as she organizes and runs the retreat. Please also pray for Katie and Laura from our church that it would be a spiritually/ physically refreshing time.
This past Monday was our monthly ladies' meeting. It was well attended. There were 5 ladies and 2 girls present. They had a sweet time together. The men and boys just escaped to Ikea and wondered around until the meeting was over. That is our normal winter routine.
I was able to put some flyers out on Monday morning. I didn't have any divine appointments but was able to get a good bit done in just over an hour.
Thank you for praying!
A beautiful Lord's day.
01/11/2015 12:51The Lord gave us a good morning although the Hikins were unable to attend. (Their clutch went out on Thursday.) Please pray that they can be back with us soon.
We had two men back with us who have been absent for quite a while. It was good to see them both. I preached this morning on Luke 23:39-43, "The Deciding Day." There were two thieves on the cross; the skeptic and the seeker. One man got off the cross and went to Heaven the other got of the cross and went to Hell. It was a good time around God's Word. Please pray that God will still use this message as it is online. (We are trying to encourage people in our community to listen in.) Thank you for praying.
Autumn/ Colors
31/10/2015 09:19I have not put pictures up in a while. My walk was beautiful this morning. I was surprised by how warm it was. It was in the low 60's and balmy. The contrast between the sky and the bright leaves was lovely. I'll also put a picture which I took this past week at art class with Mr. Alec. The boys have been doing landscapes. But, this week Alec wanted them to practice mixing colors. So, he had them do abstract paintings instead. They enjoyed discovering new colors.
Question / prayer request
29/10/2015 10:28This is not my normal update. I'm listening to Abiding Radio and they are playing tone chimes/ bells. We have thought about getting a good set of these for our church. We have a children's choir which had 14 kids in it this past Sunday. I just thought I'd give a shout out and ask if any church has a set which they are not using. (Emphasis on "not using.") I'm not asking for a church/ individual to go out and buy these for us. But, if anyone has a set that we could have or purchase from you, would you please let me know?
We are coming up on a busy and good November. Please pray for the following events....
2 November - monthly ladies' meeting.
5-7 November - Ladies' Retreat in Ireland. (Katie and Laura will be attending.)
8 November - First monthly teen service at an assisted living property near our church.
14-22 November - Katie's mom and dad fly over.
19 November - Kirk's (Katie's brother) graduation with his Doctorate from Dundee University. (Thank you for your prayers for his paper. It was turned in this week.)
Thank you for praying for all of these events.
Awesome Divine Appointment
27/10/2015 15:08The Lord just gave me one of those really encouraging divine appointments with a Christian family who have moved into our village. They are a part of another church, but it is a blessing to know that they are here. God put us together in a very unusual way and it reminds me that HE IS GOD.
Don Dillman and I had some good witnessing opportunities in his area this morning. We witnessed on a busy road near their church for a little while. God gave each of us a good divine appointment. He also gave us one really good door to door opportunity. Please pray for James (grandpa) James (his son) and Danielle (baby grand daughter.) Danielle was 3 months premature and has spina bifida, and fluid on the brain. They are a good contact for Don's church. Thanks for praying for divine appointments.
Nelson's Salvation
26/10/2015 17:13Our five year old, Nelson, came up to Katie after church last night in the lobby and asked to be saved. He was very teary and could hardly say what he needed. Praise the Lord. It is good when it is clearly God's work in bringing them to Himself. In class last night they had sung, "Jesus is the way to my Father's house." Katie had said to the kids, "Wouldn't it be sad if you got home tonight and your dad said, 'You can't come in my house because you aren't my child.'" Another boy said, "But my dad says if you ask God to forgive you, He will." Praise God, He can forgive and He did last night.
This morning, I put flyer out all morning. Please pray that God will bless the seed that was sown. Thank you for your prayers!