

13/12/2015 12:54

Today is our coldest day thus far. But, we usually get cold when we have clear skies. So, we are benefiting from the cold day with some lovely sunshine.

A couple children who have been missing for the last several weeks were with us today. They are also going to the Trust Service (assisted living facility) this afternoon. 

I preached a topical message this morning on, "Cleansing." The Lord put this message on my heart as I listened to an audio Bible while doing flyers. I was listening to the book of Matthew and heard the leper ask Christ, "If thou wilt thou canst make me clean." Praise God, He is willing.

Thank you for your prayers for our services today.

Important Prayer Request

10/12/2015 12:59

Please pray for Joel Hikin (12) who attends our church. He has had severe headaches for the past 6 weeks. Because of this he has been out of school and church. They did a scan of his brain last week and found a cyst on his brain. Apparently this is fairly common and the neurologists were not convinced that this is the cause of his headaches. He has been falling a lot the past few days and they are not sure why. (It could be because of the strong medication the doctor's have prescribed because of his pain.) Please pray that they can find the cause of the headaches and the unsteadiness.

Ladies' Christmas Meeting

08/12/2015 13:48

Katie's Ladies' Christmas meeting went very well last evening. There were 10 ladies and 5 girls counting Katie and Kay Lee in attendance. Katie always puts out a very nice table with all sorts of Christmas goodies. I'll put a picture below. Also pictured below is what is it like when I take my boys to Ikea during the Ladies' meetings. Thank you for praying for Katie's ministry.

Another prayer request is that the Hansen family (Katie's brother's family) have safely arrived back in the USA. It's been a blessing having family over here the last four years while Kirk worked on his doctorate in History.

I was able to put flyers out this morning. The Lord gave me 3 divine appointments. This is one of the few mornings in the last 2 weeks when we have not had rain. There have been severe floods in our area. Please pray for the people who have lost much because of this storm. Thank you for your prayers.


Is ministry a battle?

06/12/2015 12:38

There were several things this morning that remind me that we, "wrestle not against flesh and blood."  It was a good morning but there were some uphill climbs on the way. :) 

We enjoyed starting a new book in our adult Sunday School class. We have begun 2 Corinthians. I preached a Christmas message this morning from Luke 1 on "Christmas, His Story."

Katie's brother, Kirk, and his family are moving back to the US tomorrow. Please pray for their travels. It's not easy traveling overseas with young children. I know they would appreciate your prayers as we do. Thank you for praying.

Snow, snow and I hope we get more snow!

03/12/2015 20:18

We got an unexpected suprise tonight with a couple inches of snow. It's lovely outside. It is supposed to be 48 degrees tomorrow with winds over 50 mph. So, I'm not anticipating it lasting. But, the kids are out enjoying it while it is here. Thanks to all those who prayed for snow! :)

rain, rain, and even more rain.....

02/12/2015 12:51

That is how our weather has been this week. Every day I look at the Doppler and see rain covering most of the country. Thankfully, Don and I were able to get out and do some flyers this morning over on his side of Edinburgh. Please pray for the flyer he is putting out. There is a clear Gospel message in it and an invitation to visit their church. I spoke briefly with 2 individuals while we were out and about this morning.


"Huffed and puffed...."

29/11/2015 12:39

We feel a bit like the 3 little pigs this morning. We had a strong storm come through during the morning message. I wish it would have been a spiritual wind because the house shook this morning. I preached today on, "Ready...or not?" from Luke 12:35-48. This text includes the parable of the returning master and the thief breaking into the goodman's house.

It was a blessing to have a woman visiting this morning. I met her for the first time about 3 and a half years ago. It was good to have her in church this morning.

Please pray for Kirk and Carrie this week. They have been living with us the past couple months as they prepare to transition back to the States. They will be heading back next Monday. So, please pray for all their packing and preparation for their move. 

Thanks for taking these and other needs to the Lord for us. We appreciate your prayers.


26/11/2015 09:14

"God has done great things for us; whereof we are glad." - Psalm 126:3

We have seen the Lord do many things this year. We received our permanent residence visas and saw the Lord supply the finances to purchase them. Our church was chartered and became a registered Scottish Charity. We've seen consistent visitors and have seen some trust in Jesus as their Saviour. Our family has had great health. God has consistently encouraged us in what He has called us to do. etc.

Thank you for your part in all of the blessings that our family and church have received. May God give you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Flyers going out.....

24/11/2015 11:38

Yesterday was a rain day. So, today I was able to begin putting out our flyers. This is the first time that I've done two flyers at once. I got a good start and was able to put out about a couple hundred of each flyer. I had a great chat and divine appointment. I hope that it will bear future fruit as it would be an interesting story to share. :)

Thanks for your prayers as we put these out. (I'll put a couple pictures below from our time with Katie's folks. We are at Holy Island, England. Mac is in the backpack.)

Precious Memories

22/11/2015 13:33

The Lord gave us a wonderfully precious time with Katie's mom and dad. It was great for our children to have grandma and grandpa around for a few days. Kirk's graduation on Thursday went very well. The weather even cooperated. It looked like it would rain but it remained sunny. We said goodbye this morning and they are currently in route back to the USA. 

Last night I had a good divine appointment. I hope that it bore fruit as a man prayed to accept Jesus. We shall see. Please pray that God will continue to work in this man's heart.

We had good services this morning. We watched a torch light video about General William Booth in SS. In the morning service, I preached on "Gracious Giving" from 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. I'm reminded that we can't give what God wants us to give without His grace to help us. Thanks for praying for this week. I'll try to get some pictures from the week up soon. 

Now, Lord willing, the flyers begin going out tomorrow. Please pray for this evangelistic effort. Thanks for interceding for our ministry.

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