Webb Web Update
13/01/2016 15:51First, let me apologize for not putting an update on earlier. We have been very's not a good excuse, but it is true.
The Webb's arrived on Saturday morning. Brother Webb and I then went to the hardware store and bought pvc to build and assemble a puppet stage. That evening we set up the church.
Sunday morning he preached all of our services including our afternoon service at the Trust. God blessed each service with good attendance and a sweet sense of His presence. We had two first time visitors on Sunday. Brother Webb is a very talented puppeteer and chalk artist. He is doing one of those ministries each night and then preaching. Our services are going form 6:00-7:30.
Also, the funeral this morning went very well. I am thrilled that God gave me the opportunity to minister to this family in this way. I was surprised to find that I knew several of her family very well. God's grace was very evident in the graveside service. Please continue to pray for God's grace to them during this time.
Thank you for praying along despite not having an update. God is working in our services.
We'd also like to request your prayers for the Brooks family. Dr. Brooks was a good friend and prayer warrior for our ministry. He was our field director when we first arrived in Scotland. He went home to be with the Lord on Monday. Please pray for His wife Barbara and for the funeral. We would love to be there to honor this man of God.
Graveside service
07/01/2016 14:15I would appreciate your prayers as I minister to a family next Wednesday at the graveside service for their mother. They contacted me requesting my assistance and I believe the Lord would have me help them.
Please pray for those who have been invited to our Evangelistic Meetings. Don Dillman helped me put flyers out yesterday afternoon. In total now about 3,000 homes have received an invitation to attend. We are excited about what God is going to do this next week in our ministry.
Ever feel like it has rained a lot?
05/01/2016 14:13We have felt like this has been a particularly wet year which is saying something for Scotland. Well, it turns out that we didn't just feel like it has rained a lot. It has rained a lot. Please click on this if you are enough of a weather nerd (which I confess I am) to want to see other's weather records.
If not, here is the basic fact, this is the second wettest year on record in Scotland.Sadly, we have lived in Scotland for both of the record wettest years. 2011 took first place. That was the year we didn't get a summer. :)
Hope your weather is as interesting. Please feel free to let me know.
04/01/2016 11:39Thank you for praying for the man who recently trusted in Jesus as His Saviour. He is faithfully attending church and doing discipleship. Lord willing, we will baptize him later this month.
We had a good Lord's day yesterday. Joel Hikin was able to be back at church. The neurologist believes that they know what is going on physically with Joel and have hope that he will make a full recovery. Please continue to pray for his recovery.
If you want to listen to our Christmas Eve service, I've uploaded it to our sermon audio page.
Happy New Year
01/01/2016 18:14Welcome to 2016! Wow. Here we go again. Praise the Lord for new beginnings.
The Lord gave us a good fellowship time last night as we watched the BJU film, "Wine of Morning." It is a historical fiction about Barabbas. Afterwards we enjoyed playing some games and eating some good food!
Our family has enjoyed some down time over the holidays and we are almost ready to get back at it. Parker and I went looking for agates today and the Lord gave me my first witnessing opportunity of the new year. Interestingly the man's wife is born again but he has not yet obeyed the Gospel. They've attended some Baptist churches. Please pray that he will take that step soon. I'm glad the Lord brought our paths together.
Thanks for your prayers as we get going into 2016. Our evangelistic meetings with Barry Webb are the 10-14th of this month.
Two hours until, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"
24/12/2015 22:02It is 10:00 PM on Christmas Eve here. The Lord gave us a wonderful service and good attendance. Thank you so much for praying.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Good help....
21/12/2015 15:35I entitled this "help" and realized that the title may be misleading. The Lord gave me good help today. A man who is attending our church helped me to put out flyers. It was a blessing to have his assistance. The Lord gave us just the right break in the rain. As soon as we got back home from doing flyers the rain began.
Katie and I also enjoyed meeting someone who is interested in visiting our church. We had a very enjoyable visit and anticipating seeing them at church in the near future.
It's hard to believe that Christmas Eve is nearly here. Thank you for praying for that special night of ministry.
Unique in His Birth
20/12/2015 12:50I enjoyed preaching a Christmas message on the angel's revelation to Joseph regarding the birth of the Son of Mary. The text is Matthew 1:17-25. We had a good service. We have a man coming who has expressed appreciation for your prayers. He is giving good evidence of salvation. Please continue to pray for him.
The kids have one more choir practice before the carol sing service this Thursday evening. Thank you for your prayers for that evening.
Almost there....
19/12/2015 14:08The kids helped me this afternoon to do a couple more neighborhoods. It was VERY windy but we only lost a couple flyers to the wind. :) Don Dillman helped me on Wednesday to do a large area. That means that we only have a few small areas to get to this next week.
Thanks for praying for our ministry. We have some encouraging things going on. Please continue to pray for Joel. He is scheduled to see the neurologists after Christmas but we would like to see that appointment move up to this next week. He was able to be in church on Thursday but is very unwell.
We had a fun snowball fight after church on Thursday night. It's been very hot (for Scotland in December) here. So, how did we get snowballs? Katie's aunt sent us some fabulous fake snowballs. The adults ambushed the kids at the end of their class. :) Thank you Aunt Rosie!
Good mornings to get out....
15/12/2015 11:20I've been able to get out and do flyers the last two mornings. I've put out about 500 more of each flyer this week. Thanks for praying for this effort.
I came back in time this morning to watch the launch of the rocket from Russia with 3 astronauts on board. The kids really enjoyed seeing it as well. We have a British Astronaut, Tim Peake, on board. It will be fun to follow his mission in Space. The pictures from the Space Station are amazing. How can an astronaut not believe in a Creator Designer God? You'd think that medical doctors and astronauts would all be convinced of a Creator. They see more of the wonder of His creation than anyone. How sad that mankind has such a wonderful testimony from God of His existence and they are determined to believe Satan's evolutional lie.