Little by little....
23/02/2016 16:44I was able to get out and do flyers again this afternoon. The Lord gave me two divine appointments with friends of mine within the community. Please pray expecially for one who has a very Biblical name. His initials are S.P and has the same name as a prominent Apostle. He turned 34 today but doesn't have anyone to celebrate with. I had a great chat with him. Please pray that he would have the courage to visit our church. I told him if nothing else his visit would be an encouragement to me and that we'd love to see him stop in at least one time. I benefited from listening to Pastor Paul Chappell as I was out walking. God's good. Thank you for praying for us, our church and our community.
Encouragement last night....
22/02/2016 15:48We started our service last night with two teenagers and our family. God had given us a great morning. But I admit that as we were singing the first hymn I was having to encourage myself in what the Lord has called us to do. At about 10 past 6:00, in walked 4 men. One is regularly late because of his meal schedule but generally comes. Another man with him was a first time visitor. Two other men come occasionally. But,they all came in at about the same time. I got a bit choked up thanking the Lord for sending some encouragement just when we needed it.By the way, we have had first time visitors or "nearly" first time visitors every Sunday for the past three Sundays.
I put out flyers this morning for about two hours. I had a good chat with a man who attended our ministry regularly in the first year we were here. Please pray that his family will find Christ. I also witnessed briefly to two other men. God is working. Please keep praying.
I phoned the mechanic this morning because it is important to us to have our car back by this weekend for a family vacation. However, it seems that he may not be able to have the car back to us this week. We will have been without a vehicle for 4 weeks this Wednesday. :) I'm sure the Lord has a plan. Please pray that we will know His mind and that He will help our mechanic to repair our vehicle.
The First Day of the Week
21/02/2016 12:55I'm glad that God has us start the week in his house. We enjoyed meeting together this morning at 9:40 for prayer before church. We had good services. I preached this morning on, "Grace is Teaching, Are you listening?" from Titus 2:11-12. I preached part one this morning and Lord willing will teach part two next week. We looked at what we need to discard in obedience to grace. Thank you for praying for our services.
Braces on....
17/02/2016 13:53Kay Lee's orthodontist appointment went very well. It's hard to believe that they can put on a complete set of braces in 25 minutes. She chose a light blue rubber band. I told her that I wish I had some mouth jewelry! Thank you for praying.
I'll fly away....
16/02/2016 10:50I finished studying for my Thursday Bible study on Revelation and was going to go do flyers until I looked outside. The trees were moving quite vigorously which made me check my weather apps. There I found that we have winds gusting into the mid fifties. I think I'll just keep studying. :) Thankfully, I was able to get out yesterday morning and get a couple neighborhoods done.
There are some exciting opportunities coming up for which we would appreciate your prayers. Bernard, Benson, Logan and I are going to a men's retreat in Ireland the end of next month, 31 March - 2 April. We're excited that God has opened that door. Immediately after we get back, we are hosting a family conference with Pastor David O'Gorman. The dates for that are the 5-7 of April. His wife, Valerie, will be doing our ladies' meeting on the 4th. And on the 5th we will also be hosting a fellowship meeting.
Vehicle update: The vehicle is still at the garage. I believe that he has been able to find the parts and is going to attempt to get this sorted in the next several days. So, Lord willing we will have our vehicle back in the near future. Thanks for praying.
Kay Lee prayer request: God has provided for Kay Lee to be approved to get braces. They will be installed (?) tomorrow. I know she would like for you to pray her as she adjusts to them.
A Busy Day....
14/02/2016 12:51Today is the second Sunday of the month and our busiest Lord's day. We have our Trust (assisted living facility) service this afternoon. We are short on teens today as a few of them are ill. But, we will head up there with the one teen who is well and trust God will give us a good service. Again I am thankful that we live close to our church and The Trust. We are taking our piano with us. No it isn't an upright or a grand, but it is a nice portable full size electronic keyboard. :)
The Lord gave us a good morning. We took the adult SS time to just spend in prayer. We need it. We need God's blessing and power. I've been reminded again that there is nothing possible without God. Please pray with us for God's power. I continued a message I began last Sunday and preached from Hebrews 9 on "Where We Meet with Thee."
More flyers....
11/02/2016 11:47God has given great weather this week for putting out flyers. I enjoyed walking in bright sunshine all morning. I was able to put out another 150 flyers or so. I also enjoyed listening to Evangelist Mike Reddick preach on faith and God's Spirit. Praise the Lord for the power He has given to us and for the tool of faith to access his promises. Brother Reddick spoke about George Mueller's claiming "open thy mouth wide and I will fill it." The Lord encouraged me through His Word.
Car update....
10/02/2016 09:01Thank you for praying for our car situation. We have been two weeks without a vehicle. But, as I mentioned we live very close to our church meeting place (about 500 meters) and we have great public transport. So, we are doing fine without it.
The mechanic was able to find a couple of the parts he needed, praise the Lord. So, he is making progress. Please continue to pray for grace and wisdom for him. He's a nice guy and won't take advantage of us. But, I don't want him to come out on the short end as far as his time. The question yesterday was if he would have to drop the engine to get to a third catalytic converter. He was hoping not to do so as that would make it a much bigger job.
Meanwhile, I have been able to get out with our new flyer this week and would appreciate your prayers for God to open hearts through it. I put a couple hundred out yesterday and am getting ready to leave just now to put out more. Thank you for keeping up with our family. Your prayers avail much!
a good text....
07/02/2016 12:41I received a text this morning and before looking at it I said to Katie, "It's not good news. When I get a text on Sunday morning it is always bad....someone can't come, is sick, etc." Then I looked at the text and it was from a child who attends our church and it said, "Love you." :) I guess I need to be a bit more positive.
It was an encouraging morning despite the weather. (We have high winds and rain today.) I preached this morning on "Where We Meet with Thee" from Exodus 25:1-2. We took the OT picture of the Holy of Holies and considered the Holiest of All in Heaven where we meet with God in prayer. The study was a blessing to me and I hope an encouragement to our church. I walked back home in the wind and rain to get my recorder which I forgot this morning. So, I hope the audio is a blessing to somebody! :) (By the way, praise the Lord that we live very close to where we meet for church.)
Katie and I appreciate your prayers for our preaching and teaching ministry. We need God's help. Thank you for upholding our ministry in prayer.
Car Prayer Request
04/02/2016 13:27As you may know, or car went to the mechanic last Wednesday. For those who know cars, our catalytic converters have died. There are 4 of them and at least 2 of them are caput. The problem is that our car is a 2002 import. It is a good vehicle for us and does not have many miles on it. (It sounds old but looks and acts young.) Because of it being an import, our mechanic has not yet been able to sort a part. Please join us in praying for God's provision in a way that would make our mechanic understand that God has answered prayer. I've told him we are praying and am confident that God is going to meet our need somehow. We appreciate your prayers for His provision.
Yesterday, Don Dillman and I were able to get out doing flyers. It was a lovely day and I enjoyed the fellowship time as we put out flyers. Please pray for a Muslim man that we spoke to for half an hour. Z____________ was a good listener and it was an informative time for both of us. Please pray specifically for the Spirit of God to awaken him to the truth that we shared. We looked at Isaiah 9:6 (son is born....the mighty God) , Psalm 22 (crucifixion) and Exodus 20 (taking God's name in God and Jesus.)
Thank you for being a vital part of our ministry. We appreciate your prayers.