Back in the saddle....
13/03/2016 12:54It is good to be back doing what God has called us to do. The Lord gave us a good morning although our attendance was low today. I preached a topical message this morning on "Evangelism Excuses." Please pray for those under our ministry who still need to obey the Gospel themselves. Please also continue to pray for divine appointments. Thank you for your prayers for our ministry.
Great Family Holiday!
12/03/2016 16:24The Lord gave us a wonderful family holiday over on the South West coast of Scotland. It was good to get away and now it is good to get back home. I'll put a few pictures below.
Happy Mother's Day!
06/03/2016 12:43The Lord gave us a great mothering Sunday. The weather was lovely and there was a good spirit in the service this morning. I enjoyed preaching a mother's day message on "Laughing with Sarah." We took the question "is anything too hard for God?" and were reminded that 1.) God can provide children 2.) God can provide for children 3.) God can provide for children in law. I don't often encourage you to listen in, but I think this message would be an encouragement to you if you have the time to listen in.
We are rejoicing still in God's goodness in providing our vehicle at just the right time. God is so very good to us. Thanks for praying.
Vehicle Back in Time!
05/03/2016 19:09Praise the Lord, we are mobile again! I just got home (7pm) with our vehicle which was reassembled today. God helped us move our vacation back a week and got our car ready just on time. Thank you so much for praying. God's timing was just right!
A milestone....
03/03/2016 13:48The Lord has helped us to get the flyer out to all of Loanhead. There are around 2500 mail slots in Loanhead. So, that only leaves us with 7500 remaining flyers! 2500 is a good start and I'm thankful for what God has allowed us to do. We are going to be leaving on vacation soon. When we get back we will begin putting our flyers through some neighboring villages. I'm also looking forward to getting into Edinburgh as Spring arrives. I'm also hoping to put it out in villages that are more distant from here.
We still hope to have the car tomorrow. I spoke with the mechanic this morning and he still hopes to have it up and running this week. We have now been without a car for over 5 weeks. We are going to feel a sense of liberty when we are mobile again. Thank you for your prayers.
update on Carl Miller
02/03/2016 15:40Brother Carl is doing a bit better. I'll put an update below which his wife posted yesterday. Thank you for praying for them.
We've almost put the flyer through all of Loanhead. I went out yesterday and put out a couple hundred. Don Dillman and I put out a couple hundred more today. If I get another chance this week to get out, I should be able to finish. Thank you for praying for this flyer.
"He is settled and must say Prayers were answered. The Heart Specialist at the A&E told Carl that God was truly with him. He responded far better than they expected. He's been put in the Cardiac Care Unit where they are working to get the fluid in his lungs out. Thus far Carl can only sit up on the edge of a bed but the medications are making progress. Wednesday he is scheduled for a scan of the heart to see what damage has been done. Thursday an angeogram is scheduled as they believe he has constricted veins. Your prayers mean so much. I'll keep you posted. Again, thank you."
Urgent Prayer Request for Carl Miller
29/02/2016 17:06Please pray for friends of ours up in Aberdeen, Carl and Leta Miller. Brother Carl has had a heart attack and is now having heart failure. His wife has put the following update on facebook, "He has had a heart attack at some point in the past few weeks & now has heart failure. His lungs are full of fluid. They have given him a pump with an intravenous drug to open his veins & given him several blood thinners to help drain the fluid from the lungs into his kidneys since his heart can't do it. I haven't seen the cardiologist yet. They had several emergency admissions this morning & since he has been stabilized at the moment, they have gone to help the others.
He has complained of breathlessness the past few weeks after carrying a box of groceries in that was heavy. He had the 'sharp' pain then that they say was probably the heart attack. If you do not get treated soon as a heart attack hits, the heart gets more & more damaged with time until it 'fails' & can't do what it's supposed to do. He has had pain in his chest off & on for awhile since lifting the box but would play it down to me. He didn't want me to worry!!!! Even last night he wouldn't let me call an ambulance until he felt led to call himself this morning at 6. If he had just kept putting it off he wouldn't have lived!!!!!!!! I asked the Dr if he would pull through & he said they don't like to say. !!!!!!!! So, they told him they will probably do an angiogram tomorrow, but not sure. So, we just have to wait. Please tell everyone to pray for him. I couldn't live without him!!!!!"
Brrrrr....inside and out.
28/02/2016 12:59Well, last week the heat wouldn't go off. This week the heating is off. There were two space heaters but they weren't quite enough. We had a good morning despite the temperature. I preached this morning part two of "Grace is Teaching, Are You Listening?" from Titus 2:11-12. I've been challenged by what grace is teaching as I studied and preached on this passage. Thank you for praying for God's enablement and blessing upon our ministry today.
Benson and I....
27/02/2016 14:45Benson helped me put out flyers this morning for over an hour. We put out around 200 in that time. We prayed before we left for some opportunities to chat with folks along the way. The Lord gave us a couple distinct divine appointments. It's fun to see the kids have a desire to serve the Lord.
Answer to prayer....
25/02/2016 09:26We have been praying much about what to do with our vacation plans and no car. It would be easy to rent a car if we had two children. However, we have 6. To rent a vehicle our size would have cost about twice as much as renting two smaller vehicles. Last night I was able to contact the owner of the chalet that we have rented and she kindly switched our reservation to the following week. So, at least we have one more week in which the car may be repaired. We may still have to rent. But, I am very thankful for God opening this door. Thank you for praying with us about this need. Please continue to pray for God's provision for the vehicle.
I was able to put flyers out again yesterday. I think we are close to having 1500 of the new flyers out into our community. I was praying this morning that God would use each one of them and would appreciate your prayer for the same. I handed one to a lady yesterday as she put items in her recycle bin. I said, "I hope I'm not handing you something to go into that." (I have had people recycle them in front of me before.) She kindly took it and as far as I know didn't recycle it right away. :)