Great Finale!
06/08/2016 08:38Our total attendance for the week was 35 children and 5 adults. So, we hit our 40 goal! My wife and I got a shaving cream pie in the face (from each other) and Pastor McPhillips and Jim also went down! Thank you for praying.
Some of the mothers and kids have indicated that they will be there on Sunday or in the near future. Please pray that they will follow through with that desire.
Yesterday after taking down all the stuff, we took the team up to the Highlands. We had a wonderful time and got back last night about 11:00.
Grace Baptist and our church people did a wonderful job serving the kid's at HBC. We had good prayer time, good weather, good attendance, good spirit.... Praise the Lord. Thank you for praying. Below are some pics!
Going strong and in the final stretch....
04/08/2016 21:11The Lord blessed our day today with 27 kids this morning, 33 total thus far for the week. Tonight we had a great turn out for our meeting including 4 visiting children and two mums. It was a great day! Thank you for praying.
Shaving Cream Pie
03/08/2016 21:19Praise the Lord, Kay Lee and Rusty got a pie in the face today because we went over 25 registered to 29 registered for the week. We had 23 in attendance and had a great day. We have had good weather each day for game time for which we have been thankful. The lessons went well today and the children seemed very alert to the truth being presented.
Tonight at 7 a few of us climbed a hill near our home. I'll put a pic below.
Gained a few....
02/08/2016 19:09We had another good day at HBC. We had 3 first time (ever) children and 4 who have attended other years. So, we have now had a total of 24 kids come to HBC. Tomorrow, Kay Lee and Solomon will probably get a pie in their face. We like to have a little fun with the kids. So, the team leaders get a pie in their face if we hit 25. At 30 two of our helpers from the States get it. At 35 my wife and I are the target. At 40 Pastor McPhillips (I should have made the number lower) and another visitor get it.
There was good attention given to the stories. We had a mum stay for the day as well which was an extra blessing. Thank you for praying with us. We are very thankful for what the Lord gave us today.
A good start!
01/08/2016 21:49The Lord gave us a great day of HBC. There was a good group of kids (18) and a good spirit. The program went well and everyone's help made the day easy.
We knocked on doors this afternoon for about an hour to try to recruit some more kids and had a few good contacts. So, we'll see who is able to make it out tomorrow.
I enjoyed giving a church history tour to our team later this afternoon and evening. The festival season is on in Edinburgh and it is a bit crazy down there. We walked close to four miles and enjoyed seeing the sights. God gave us a very wonderful weather day which made both HBC and touring even better.
Thank you for praying with us.
They Made it!
31/07/2016 12:51Last night our weary travelers (with great spirit) arrived at 10:00. They had been traveling for 30 hours. Thank you for praying for their travels they had some excitement along the way including a flat tire that nearly made them miss the ferry.
God gave us a good morning. We had two adults attend who don't normally attend our Sunday services. It was a great blessing to have them there.
I preached this morning on ministering to children from John 9-10, When I Am a Child At Your Church.
God's good. We're excited about what He is going to do this week with our HBC and with the extra help from this church team that is with us. Thank you for praying.
4 more kids....
28/07/2016 11:23We just had lady call about the Bible Club and she is going to bring 4 children on Monday. Please pray for God to do a great work through this Bible Club!
Getting out HBC Flyers....
26/07/2016 13:45We had an encouraging phone call yesterday from the mother of a 7 year old who is going to attend our HBC. Kay Lee, Katie and Mac put out some flyers yesterday morning and she got one posted through her door. Hopefully several children will come just from receiving a flyer.
This morning, Katie, Kay Lee and I put out some more. (Mac was with us as well but he was just along for the ride. He is a little young to do flyers.) The other 4 boys are involved in a week long football camp. They are having a "ball" - pun intended. They were all really worn out last night. The youngest boys just go for the morning but Benson continues on into the afternoon.
Thank you for praying for us as we get ready for the HBC. Helen and her daughter, Amy, are over this afternoon helping to get the crafts ready to go. The kids and Katie have also made a lot of decorations to put up on Sunday night. I'm sure we'll have some pictures for you in the near future.
There is an unusual opportunity this week as I was able to contribute an article for the local paper. I wrote it in January but it is being printed this week. They are going to include a statement about the Bible Club this coming week. Please pray as this is a great opportunity to share God's Word and invite people to attend our ministries. I'll put a link to the online version of the article once it is published.
Evangelism in Edinburgh.
25/07/2016 11:11I had an errand to run in Edinburgh today and took some time to hand out flyers and witness to people down in Princess St. Gardens. The Lord gave me 3, 10-15 minute opportunities and numbers of people took the flyer. One man who took the flyer began reading it and continued to read it for the next several minutes.
A few weeks ago I gave a retailer a tract and came back the next day. He told me that his partner (the person he lives with of the opposite sex - just to clarify for Americans) and he had an interesting discussion because she saw that in his car. It led into a great discussion between both of them and myself that day.
We never know the results of tracts but that was a good reminder that God is able to make them speak to the hearts of those who receive them.
Please pray especially for Russel (early 20's). He really appreciated me taking the time to challenge him to think about God and eternity. Thanks for praying for divine appointments for us.
Line upon line....
24/07/2016 12:53Thank you for praying for the kid's classes. Katie teaches the children's SS and has a class for the young children during the church service. She said that both went very well today. Mac is doing a bit better and we appreciate your prayers for him to be good during class.
I preached this morning on Isaiah 40, Behold Your God. Isaiah is helping the Children of Israel to get their eyes back on God and off of their circumstances.
God's good. We need your prayers and appreciate your interest in our church and ministry.