Sunday in Loanhead....
10/07/2016 13:02The Lord gave us good attendance in our morning service this morning. I didn't have a SS class this morning because some who normally are in SS were unable to make that service this morning. So, my wife got a break as she got to teach without Mac in her class. If any of you have a child that is just over 2 years old, you can imagine what a blessing that was. Mac does ok in class but we would appreciate your prayers that he will quickly learn contentment during class time.
I preached this morning a message on faith from Jeremiah 32, "Steps of Faith." I recently sent a prayer letter which referred to this passage, but God put it on my heart to preach that passage today. It was a good reminder to my heart and I trust to our people to follow God by faith. Please pray for our church folks to step out by faith to obey God.
Benson and Door to Door
09/07/2016 19:48Benson was my door to door partner this morning. Generally people are pretty kind here when you knock on their door. We had one exception to that this morning but we weren't offended. I feel bad for the lady as she is missing a lot of joy in her life. God also gave us a great talk with a woman who is really hurting. Please pray that God will meet her in her time of need. She has lost a lot of family to death recently and feels that "if there is a God" she blames Him. You wouldn't have expected the conversation to open up but God did open it and I was able to speak to her about the love of God.
Benson and I got some fly fishing equipment recently and have enjoyed going fishing a couple of times. Those of you who followed us on deputation know that I love fishing. Fishing has been one of the most difficult "culture shocks" for me as the system here is so different than in the States. Most fishing here is by fly rod. You also do not get a permit (license) to fish in the country. You get a license to fish a few miles of one river. And it is usually a day ticket that is pretty expensive. (One place we know of is 250 pounds a day to fish for salmon.) So, finding out how to fish for free and catch something on a fly rod - is a breakthrough. :) I'll put a picture below of Benson's first brown trout on a fly rod.
Princess Street
06/07/2016 13:59Don and I went into Edinburgh this morning to hand out flyers. We met at a statue of David Livingston in Princess Street Gardens. God gave a very encouraging divine appointment with a young man named Joel. He is a Christadelphian. (I had never heard of Christadelphian until I came to Scotland. They are very similar to Jehovah Witnesses.) I spoke to him for about half an hour. He thanked me for our conversation at it's conclusion. Please pray that God will awaken Joel's eyes to His truth. It was a cult morning. Don spoke to another man of the same religion and I spoke with a Jehovah's Witness. Thank you for praying for open doors to share the Gospel.
6th Anniversary of FREE BAPTIST CHURCH
03/07/2016 12:45It seems hard to believe that 6 years ago (tomorrow) we began Free Baptist Church in Loanhead. God has given us a great 6 years. Tonight we are going to show pictures from the last 6 years as we celebrate our 6th anniversary.
This morning I preached a message on Biblical Repentance from Joel 2:12-21, "Turn to God." We had lower attendance but there was a good spirit in our services. Thank you for praying for our services today.
On Top of the Hill
02/07/2016 16:31Well, someone turned 40 today and my family gave me some great presents. We didn't have anything special planned today.... we thought. But, it ended up being a very special day as we got to see Her Majesty the Queen. She was in Edinburgh to open the 5th session of the Scottish Parliament and to have a garden party at Hollyrood Palace. We ended up standing in the perfect spot where she exited parliament and drove to the Palace across the street. These are screen shots from a video I took with my phone. The Queen is the elegant 90 year old with the lovely hat.
Flyers with Don....
29/06/2016 18:25Don came over today and helped me get some flyers out this morning. The rain held off and we were able to knock out a pretty large area. We had a couple brief conversations with folks in that community. Neither one was "good" but the Lord is able to work in anyone's heart. The first was with a man who is an atheist and says he has been all his life. He is elderly now and believes that death is the end. Please pray that God will awaken John's heart. The second was with a woman who believes in a "power" but not in God. She definitely rejects Jesus.
This afternoon I researched options for a portable baptismal pool. I settled on a portable hot tub and believe that this will work well for us. Please pray for those who are going to follow the Lord in baptism. We have a few children and one adult needing to be baptized.
Visitor. :)
26/06/2016 12:59We enjoyed having a lady join us for our morning service today. She is a believer and that was a speical joy. Please pray for her as she is seeking the Lord's leading as she finds a church in our area.
I preached this morning a message on "The Certainty in Uncertainty." If you are struggling with what is going on politically, you may enjoy listeing in as we looked at God's sovereignty in human government. Praise God - HE IS IN CONTROL!
God gave us a good morning and we thank God for His grace and thank you for praying.
Gala Day!
25/06/2016 18:29Thank you for your prayer for our day today. God was incredibly good to keep the rain away. The rain was all around but not in Loanhead. It is sprinkling right now but not a drop of rain fell on our tent.
We had great responses from the many people who brought their kids by our tent. Please pray for the Holiday Bible Club invitations that went out. There seemed to be quite a bit of interest in those invitations. We also enjoyed catching up with many friends in our community.
Some of your have inquired about Brexit. Britain has voted to leave the European Union (British Exit ='s Brexit). A weaker Pound or Euro makes a strong dollar. So, the missionaries you support in Europe are getting an increase in their buying power. I share that just in case you were worried about how it is affecting missions in Europe.
Please keep praying about the building. We received a response to our "pre application planning permission" and it was a positive response. Their only concern is the sound during our song service and it's impact on the neighbor in the adjoining property. This is not something that we think will hinder us from getting planning permission. But, do please pray for wisdom about that.
We still need financing or another way forward with the property. So, please continue to pray for God's open door in His perfect timing. Thank you for your prayers. God's gave us a great day! Enjoy the pictures....the cutest one's last. You'll know it when you see it.... I hope!
23/06/2016 09:14Today is the vote (referendum) on whether Britain will remain in the European Union or come out (British Exit ='s Brexit). The polls have been very close. So, we shall see what is decided.
I enjoyed doing Flyers with Missionary Don Dillman yesterday. We were in a wealthy area. If you don't believe me, you should have seen the red Ferrari in the driveway of one of the houses. We didn't have any divine appointments but we were able to put out a good number of flyers.
The night before God gave me a very interesting chat with a man who is a tv writer and producer. I really enjoyed talking to him.
I forgot to mention that last Saturday night I had a great talk with 6 young people. They said they were going to come to church last Sunday but did not. Two of these have previously attended our church. Two others came to the football outreach. Please pray that these kids will have the courage to come.
I was able to get my painting finished for the Gala Day. It is about 8-9 feet tall and has cut outs for faces. We're looking forward to a great day on Saturday.
21/06/2016 11:31I enjoyed getting back into the routine a little bit this morning as I put out flyers. The Lord gave me some encouragement as I met a young man from Ghana, Michael, (25) who is saved. He lit up when he spoke about his relationship with God.
We have a ministry prayer request this week as we get ready for our participation at our children's fair on Saturday. (Gala Day) Please pray that the weather will be good. This is important to our ministry as well as a testimony to those who run the event. We let them know every year that we are praying for good weather. Please also pray for many divine appointments. The HBC flyer arrived yesterday and it is perfect. Thank you for taking these requests to the Lord.