Enjoying some new things....
25/09/2016 12:49We are enjoying some new things at church just now. A children's SS class in Schaumburg IL gave money for us to get a custom tablecloth for our back table. It is a lovely addition to our church decor. We appreciate their desire to help in a practical way with our ministry. We also purchased a wireless microphone which will helps with our PA system. Once we have everything going we will also have much better quality sermon audio.
Our attendance has been good as of late. Katie is regularly collecting several children and a mother to bring them to church. The kid's class was very large this morning. The children also sang in our morning service and did a wonderful job. They faithfully come to choir practice a half hour before our evening service to practice. Their ministry was a blessing.
I preached this morning on being good stewards of "God's Goods" from Matthew 25, the parable of the stewards.
Thank you for praying for our church. We need God's enablement in our ministry and appreciate your participation through prayer.
Had to go to my back up F.D.T....
20/09/2016 16:30Those of you who have followed this for a while know about my F. D. T. (Flyer Distribution Tool.) Those untrained in the use of an F. D. T. would think that it was just a plain ordinary cheese board. An F. D. T. is important because it keeps dogs from ripping your hand through the mail slot. It also allows the flyer to be put through the mail slot without being wrinkled.
An example of the seriousness of using an F.D.T. took place today as a wee scotty dog jumped playfully on the other side of the mail slot. Hidden under that barking soft cuddly exterior was a lurking beast that would shred anything put through the mail slot. I mistimed it's bounces and pushed my flyer and F.D.T. through the mail slot when it's mouth was within striking range. Thankfully I had a relaxed grip on the handle of my F.D.T. which kept the dog from being pulled back through the mail slot but also meant I lost my cheese board. But, not to worry, since I always carry a back up in case of a situation such as this.
Will I get my cheese board back? I don't know. The owner wasn't home. The last time I followed up on a lost cheese board the owner of the home had binned it thinking some kids were teasing their dog. :(
Thank you for praying for the new flyers! :) I was able to put it out yesterday morning as well and have put out over a 1,000 so far.
Upon the first day of the week....
18/09/2016 12:48....we walked to church with 12 children. :) We are enjoying having our extended family with us. My brother in law flew back from his business trip in France to be with us yesterday and most of today. He has another week in France but will get back here next Saturday. They'll then stay until Tuesday of the following week. Schooling went well this week as all of the kids got back to their studies.
We had a good morning. Our visitors from WI are with us for another Sunday. The little girl who visited last week was back today as well. I preached this morning on "Mind Your Mind" from Philippians. It is interesting to note how many times Paul mentions words regarding the mind in that small book. If "joy" wasn't the theme of Philippians then "mind" would be.
God has given us a great day. Thank you for praying.
Encouraging divine appointment....
15/09/2016 13:41As I put out flyers this morning I saw a 16 year old that I know from a previous divine appointment a few months ago. He smiled when he saw me and told me that he still had our church tract in his bedroom.
The first time I met him I had witnessed to he and his four friends. Of all of them he had seemed the most interested. One the way back I saw the tracts torn up on the pavement and the teens about a quarter of a mile further down the path. I had collected all the pieces and put them in a rubbish bin. When I passed them again I said that I had found the tracts they had dropped. He took his tract from his back pocket and told me that he still had his. A couple weeks later he told me the same thing.
Please pray for God to use this young man and save him to reach others. I encouraged him this morning to stand up against the peer pressure and come and visit our church.
I also had a great divine appointment yesterday morning as I spoke with a man for about 20 minutes. His family was communist and they never went to church. He is a professed atheist. God clearly led in our conversation. Please pray for God to awaken his heart.
Thank you for praying for these opportunities.
More flyers....
13/09/2016 16:30I've enjoyed listening to Evangelist John Goetsch as I've been out doing flyers the last two days. I use my ear buds and take them out when I have opportunity to speak with someone. I had several opportunities today to speak with individuals who have visited our church in the past. One man attended our church for several months the first year we were here. His life is not going well just now and I was able to encourage him that Jesus is the answer. Please pray for him and for all of these that they will desire Christ.
We began painting today with Mr. Alec. There were 6 kids painting today as three of my nieces/nephew were present. God has given us a great art class for the kids. Thank you for praying for our day!
An Interesting Sunday
12/09/2016 11:52The Lord gave us an interesting Sunday as we had guest from South Carolina (our relatives), a pastor and his wife from NYC, a supporting church couple from WI, and friends up from England. We also had a young girl visit for the first time. She has been desirous of attending for the last couple of weeks and we were so glad that he parents allowed her to come.
I preached yesterday morning on Evangelism from Paul's testimony before King Agrippa in Acts 26 . It's interesting that God did not appear before Paul just to keep Paul from going to Hell. He appeared to him for the purpose of making him a minister of the Gospel to the Gentiles. Paul wasn't disobedient to the call of God.
I have just uploaded the message Dr. Steadman preached on the Theology of the Call of God. If you have time to listen to it, I'm sure it would be a blessing to you.
This morning I did a couple hours of evangelism as I began putting out the new Gospel flyer. Please pray for this flyer to touch the hearts of those who read it. I had one divine appointment and believe the man was convicted by God's truth.
We postponed our baptismal service yesteray as the woman who was to be baptized sprained her arm. Lord willing, we will be able to go forward with this service in the very near future.
It has been fun having our relatives here. Yesterday, Kay Lee and her two cousins played their violins at the assisted living service and our evening service. My sister in law also was able to play the piano at the assisted living service to allow Katie to rest her leg. Below is a picture of the kids in our home just now. Hope it brings a smile to your face!
Katie Health Update
10/09/2016 17:10Thank you for praying for Katie. She is doing much better and able to get around a bit more. Lord willing, the infection won't come back. Please pray for her complete healing from what must have been a pretty serious infection.
Jason, my brother-in-law, did door to door with me this afternoon. The Lord gave us the opportunity to speak briefly with 5 or 6 individuals. Many of them claim the church of Scotland as their church. Only one of them attended the church weekly. None of them showed a clear understanding of the Gospel. Please pray for God to awaken hearts.
12 kids, 14 and younger....
07/09/2016 09:19Life is a bit crazy around the Shore home just now. The Steadmans didn't get to fully escape all of the craziness. We have my wife's sister's family staying with us for a few weeks while my brother in law works in France. They arrived on Monday and the Steadmans left yesterday morning. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a large home and we really do have enough space for everyone.
We had a wonderful weekend with the Steadmans. They are both very gracious and were a blessing to our church family. Dr. Steadman preached on the theology of God's call and the churches responsibility to those whom God calls. Mrs. Steadman also spoke to our ladies' on Monday night at our monthly ladies' meeting.
Meanwhile, Katie decided to have a bit of an emergency while they were here. She had a non traumatic problem with her knee swelling up Friday and proceeded to get a fever on Sunday. So, Sunday night we were in the emergency room until 3:30 Monday morning. She has been on penicillin since then and it is getting better. The swelling has gone down quite a bit but there is still infection. Please pray for God's healing. We had a follow up appointment yesterday and one more today. We'll let you know if anything worsens. But, Lord willing, she is on the road to recovery.
We have a baptismal service planned for this Sunday as Helen follows the Lord in believers baptism. This is a big step of faith for her! I know she would appreciate your prayers. Please also pray for our assisted living service at the trust this Sunday. We appreciate your prayers very much. God gave abundant grace this weekend even though life was not what we had planned.
The Dillmans
31/08/2016 13:52Don and I did flyers on his side of Edinburgh today. God gave us a great divine appointment with a woman who said, "I've just recently started looking for a church." Please pray for this lady. She taught at a local high school for 35 years and has just retired. She now has time to go to church.
Please also pray for the Dillmans as thy move home. For the last year they have been doing furlough replacement. They have now bought a home and are going to soon be planting a church. Thanks for your prayers!
Still here....
29/08/2016 13:49Wow, we have had a busy but good weekend. It began on Friday with a great youth activity. We had 14 teens attend including 8 first timers. Please pray for God to break through to these young people. We were very thankful for each one who came.
Two of those teens (not included in the 8 first time visitors) were Missionary Kids. We enjoyed having the Tom Britten family at our church this weekend. God gave us a great Lord's day. Our attendance was very strong for all three services. Thank you for praying for that day.
Today I went into Edinburgh to do some evangelism. I was there for 2 hours and spoke to three different young men each for about half an hour. Please pray for Fabio, Greg and Mike. It was obvious to me that the Lord was working each one of their hearts.
Now, we are getting ready to have Dr. and Mrs. Steadman join us this coming weekend as our emphasis on missions continues next Sunday. Ruth is also going to do our ladies' meeting on the 5th. We'd appreciate your prayers for these special opportunities for the Lord to work.