Article archive
Divine appointment
21/02/2017 13:05
The Lord gave me a wonderful divine appointment today with a man in a village about 20 miles from her. Richard spoke with me for about 40 minutes. It was a very good conversation as I listened to him and he listened to me. I believe God is working in this man's heart. Please pray that God would...
The Man Who WAS Lost
19/02/2017 12:45
I enjoyed preaching a Gospel message about a lost man this morning whom Jesus found. I preached on Zacchaeus from Luke 19. It is a great passage to remember that we need to be aware of divine appointments that we take them when God gives them. Men like Zacchaeus are depending upon us to be in tune...
Holiday Bible Club
16/02/2017 15:11
The Lord gave us a fun ministry day with our Holiday Bible Club. The kid's really enjoy this one day event. We had 14 children and 7 teens plus a few adults. Katie told a missionary story from the life of a Scot who went to Thailand as a missionary. The kids enjoyed their craft, pizza and wacking...
Happy Valentine's Day!
14/02/2017 12:54
Today I got out to share the love of God in a village about 15 miles away. I was able to put out quite a few flyers in a couple of hours but didn't have any divine appointments. Every opportunity to speak with someone was a closed door. As I got in my car afterwards, I thought that walking for two...
Trust Service - this afternoon
12/02/2017 12:40
Our house is busy as we get ready to go to the Trust (assisted living facility) for a service this afternoon. We're looking forward to that ministry. We missed it last month as I was away in Israel. We have 4 teens at our home for lunch. Counting our two oldest, we'll have 6 total and that is a...
Outreach this week....
08/02/2017 13:12
I had two great witnessing opportunities on Monday as I took bus into Edinburgh to hand out flyers. It was cold and I didn't know what kind of lengthy opportunities I would get. The first conversation was with a lady who doesn't think you have to go to church to pray. She believes in God and prays....
Unchanging God
05/02/2017 12:46
I enjoyed preaching this morning on Psalm 85. The Psalmist looks in the past at what God has done to get on his knees in the present and pray for what God would do in the future. We had very good attendance in SS and church. It was also a joy to hear our children sing this morning.
Yesterday Benson...
01/02/2017 11:45
I put flyers through a small village (50 houses) this morning about 10 miles away. The countryside surrounding this village is beautiful. The Lord gave me two divine appointments this morning. I spoke with a young man who says that he is open but is definitely an atheist. Please pray that God will...
Roslin finished....
30/01/2017 11:58
It was very cold temperatures this morning but without wind and with sunshine it made for a decent morning to get out to do flyers. I was able to finish a village about 2 miles from Loanhead. I'm going to target some villages a bit further away now that the close areas are completed.
I had one...
Good youth activity and good morning
29/01/2017 12:40
The Lord gave us a good youth activity on Friday. We had 7 teens out for the activity which was very good attendance. I preached on, "Taste and See that the Lord is good." Katie provided a great meal for us and we had a really good time.
This morning was a good service. We had an older man from the...
Items: 981 - 990 of 1789