Article archive
A GOOD morning.
28/05/2017 13:08
Everyone was able to be in church this morning and that was a blessing. God gave us a good spirit in the services and liberty in the teaching and preaching. We finished the last lesson for our leadership training. So, I now have the sermon audio, handouts and notes as a resource for anyone who...
It has been a busy weekend....
27/05/2017 22:37 far and tomorrow is Sunday. But, God has been good in our activities. He blessed with weather that was nearly too hot for our youth activity. We were in the low 80's. That is about 15 plus degrees above normal - so we were sweating. Three young boys joined us from the park and heard the Bible...
Flyers for Football Tournament
24/05/2017 13:39
This morning we began putting out flyers for our football tournament as well as the new Gospel flyer. Jonathan Washer and I went into Auchendinny this morning and did about 250-300 houses. I also showed him around the Glencouse Centre where the tournament will be held. This even is going to be here...
A new name in glory....
21/05/2017 13:24
Last night Jonathan Washer, his son and myself did some evangelism in a park near where they are staying. A 15 year old boy, Andre' was there and I was albe to with open Bible share the Gospel with him. He prayed to accept Jesus as His Saviour. I don't know that we will ever see Andre' again if his...
The Washer Family has Arrived
18/05/2017 15:41
Benson went with me yesterday to meet the Washer's at Waverley Train Station in the heart of Edinburgh. They safely made it over here with their three boys, five large pieces of luggage, 4 carry on sutcases, and back packs. Praise the Lord. Jonathan said that there were several times where they had...
Flyers with Don in North Queensferry
17/05/2017 13:30
The Lord blessed us with beautiful weather today as we put out Gospel flyers for Don's church. Please pray for divine contacts for their ministry. It's hard getting started. God has given them one faithful lady so far and she has been a blessing to them. Please pray for others to join their...
The Washers are heading our way.
16/05/2017 11:26
Please pray for Jonathan and Emily Washer and their three boys as they head over to Scotland today. They have a long journey ahead of them as they fly into London and then take train to Edinburgh. Our church is excited about having them with us for the next three months. I sent our football flyer...
The flyer is here.
14/05/2017 13:00
The flyer arrived very quickly and got in on Friday. So, Lord willing, we will begin to put this flyer out in our area soon. We had a church flyer distribution scheduled in Edinburgh for Saturday but cancelled because of the weather. We've rescheduled for this Saturday, weather permitting.
New flyer off to printer....
10/05/2017 12:55
Thank you for praying for me as I wrote a new flyer. The Lord helped me get it done and off to print. I-ve Got PEACE, do you- page 1.pdf (2234500)I-ve Got PEACE, do you- page 2.pdf (534575) I've put links to the pdf here if you'd like to see the new flyer. It will be printed on heavy...
Flyers in North Middleton
08/05/2017 12:03
This morning I went to a village about fifteen minutes away from Loanhead and put out flyers. It's not a big village and I finished putting flyers out in about an hour. Please pray that they will be read and that they will impact the heart of those who received them. I thought of an idea for a new...
Items: 941 - 950 of 1789