Article archive

Day 5 and Sunday

31/07/2017 07:28
God gave us a great finish to a great week. We had 3 first time visitors on Friday. One of those came to the Thursday film night the night before. It was his first time ever to our church. We were praying that someone would come with whom we had not had contact before. Also, two of our HBC kids...

Day 3 and 4

27/07/2017 12:58
The Lord has given us two more really good days. It rained really hard yesterday and so we had an indoor game time. God blessed and that game was almost more exciting than anything we could have done outside. Our attendance was in the lower 20's. The attendance today was back into the upper 20's....

Day 2

25/07/2017 19:50
The Lord gave us a better turnout of children today. We had 26 children plus teens! We were thrilled to have many kids, which we hoped would attend, present. Also, my mom, dad and aunt all arrived safely. So, praise the Lord. Thanks for praying.

Day Number One

24/07/2017 20:46
We had a good starting attendance for HBC with 20 kids counting teens present. We had two first time visitors as well. The program went well and the weather was incredible. We don't anticipate (although we would love) that kind of weather all week but we do anticipate God's continued blessing on...

Getting ready for HBC.

23/07/2017 12:50
Special thank you to Evangelist Jonathan Washer for his ministry today. This is my first Sunday off in quite a while. Jonathan has been teaching our Adult/ Teen SS which he did this morning. He also preached the morning service this morning on Satisfaction from Jeremiah 2. (I am trying to get the...


20/07/2017 08:42
Our family enjoyed two days off the beginning of this week as we recovered from a busy schedule and celebrated Parker's 10th birthday. The weather on both days was wonderful which was an extra blessing! God also provided a second car for us in answer to prayer. There are several reasons we felt...

Day 5 and Sunday

16/07/2017 12:59
God gave us a good final day of HBC. We crashed afterwards and I forgot until late last night that I had not let you know how our final day went. We had the same attendance - but the day went very well and ended the week with much thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness. It is hard to express...

Day 3 and 4

13/07/2017 20:56
Our attendance has not changed from day 2 - but both children are still coming. Tonight one of the kids came with their mum to church. So, that was  a blessing. We had really good children attendance this evening in our midweek service as a number of our kids were back in church and one first...

Day 2

12/07/2017 10:32
Today is day 3 but I haven't yet updated on day 2. (We don't have our HBC until this afternoon.) God doubled our visiting attendance yesterday (smiley face) as we had two children visitors for which we again thank the Lord. This included the returning Monday visitor.  We appreciate your...

First Day of HBC

10/07/2017 17:32
We have worked hard as a church to get the word out about our HBC's this year. We put invitations out to all the primary schools (around 6,000 flyers that went out with students.) We passed out flyers in the parade. We put flyers out through Auchendinny. Last night our church knocked on the doors...
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