Article archive

Low attendance but good spirit. :)

03/12/2017 12:53
We had a good morning despite lower than normal attendance. Benson and I enjoyed reading Psalm 119 together in SS. I also enjoyed preaching this morning on Jeremiah 6, "Take Mercy and Not Judgment." Just as I finished the service I realized I had not recorded it. One of these days God will give me...

Secular and Sacred....

30/11/2017 09:13
In secular news today - the Shore family is getting a puppy on 16 December. :) Obviously there is a bit of excitement in our home. We've been talking about getting a dog for over a year as we sought to purchase a home. The kids didn't really believe we would until three days ago when I bought some...

Outreach this week....

29/11/2017 13:16
It was good to get out with Don Dillman today and do flyers in our area. We were able to get the flyer out to several hundred houses. It's a difficult time of year to have conversations with people outside as it is very cold. Please pray for divine appointments. Now we are getting ready to head out...


27/11/2017 16:13
The Lord gave us a good day yesterday. We had a first time adult visitor who attended with the lady who has been coming. It was great to have them there. Please pray for her health as it has been poor the last couple of weeks. I preached a message which I had preached before on being a doorkeeper...

Happy (late) Thanksgiving :)

25/11/2017 14:10
I am full and enjoying left over bbq turkey. We've had a fun Thanksgiving time. Amanda Baker and Beth Farrell arrived on Thanksgiving Day from England and are staying with us through the beginning of next week. So, we had our Thanksgiving dinner on Friday and it is still benefitting us. We also...

The first day of the week....

19/11/2017 13:02
It was a joy to be in church this morning. God gave us good attendance of our faithful folks. Our visitor and her daughter were not there. However, the mother let us know by text that the daughter was ill. The mum has expressed great delight in attending and we anticipate that they will keep...

What a blur!

15/11/2017 16:47
The last few days all run together. Josh and his son were a tremendous blessing. I'll try to list the projects that Josh and I (helping him - mostly handing him tools) did while he was here. Installed lights in boys room, school room, bathroom, outdoor motion scensor, 2 in living room, repaired two...

Refreshing morning....

12/11/2017 13:03
The Lord encouraged us this morning with visiting friends (the Dillmans) and a returning visitor (the mother and young daughter.) There was a good spirit this morning and we are looking forward what God is going to do at the Trust (assisted living facility) this afternoon. We also have a father and...


08/11/2017 15:31
It was another cold and frosty morning (sounds like poetry) this morning. It was fun to get back out with Missionary Don Dillman this morning over in his area on the South West Side of Edinburgh. We didn't have any good conversations with people but enjoyed fellowhsip while we put out Gospel...

Getting back in the routine....

06/11/2017 11:34
We have a somewhat normal week ahead of us and it feels good to be getting back into the routine. The kids are in school and mom is back. I was able to get out and do some evangelism this morning in the frosty cold weather. I didn't speak with anyone but enjoyed getting the Gospel out into our...
Items: 861 - 870 of 1789
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